Smart Meter Lawsuits

Screen Shot 2015-06-04 at 5.37.44 PMSummary of Selected Smart Meter Lawsuits

This information was obtained with permission from It is in the process of being updated- please bear with us and if you have any information to add please contact us.

Links on how to file your own lawsuits or complaint:
Medical Request not to have a Smart Meter


HEALTH —Southern California Edison
Plantiff claimed negative health effects after smart meter was installed (Legal Documents).
\SUCCESS!!! The judge ordered the Utilities company pay for health damages or remove the meter! (Settlement Documents

Privacy, Constitutional Violations, Security Risks–Kauai, Hawaii
Adam Asquith filed for a Federal Injunction against the instillation of smart meters (Court Filing DocumentsNews Story.
SUCCESS!  The Utilities Company offered a settlement (Settlement Document) and agreed NOT to install a smart meter on the plaintiff’s property. (News report)

Mark Naea, a neighbor of Adam Asquith (who won his case against smart meters) filed a formal complaint (Legal Document) that he should not have to pay the court fees and file a separate case to get the opt-out option that was court awarded to his neighbor.
SUCCESS!!! The Public Utilities Commission ordered (Legal Document) Kauai Island Utility Cooperative(KIUC) to address  his complaint.

A legal complaint objecting to multiple aspects of smart meters. Overview
SUCCESS!!  The court ruled that the Utilities company DID NOT adequately address health and safety concerns and now must do so. Bangor Daily News

Update 6/4/15: After a 3 year PUC investigation into the health and safety of smart meters following the Supreme Court remand mentioned previously, the Commission ruled smart meters were basically safe enough. There was no vote held by the two commissioners and one of them recognized RF could probably cause adverse health effects and thought no cost opt outs [using a smart meter with transmitter disabled] should be available when suggested by a physician. Because the opinion made little sense and Central Maine Power never met their statutory burden to show safety was ensured with smart meters, opponents have appealed the decision, once more to the Maine Supreme Judicial Court. At this point, appellants brief has been filed, appellee’s brief is due June 30th and then opponents have 14 days to file a response. After this, oral arguments will be scheduled. More information and updates on the case can be found here.


Complaint that the PUC (Public Utilities Commission) did not address safety, Constitutional Privacy and health concerns. (New Story on Outcome)
SUCCESS! The Supreme Judicial Court findings are that they did not properly address these problems (health and safety) and MUST do so. The Court not agree the Privacy concerns were not addressed.


On July 9, 2010, Larry Nikkel died in a fire believed to be caused by smart meter.

Smart Meters have been “mandated” in British Columbia, however Plantiff contests that the wireless component is part of the mandate.(Press Release) (News story) (Formal Letter of Complaint – legal Document) (Letter of Complaint- scroll down)
Status: Appeal to be heard in October

HEALTH –Central California
Lawsuit filed against the CPUC (Central Public Utilities Commission) for ignoring evidence of harmful health effects of Smart Meters. (Latest updateLink on story
Status:Newly filed.

A top PG&E executive was caught spying and attempting to infiltrate a nonprofit to gather information about a forthcoming lawsuit. (Coverage of case) Curious and curiouser. (Legal Order to investigate)

Filed by an Electro-magnetic consulting firm,Wilner and Associates this Class Action Lawsuit list multiple ten grievances and is seeking $10,000 per customer who has experienced negative health effects. (Story) (Case Filing)

Residents have filed a federal lawsuit (News article) seeking an injunction to instillation (Court Documents)
Up to date info on the case
Status:Discovery phase of the case

Cases “Loss” (aka opportunity to learn so we win the next round)


According to the lawsuit, the Don Baker, plaintiff, is an engineer and was an AMI smart grid project manager.  He alleges the smart meters were not properly tested, and were seriously flawed. He found that the Sensus iConA had a “tendency to drastically overheat, and melt or burn”.  He was asked to keep quiet and was eventually terminated for failing to do so.

Status: The fire issue was not the focus of the case, it was misuse of Federal Funds.The District Attorney chose not to pursue the case, not based on the fire hazard claims, but claiming Federal Money was not misused. (case documents)


A class action lawsuit (Case documents) filed against Texan Utilities company Oncor. (News Story, Video)
Status: Case Dismissed (One analysis of why it failed)

(7/14) OVERCHARGING Bakersfield California
Initially an individual case alleging overcharging  of smart meters (Initial Filing), this turned into a class action lawsuit (News report).
Status: Initially SUCCESS! Then

80 Responses to Smart Meter Lawsuits

  1. AB OZ says:

    need info.

