We Discuss “Explosive Issue” of ‘Smart’ Meters on KSCO

Radiation from PG&E's 'Smart' Meters hurts small brains

Last Saturday, Stop Smart Meters! was invited onto the 2-hour Saturday Special on local  independent radio station KSCO to discuss our opposition to ‘smart’ meters.  You can stream the broadcast or download it here.  PG&E was invited to take part but declined.  Perhaps it’s because they would have to admit that they have not done any cumulative or long term studies on the health impacts from the EMF radiation emitted by their meters.  We’ll be back on the air tomorrow (Saturday September 4th 10am-Noon) discussing the issue with host Michael Zwerling.

In the meantime, as part of our “Wellington Watch” we’re encouraging you to keep your eyes peeled for those Wellington trucks anywhere you see them throughout the state.   Protests earlier this week forced PG&E’s contractors Wellington Energy to abandon their staging facility in Santa Cruz County.   Wellington is now operating from a secret, undisclosed location in the County, hiding from public opinion and a local government consensus that the meter rollout must halt because of concerns about privacy invasion, health impacts, and overbilling.  WTF PG&E?

Watch for trucks like this in your neighborhood!

If you have seen white pick up trucks with a shell and the words ‘Wellington Energy’ on the door (as in the photo above), please warn your neighbors that they are about to receive a meter on  their house that will hurt their health and invade their privacy.

People are encouraged to follow the truck back to its base and report the location to us.

PG&E can run, but they cannot hide from public opinion!

Posted in Citizen rebellion, Democracy, Health studies, PG&E | 7 Comments

Health Questions Loom Over Release of ‘Smart’ Meter Report

Cumulative impacts from multiple meters have not been studied by PG&E or the CPUC

City and County Ordinances Challenge PG&E’s Undemocratic Assault on Ratepayers

This morning, the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) released the report of an investigation into widespread accusations that PG&E’s so-called ‘smart’ meters are inaccurate and routinely overcharge customers, finding that the meters are “accurate.” Nevertheless, there is growing alarm over documented health impacts from the new meters that has in part led 20 cities and counties throughout California to demand an  immediate halt to smart meter installation.

Despite PG&E’s claims that Smart Meters are safe, no pilot program or independent study has ever taken place to evaluate the acute and long-term health, safety and environmental impacts from multiple meters, or the wireless infrastructure and mesh network in which the meters operate. Scientific studies linking wireless radiation to brain tumors and other adverse health impacts have led to local laws being passed in Fairfax and Watsonville that ban smart meters completely.  Short-term health impacts include headaches, sleep problems, dizziness, heart palpitations and stress.

“The installation of smart meters should be halted due to the associated health and environmental risks to our communities” said Stephany Aguilar, Council Member for the City of Scotts Valley.  “My being electrically sensitive reinforces my belief that people have a right to be safe in the homes. It is also imperative that we be provided an accurate accounting of our energy usage.”

According to Sandi Maurer, founder of the EMF Safety Network, “Forcing more wireless technologies on an already over-burdened RF polluted environment (from cell towers, cell phones, DECT phones and wi-fi) in the name of a green economy and climate protection is a disaster for public health and the environment.”

Questions have also been raised about the accuracy of the report itself.  The independence and neutrality of Structure Group, the consultants hired to carry out the investigation commissioned by the CPUC has been called suspect. PG&E has been one of Structure Group’s major U.S. clients for at least the past decade, including consultation regarding smart meters, and continues to be a major client of Structure Group. Thus, there is an obvious conflict of interest in them performing the PG&E investigation for the CPUC.

The investigation also ignores the many other serious problems with the ‘Smart’ Meter program, including privacy violations, vulnerability to hacking, fire safety, interference with electronic equipment, and higher carbon emissions.  Customers are being told they cannot opt out, even for documented health reasons.

According to Lawrence Bragman, Vice Mayor of Fairfax, a Marin town which has banned the meters, “This is not a democratically deployed system. It is being forced upon us by a series of undemocratic decision-makers. And the trustees of the information collected will be a series of corporations.”

