Author Archives: Josh Hart

Protect Yourself! New Guides from Ron Powell PhD for Determining Frequency & Power of RF Pollution Using the Cornet ED88T Plus Electrosmog Meter

One of the more common misunderstandings about Radio Frequency (RF or Microwave) radiation from ‘smart’ meters, cell phones, cell towers, etc. is the difference between the frequency and power density of this radiation.  Frequency refers to the number of oscillations per second (eg. … Continue reading

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PG&E’s “Smart Grid” + Climate Crisis = Existential Risks

It’s looking like Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) is now responsible not only for igniting the Kincade Fire which has burned 66,000 acres in Sonoma County, California and now threatens more than 80,000 structures, but also two more fires in … Continue reading

Posted in California, Climate Change, CPUC, Democracy, Fires, PG&E, Smart Grid | Leave a comment

Olle Johansson – Free Talk in Santa Cruz, CA September 9th — Videos of Olle Santa Cruz Talk Now Posted

Stop Smart Meters! was founded nearly 10 years ago in Santa Cruz County and it was with great pleasure that we returned to our hometown on September 9th, 2019 to co-host EMF’s & Health – Where Do We Stand?, featuring … Continue reading

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New Wireless Public Health Warning Cards Now Available from Stop Smart Meters! Online Store

The new Stop Smart Meters! 4th Edition 2019 Public Health Warning 4×6” recycled, union-printed cards are now available for purchase in 50-packs in our online store for widespread distribution.  The new cards have been updated with language and imagery on the 5G … Continue reading

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International Action Day Opposing 5G, Smart Grid and the Toxic Wireless Industry- May 15th 2019

Happy Spring Everyone! Let’s get real for a moment– the telecom industry and the FCC have declared war against us, and we need to get serious about fighting back, and get a lot more radical, if we have a chance … Continue reading

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