  2. AB OZ says:

    I am interested in analog of off- the- grid house electric meter for my home. Could consider solar energy.

  3. Randy says:

    I’m glad to see people standing up for there rights, but you all haven’t even began to scratch the surface. Let me give you more bad news, You know our weather, how crazy it is? If you look up the information, our weather was the first thing they kicked GOD out of back in 1946. WHAT!!!!, Look up weather modification, Look up Geo Engineering David Keith on you tube. Look up H.A.R.R.P and what it does. Anybody dealing with a very high pitch in there ear? Rining in the ear that is HARRP being used. Look up the patent for it, Because all the information is there. Look up the patent for space base laser weapon and what it can do the look at all the sink holes in the world. Look up massive animal deaths. Look up all the chemicals being dumped in our waters all around the globe. People you need to look up all the things being discovered with new technolgy. Our History is all wrong, We are just now starting to catch up with what they uised in the past. I know it sounds crazy, that’s why I can’t get anything done. Damn near gotr locked up for showing what I know. The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) was an ionospheric research program jointly funded by the U.S. Air Force, the U.S. Navy, the University of Alaska[clarification needed], and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).[1] Designed and built by BAE Advanced Technologies (BAEAT), its purpose was to analyze the ionosphere and investigate the potential for developing ionospheric enhancement technology for radio communications and surveillance.[2] The HAARP program operated a major sub-arctic facility, named the HAARP Research Station, on an Air Force-owned site near Gakona, Alaska.

    The most prominent instrument at the HAARP Station is the Ionospheric Research Instrument (IRI), a high-power radio frequency transmitter facility operating in the high frequency (HF) band. The IRI is used to temporarily excite a limited area of the ionosphere. Other instruments, such as a VHF and a UHF radar, a fluxgate magnetometer, a digisonde (an ionospheric sounding device), and an induction magnetometer, were used to study the physical processes that occur in the excited region.

    Work on the HAARP Station began in 1993. The current working IRI was completed in 2007, and its prime contractor was BAE Systems Advanced Technologies.[1] As of 2008, HAARP had incurred around $250 million in tax-funded construction and operating costs. It was reported to be temporarily shut down in May 2013, awaiting a change of contractors. In May 2014, it was announced that the HAARP program would be permanently shut down later in the year.[3] Ownership of the facility and its equipment was transferred to the University of Alaska Fairbanks in mid-August 2015.[4]

    • Johnett Wells says:

      What does this have to do with digital utility meters? Can you please explain? And what we can do?

      • Ed says:

        These companies, in tandem with Gvt. and 3 letter agencies are usurping the airwaves with signals that interfere with our bodily functioning. People are getting sick everywhere. They shared because the only way we would even be able to ever do anything to improve our crappy situation is for more people to know, and act. Otherwise, were pretty much doomed.

    • Rose says:

      Not to mention Covid was a hoax to turn on 5G, then to inject everyone with the snake juice. But no one wants to be bothered with any of this, they all need their Tik Tok,


  5. Helen says:

    Very sick, smart meters fueling disease and inhibiting my ability to heal; stealing my life! If one is going to make a class-action lawsuit, please contact me.

    • Anita Hernendez says:

      I want in on the suit as well

    • Tonya moore says:

      I’m in st.louis an I ready to help gt this lawa suit ASAP because it’s happening invisible they killing us putting this shit in homes silently us killing household member like they just died an they been sick or something an raping invisible

      • Susan M says:

        Hi Tonya. I’m also in St. Louis. Any ideas how we can join forces against utility? They want to charge $100 to have non-standard meter installed but they don’t charge to install smart meter. This makes no sense. A meter change is a meter change. Additionally, $45/month to read the meter. We can read the analog meter ourselves and report to utility. People are not aware of the implications of “smart” meters. We the people need to rise up and fight this. We need an army of folks against this. How can we make this happen?