Because of all of these factors, upset customers have been effectively blocking trucks attempting to leave the installation subcontractor’s staging areas, slowing or halting their work. Joshua Hart of Stop Smart Meters! who risked arrest to stop deployment of the meters, says: “The time is right to intervene in order to protect ourselves from the health damage, increased rates, and invasion of privacy that these meters are responsible for.”

The following local governments have demanded a halt to the ‘smart’ meter program:

City and County of San Francisco, Santa Cruz and Marin Counties, and the cities of Sebastopol, Berkeley, Cotati, Fairfax, Santa Cruz, Piedmont, Scotts Valley, Capitola, Watsonville, Sausalito, Belvedere, Monte Sereno, Novato, Richmond, Ross, Bolinas, and Camp Meeker

Posted in Citizen rebellion, CPUC, Democracy, Environmental Concerns, Health studies, PG&E | 2 Comments

Video Coverage of Santa Cruz County Protests

Hot off the presses, our video engineers have been working overtime to bring you the latest coverage of the citizen uprising against smart meters that has been going on in Santa Cruz County.  Keep an eye out for those Wellington trucks- PG&E can run- but they won’t be able to hide for long.

Posted in Citizen rebellion, Democracy, Environmental Concerns, PG&E | 8 Comments

Understanding Radio Frequency (Translated from the PG&ESE)

PG&E is facing increasing alarm and outrage from concerned citizens around the state who don’t understand how the company could inflict health damaging spikes of microwave radiation on the nice people of California without at least taking reasonable steps to test the devices for safety first.  How could a major corporation be so stupid and destructive?  Based on the thumbs up we regularly get from PG&E trucks passing our protests, I suspect that many of their own employees are still trying to figure that one out as well.  The growing awareness that all is not well with the smart meter’s emissions has led PG&E to publish a new page on their website: Understanding Radio Frequency.

Now we know that dealing with a mega corporation like PG&E can often feel like beating your head against the wall.  They say things like, “we’re continuing to engage our customers in a conversation about the benefits of smart meters.”  That’s a little like the guy downstairs who chain smokes responding to your complaints by saying that he’d like to engage with you about the advantages of inhaling second hand smoke.  That is not a conversation.  More like psychopathic self-deception as the walls of reality close in.

PG&E can be so obtuse and inhuman that it sometimes feels like they are speaking in a different language.  We believe they in fact are speaking a different language.  We call this corporate language PG&ESE.  So, as a public service to the people of California, we’ve taken the liberty of translating their new web page from PG&ESE- into English:

PG&ESE:  “As PG&E deploys SmartMeter™ gas and electric meters across Northern and Central California, some customers and communities are asking about the possible health effects of radio frequency emissions from the meters. We hope this information will help answer those questions.”

English Translation: As PG&E forces DumbMeter™ gas and electric meters onto residents across Northern and Central California, nearly two dozen cities and counties have demanded a halt to the program based on peer-reviewed scientific studies linking the types of emissions from DumbMeters™ to short and long term health impacts.  We hope the following information will help to play down these fears long enough for us to finish our installation of the millions of DumbMetersthat we were stupid enough to purchase using the rate increases that our friends at the CPUC approved.

PG&ESE: “We understand that our customers want to be well informed about new technologies. SmartMeter™ devices are digital meters that have been widely used since the 1980s. The new development is a small 1-watt radio that allows two-way communication between the customer and PG&E, which enables the customer to review their daily energy use.”

English Translation: We understand that not all of our customers wish to be treated like guinea pigs, subjected to unprecedented levels of electromagnetic radiation in their home environment, which have increased more than a thousand-fold since the 1980’s thanks to our friends in the telecom industry (where our CEO Peter Darbee hails from).  The truth is that we don’t really care.  What we do care about is our huge billion dollar annual profits, which will increase as soon as we are able to layoff the 1000 pesky meter readers who demand a paycheck every month unlike the digital devices we are replacing them with.  We’re too cheap to spring for the extra cost of using shielded cables to transmit customer usage data so we decided to use wireless technology instead. We just feel like your health is expendable.

PG&ESE:  “A SmartMeter™ device transmits relatively weak radio signals, resembling those of many other devices we use every day, like cell phones and baby monitors. A major radio station, by contrast, usually transmits with 50,000 times as much power.”