    • Rose says:

      Not to mention Covid was a hoax to turn on 5G, then to inject everyone with the snake juice. But no one wants to be bothered with any of this, they all need their Tik Tok,

    • Mr. Miller says:

      Oct 17, they installed Smart meters in my neighborhood. I called the utility company and told them I did not want one. I then had the person installing them remove the one he just replaced and put the old one back. Cut to December 10 they put one in without my knowledge or consent. They will not take it out without a signed piece of paper. On top of that they want to charge me $80+ dollars to switch it back along with and extra $16+ dollars a month.

  6. Andie Traphagan says:

    Just got a $7536.39 PG&E bill. The new smart meter they said has misread the reading to our park for 4 months.
    Here’s the background on this park….we have 10 people in this park. The average bill before in our cycle is $1539.00 They are now estimating us to go over $3600.00 next month and we are now being billed back for 4 months of what they deem we owe for a past amount. All total over $11, 000 due by next month. Their reasoning ….. They say their new smart meter finally caught up and they were able to go back 4 months and in a sense guess what are usage was for the park…and what the usage will be.
    In the end we were told … To bad you have to pay what we think you owe or it will be shut off!!! This is criminal and I know were not the only one as I’ve been online researching this and we are finding the makers of this smart meter have had nationwide problems and to top it all off a Federal grand jury is investigating PG&E and the California Public Utilities Commission for fraudulently working together!
    BOTTOM LINE—- There is no way we are using 3 times the electricity and the makers of the NEW SMART METERS KNOW THEIR PRODUCT HAS DEFECTS!!!
    We need to protest the new Smart meters and we all need to start a lawsuit and go after PG&E, the California Public Utilities Commission and the makers of the new smart meter for fraudulently raising our rates to pad their pockets with illegal price guessing!!!! We need to unite statewide and open a lawsuit against this company!!! This is extortion at its WORST!!!

    • Islandgirl says:

      I’ve been in a new apartment for only 21 days and the electric company says I have a credit of over a thousand dollars! I barely use electric or water and should have a low bill but this proves smart meters billing cannot be trusted

  7. Pg&e are charging us an almost 4,000 dollar bill, because they claimed we didn’t pay a 857 dollar deposit which we were never told we had to pay, we are on disability and have life support machines at home, we have doctors note and gave them a copy, getting help from heap and Salvation Army is impossible due to the amount of the bill, we are currently on pins and needles with these money hungry lunatics

  8. Clarissa havens says:

    I became very I’ll in my home shortly after the smart meter was installed. I remained in the home 7 more years. I thought the house or something in it was making me sick. I slept not even two feet away from the meter. I became so I’ll that I could not work. I lost my home and moved into my motorhome in an rv park. Soon after I moved into the park my health began to improve. It’s been almost two years and I am feeling 90 % better. I became convinced that the house made me sick. Then I came across something online about smart meters and put everything together. It all made since now….all the symptoms…. Headaches, fatigue, dizziness, heart palpitations, body ache, nausea… Etc. This was everyday. Now I’m afraid to move into a house or apartment. I’m afraid of smart meters.

  9. Johnny Bob says:

    I live in Mt Vernon IL 62864 and opted out of gas & electric AMI meters from Ameren when they started installing them here a year ago. There were no extra charges on my bills until the current one where they’ve tacked on $24+tax for “Advanced meter refusal fees”. I read my own meters monthly over the past year and sent the results to them via email, demonstrating that it is not necessary for them to send someone out to read them. I’m now in process of engaging them legally. I have tried but so far am unable to arouse any public sentiment in my town to oppose them, so looks like I’m on my own. Any help appreciated. Thanks.

    • Islandgirl says:

      You can take a photo of ur meter , email it to their billing then they can read it themselves without paying to send staff to ur house to read it

      • Don Sweetser says:

        Duke Energy of North Carolina is forcing us to have the Smart Meter installed on our house. If we get a doctor’s letter indicating there is known illness that would be affected by a Smart Meter then we can have the meter read manually, but at a cost to have it read manually, $170.00 one time and additional monthly charges of $14.75.
        I like the idea of sending in a digital picture of the meter reading.

        • C dlouhy says:

          We are refusing to allow them to switch us to a smart meter. We are on solar panels and have energy credits and just rcvd a bill that they reversed our last 5 mts and are saying we owe almost $900 now. We will fight as much as possible.

    • sound says:

      file a complaint with anyone that will listen…start here..

    • D. Scheidt says:

      Good for you ! I’m experiencing a similar fate with the exception that the EXCEL ENERGY Company hasn’t been approved to actuate their BS Program yet. I want to stop them and would like any suggestions.

  10. Len Miskulin says:

    I am 65 year old and live in a shelters accommodation (40 flats) in UK. Last October I had offer of “free upgrade” for my electricity meter and as I did not know anything about “smart” meters and was not provided with any information my electricity provider fitted one. Almost immediately I got very sick, nausea, nasty headaches, disturbed sleep, itchy burning skin, muscle and joint pains and lot more. For last 16 years I was campaigning for fathers and children’s rights after divorce and that included two hunger strikes (2000 and 2010). I also suffered stroke in 2011 and that has possibly made me lot more vulnerable to microwave RFR.
    Google my name to verify.

    I personally believe that we are being deliberately irradiated to reduce population (google RFR effects on fertility) and that only course of action left to us is to fight back in the same way – delete the “elite”

    • Jerry says:

      live in tampa fla 7 years ago i moved into an apartment on the side off a house in perfect health the house had an analog meter when i moved in a year later a smart meter from tampa electric was placed on the home and months later my health scalated down hill and my life became a living hell, months after the meter was installed i developed pyrathyroid desiase ,hart arythmias ,positive lupus ana results and so on no doctor could figure out my issues and kept blaming my pyrathyroid for the effect off smart meter radiation like the constant weakness ,vertigo, burning off skin,skin pigment changes,bone and back pain,inflamed hands feets face,severe skin burning on chest ,neck and back,ringing in ears ,torturous sensations and pricks all over body, burns on my skin migranes ,head pressure in fore head and so on , then i started doing research on smart meters and speaking to building biologist and other individuals just like me and figured out the real issue wich is smart meter radiation destroying my health i have contacted tampa electric ,the fcc ,attorneys and law firms and no one helps ,please i have perfect evidence medical records,pictures dates,medical records reports and is a fact that all my issues are related to this greed corporate genocide many off us face today and i wanna ask if there is any attorney or law firm in florida that can take my case to please contact me via email ,, i want my health back and a normal life, i want this hell i am in and this human rights violations to end not only for me but for those who are effected just like me , some faster then others but we are all becoming effected ,please i want this all to stop and i want justice for my health and my life that has been destroyed by corruption and greed trew smart meters the military the feds and the globalist corruption many off us are victims off please help

    • Islandgirl says:

      Yes it’s murder. Notice how electric companies and rich people all has analog meters or solar Panels only

  11. Yes something need to happen about this cause they went back 4 month’s on me and told me it nothing they can do i have to pay MLGW is a ripe off

  12. Anna says:

    This is what i found online:
    If you have further questions regarding California Smart Meter class actions, we encourage you to contact our firm. Paradis Law Group, PLLC, can be reached at 800-787-8954 or through our online contact form. We offer a free, confidential consultation to potential clients.

  13. Tara Jade says:

    my senior park auuthorized this “gift” of repiping and placing atrocious stupid meters in front of all our houses. Even though I said I “opted out” I have to get the smart meter put in, then become a sdge customer before I “opt-out”. Then they will come out, they say, and chenge the new meter to analog…

    Question..can I opt out of the power company altogether? thinking of setting up camp in my own house…

    Will solar options be an option? or do they depend on power companys’ meter etc?

    • Josh Hart says:

      You can definitely “opt out” from your power company and the more people who set up their own independent systems and deprive utilities of their monthly hunk of flesh, the better! It is your property and you do NOT have to go along with what they tell you. Here is a basic site on off grid living:

  14. MARY KWONG says:

    I notified SCE (southern california edison) that I was the new tenant of this house in Upland, CA 91786. After paying for the deposit and what is the residual bill balance for that electric acct. , the billing was transferred to my name. Over the next 10 years I had bills ranging from over $200 to $400 (summer months). I got notices about how I am using four times other consumers were using. I told my family to cut down. A little house history…our house was built in 1923 (according to Upland Historical House website) then another house on the same large lot a few years later. In those days owners don’t plan to divide their large lots into smaller parcels, so they save money by just joining the utilities. The newer house gets water and electricity via underground pipe and wires from the older house. Fast forward to the 1970’s when the two houses on a lot was bought by a family, holding title in a trust. The sole daughter /executor decided to sell this older house and keep the newer block corner house. The county assessor’s office accepted the large parcel divided into two parcels, almost equal in size. On record it was divided which allows the sale of one and both SFRs. Upland historical society obviously wasn’t informed of the sale of one sfr, and the city of Upland didn’t as well. The historical house society has on its website the current owner name is the previous owner. For the city who supplies water there’s no need to find another meter for billing. So who is the sucker in this? Me of course. SCE has assigned a SERVICE Account to the older house (mine) and sends bills to this house address. In 2002 smart meters came into popular use. The previous owner had each house installed one. Two smart meters, one account. The usages of both meter were combined. On the smart meters you don’t see a simple unit counter like the old meters (opt-0ut). The usages are sent into the billing via the wires on the power poles. No technicians need to come out to read meter. I end up paying for both usages since 2007. Then a giantic water bill came two years ago, then I got suspicious of the electric bills as well. I said if the water pipes were not properly divided, maybe the electricity did not get divided. The next two years shock after shock occurred. I told SCE I opt-out because both smart meters are being paid by me since I took over the account. SCE gave me an opt-out meter the day before Thanksgiving 2016.
    Still the bills were high so I looked around. In two old wall panels on the back porch, I saw wires cut and twisted back together. Maybe that was how the previous owner separate the electricity sharing but someone twisted the severed wires back together. I suspect the handyman house sitting her house next door wanted free electricity. My bills from Feb. thru Sept 2017 reflected more of my usage after I untwisted those wires. Then I was tempted by time-of-use to get even lower bills. I asked to try it for two months. For two months I was online watching for usage changes. For two months, my usages weren’t displayed. I called SCE customer reps asking about my usage. I did get a climate credit for my service acct. because I own it and it’s credit to my acct online. But why no usage since I got the smart meter for time-of-use. Answer is when you have two smart meters on one service acct., neither meter can use time-of-use or it messes the calculations. So my account cannot be calculated and therefore no display of usage and no paper bill can be sent out. On Jan 4, 2018 I opt out again now I know how this all works now. SCE is not admitting to two meters sharing same Service Account number, not admitting why I have no usage displayed and no bill in the mail. I am forced to pay for next door’s meter because SCE won’t change my meter right now.. The csr said when my current billing cycle ends is when I can opt out. On Jan 4 when I suppose get a new bill as stated on my acct page, I still see ” Your next bill will be available on or about Jan 04, 2018″ a nd “Due to a delay in your account billing, your usage details will not be available. Please try again later” Also, suddenly on a couple days before Jan 4, my billing method was “domestic-CARE” which is D-CARE., not t-o-u-CARE which was shown online there for four months . I told csr I didn’t called or requested D-CARE. D-Care is how SCE is about to bill both meters. SCE doesn’t care who pays for the usages, as long someone is. Even my opt-out allows both meters billed separately, but SCE does not want to admit that either.

  15. chris deprez says:


  16. Carol Foulds says:

    I would like to connect with residents in Kansas who do not wish their analog meters changed to smart meters. Currently the Kansas Corporation Commission has ruled that consumers may not opt out of smart meter installation. I would be interested in participating in a class action lawsuit if the Kansas Corporation Commission fails to offer an opt-out option for Kansas consumers. Please contact Carol Foulds, 15137 Rosewood Dr, Leawood, KS 66224.

  17. GluteusMaximus says:

    If you want to change the world, VOTE!

    Make an issue of this with your state representatives. When they lose their jobs, they’ll start changing laws. Until then, you’re sheep and should just STFU.