English Translation:  “A DumbMeter™ device transmits relatively weak radio signals compared with your microwave oven (which we initially asked the FCC for permission to install but we realized that humans who are cooked like hot dogs have trouble authorizing a debit account).  We’ll conveniently neglect to mention that cell phone and baby monitor wireless technologies have been implicated in brain tumors and other nasty lethal ailments, trusting that the public’s ignorance of wireless impacts will hold out long enough for us to finish installation.

PG&ESE: “Based on years of studying whether radio waves cause health effects, the Federal Communications Commission has adopted Maximum Permissible Exposure limits for radio transmitters of all types, including smart meters. It includes a prudent margin of safety just in case some health effects are too subtle to have been detected. Even so, SmartMeter™ devices operate far below the limit—typically only about one-seventieth as much.”

English translation:  Based on years of lobbying and purchasing of elected officials by the telecommunications industry, the Federal Communications Commission has adopted Convenient Exposure Limits that are far higher than most other countries, who have acted in order to protect human health.  It includes a healthy margin of profit in case any of these pesky “health advocates” interfere with the massive rollout of cell towers and wireless technology that will allow us to play golf and eat steak dinners until we die of a cell phone induced glioma ourselves.

Because the truth is kinda scary- that DumbMetersactually emit more intense bursts of microwave radiation than have been found to be biologically damaging – we need to time-average that data to obscure the real impact on you and your family.   With some apartments having more than 30 meters mounted on walls less than three feet from where children sleep, we hope you won’t ask about cumulative impacts, or calculate peak emissions.  We just did the math and realized we might have made a little boo boo and that smart meters might result in bursts of radiation that are far more powerful than the radiation from a cell phone- a miscalculation that might result in thousands of cancer cases in a few years.  Instead of admitting our mistake, we’d rather hide behind outdated FCC standards and hope we won’t end up like the tobacco company executives.

PG&ESE: “Exposure is based on the transmitter’s power and your distance from the source. In general, doubling your distance cuts the so-called “power density” by a factor of four. That’s a major reason why radio waves from a smart meter, at a distance of 10 feet, are only about one one-thousandth as much as a typical cell phone. That’s also why powerful but distant radio and TV transmitters are not seen as posing any danger.”

English translation:  Exposure is based on the transmitter’s power and your distance from the source.  Unfortunately for residents of California, they will never be too far away from a DumbMeter that will add to the already significant electrosmog from Wifi, cordless phones and cell phones. We now admit that people with pacemakers should stay at least six inches away from our DumbMeters which we sort of forgot to mention when we rolled out the technology.

PG&ESE: “Some people wonder if the long-term use of devices like cell phones might have unexpected health effects even if daily exposure is low. The World Health Organization advises: “A large number of studies have been performed over the last two decades to assess whether mobile phones pose a potential health risk. To date, no adverse health effects have been established for mobile phone use.” And cell phones are typically held against your head when in use, while smart meters are outside your house, on the other side of the wall.”

English translation:  Some people manage to do research for themselves and break through the corporate spin world that everything is okay and they can just carry on using cell phones and wifi and living with their DumbMeter as if there’s no problem.  The World Health Organization, which is currently investigating electromagnetic fields from cell phones as a possible carcinogen, is worryingly not immune from the influence of the telecommunications industry itself, which lends itself to convenient quotable statements that we can use to keep people in the dark with.

PG&ESE:  “Should you be concerned about long-term exposure to smart meters, even if scientists can’t find any trace of health problems from cell phones? Common sense suggests not. Consider that SmartMeter™ devices transmit only about 45 seconds a day. You’d have to live with one of our meters for more than 1,000 years to get as much exposure to radio waves as a typical cell phone user gets in just one month.”

English translation: Should you be concerned about long-term exposure to DumbMeters™ considering that virtually every long term study not funded by the cell phone industry has found a connection with glioma brain tumors?  Common sense suggests that- yes- you’d have to be either pretty gullible or totally trusting of our government to think that you were safe being exposed to these levels of radiation.  Consider that DumbMeter™ devices can transmit up to 50% of the time according to independent tests, and may be relaying information from up to 1000 of your neighbors homes, using intense bursts of radiation that have been shown in scientific trials to be the most biologically damaging.  But we’ll just continue referring to it as radio frequency because that sounds a lot more innocuous than microwave radiation, which is what it really is.

Posted in Citizen rebellion, Health studies, PG&E | 10 Comments

We Shut Down PG&E Smart Meter Installation in Santa Cruz County Today!

Come and join us tomorrow (Friday) morning and every morning until the County protects the citizens and passes an emergency ordinance banning ‘smart’ meters in Santa Cruz County.  Call your supervisor at (831) 454-2200 and demand that they act ASAP!


PG&E Contractor Wellington Energy Backs Down as Local Governments Unite Against Meters

Early Thursday morning, outraged Santa Cruz County residents gathered at the gates of Wellington Energy at 38th and Portola in Capitola to protest what they say is a forced installation of radiating ‘smart’ meters against the will of residents and nearly two dozen local governments throughout the Greater Bay Area.  Despite the fact that the $2.2 billion program is being funded by ratepayers, and the new meters installed on people’s homes, there has been virtually no public consultation in advance of what PG&E itself admits is one of the largest rollouts of technology in history.

PG&E’s smart meter troubles have mounted significantly this week.  Tuesday night, the City of Novato demanded a halt to the program, and Watsonville unanimously passed the most stringent law in the state banning smart meters within city limits, following the lead of Fairfax in Marin County.  Santa Cruz County, Capitola and numerous other local governments throughout the state are planning to follow their lead, responding to inaction by PG&E and the CA Public Utilities Commission in the face of peer-reviewed scientific studies that suggest the meters may have serious unintended health consequences, similar to cell phones which have been linked with brain tumors in many recent studies.[1]

Heidi Bazzano, one of the protesters at 38th and Portola this morning, said, “there are so many problems with ‘smart’ meters. PG&E, the government, and any hacker worth his salt will know when you wake up, what appliances you use, when you go on vacation.  The meters overcharge people, increase carbon emissions, expose us to EMF which is a confirmed carcinogen, and worst of all, we’re paying for them through hikes in our electric rates!”

Those who are electrically sensitive have reported that the intense bursts of radiation from ‘smart’ meters are amongst the worst they have ever experienced.  People throughout the state have been reporting headaches, nausea, dizziness, sleep disruption and other health impacts after smart meters are installed.   PG&E has declined to remove the new meters even though they are causing adverse health impacts, leading some local residents to flee the state and stay with relatives.  Some have even been forced into homelessness, living in their cars with the hope that their smart meter will be removed.

In addition, plans to charge customers more during peak times have been condemned by consumer groups.  The elderly, invalid, and people with small children are typically unable to avoid using energy during peak times, especially during winter and daylight savings time. These vulnerable populations will be penalized the most by being forced to pay dramatically increased rates during peak times.

Protesters vow to continue their protests at the former Big Creek lumber site at 38th and Portola in Capitola until the County of Santa Cruz passes an emergency ordinance banning smart meters in the County.

The following local governments, politicians, and organizations are calling for a moratorium, have enacted a ban, or are opposing Smart Meters:

The Utility Reform Network, State Senator Dean Florez, the City and County of San Francisco, Santa Cruz and Marin County Board of Supervisors, Sonoma County Supervisor Efren Carrillo, the cities of Sebastopol, Berkeley, Cotati, Fairfax, Santa Cruz, Piedmont, Scotts Valley, Capitola, Watsonville, Sausalito, Belvedere, Monte Sereno, Novato, Richmond, Ross, Bolinas, Camp Meeker, the Peace and Freedom Party, the Marin Association of Realtors and The EMF Safety Network.

Details of tomorrow’s emergency protest:

Where: Corner of 38th and Portola, Capitola

When:  Friday, August 27th 7:30am- 9:30am or longer

[1] http://www.sciencenews.org/view/generic/id/59296/title/Interphone_study_finds_hints_of_brain_cancer_risk_in_heavy_cell-phone_users

Posted in Citizen rebellion, Democracy, PG&E | 24 Comments