  18. Cathy says:

    I don’t live in California, I live in North Carolina and despite my calls to Duke Energy explaining to them that I have a health condition and that I am disabled, they FORCED a smart meter and RF radiation on me without regard to my disability by JUMPING OVER A LOCKED GATE to forcefully install a smart meter without forewarning me and without my permission despite the fact that I submitted a notarized doctors statement to attesting that I must avoid exposure to radio frequency (RF) emissions to the extent possible to protect my health. This was done TODAY and I have been exposed to this frequency all day and am feeling the effects of it. I am very sensitive to RF and this is negatively impacting my pre-existing compromised immune system

  19. Diane Sperber says:

    I live in Webster Groves, Missouri and 73 years old. Over 6 years ago we had some major remodeling done on our home and had a new electrical board put in at the time. Ameren Missouri took that opportunity to install a new digital meter. Within those 6 years both my health and husband’s health began to deteriorate. Up to that point we had always been healthier than our peers and never on any prescriptions drugs etc. I first noticed that my husband was slowing down and seemed to age overnight. I broke out with hives and angiodema that took me to the E.R. four times. The doctors ran all sorts of test and could never figure out the cause. By accident we saw a You Tube on the smart meters and made the connection. We were both dealing with adrenal fatigue and just not up to fighting with Ameren. Fortunately that same day we came across a You Tube describing how to screen the meter and reduce the radiation by 98%. We invested in a meter to read the amount of radiation coming off the meter to be sure the screening device worked. We also invested in a conditioner box to help reduce the extra dirty electricity from the smart meter. Grant you no one should have to do these things just to make their home safer. But first, in order to fight this injustice, we needed to do what we could to get our health back. Since we reduced the radiation my hives have cleared up completely. We also have discovered grounding or earthing. Since having these grounding mats on our bed we both sleep more sound and have less aches and pains even after doing a lot of physical work. Grounding or earthing may sound a little way out but there have been many scientific studies proving its positive effect on the body. One study showed significant stabilization of cortisol levels. It also reduces inflammation. We are electrical beings and that is why the EMFs and the smart meters affect us in a negative way. When we are grounded on these mats with a direct grounding wire going in the ground outdoors (vs using an electrical outlet) we are protected from the damaging effects of low frequency EMFs as those generated by AC devices and wiring in our homes. However, grounding does not protect one from EMF radiation (smart meters) and that is why it must be screened. We can testify to the fact that sleeping on these mats and being grounded during the day as much a possible has helped our bodies to heal faster. Clinton Ober is the gentleman who discovered the benefits of earthing (grounding). The most I’ve done concerning smart meters is writing letters to the editor of our local newspaper and through that have met others dealing with the same problem.

    • Lynn B. Storey says:

      I live in O’Fallon Mo. Just got the notice Ameren plans on installing smart meters. I can opt out, but will have to pay $100 upfront and $40 a month to not have a smart meter and they say the charge is to have my meter read, which is what they have been doing all along, but now I will be charged. I will not get a smart meter as the meter is on the side of my house where my master bed is and it’s too heavy to move anyway. I will have to pay more to not have the meter. Where to you get the ground mat? Plz give info. Thank you

  20. Eddie Richards says:

    My house burnt up due to smart meter,had just paid house off so 90,000 dollar lose.

  21. Mr. Windmilll says:

    what brand of meter?
    What state/what utility?
    what insurance company?

  22. Mr. Windmill says:

    edge does not put in “new”analog meters now.
    It is still a digital meter… the csr says its not transmitting, and read once every other month, not every month. Lots of questions I have like baseline spread over 2 months – how the tiers work?? . I have asked for supervisors and a dozen times, and left messages for escalated manager– they don’t-reply.
    Since we are curtailed several days a month, 4 days this last month, how does the baseline work??

  23. sues says:

    Anyone in NE Ohio trying to refuse “smart meter”? Need help on next steps. Being bullied into “opt out” option–why should i pay for something that they’re currently doing now? Hell, i’ll even do my own meter reading, this monthly charge to keep your analog meter is discrimination!
    Any help would be appreciated- thanks

    • Heather says:

      I am having the same issue. I cannot believe it – “pay us or we install a potentially hazardous meter next to your house”…completely unethical. Apparently there was proposed legislation in Ohio to stop them from imposing the monthly fee but it didn’t pass.

    • Rio says:

      Same here in the middle of the country. They have just now started unrolling here and want to have SMs for every service. We fought the electric company and now have to pay an extortion fee of $50 a month so as to not be cooked. I agree, it is absolutely discrimination; and, they are the ones wanting it. They claim it is to cost consumers less and help to locate outages etc etc. All not true. They are installing new SM water meters and now we are fighting this little village over it. They think they have an ordinance that says that they have a right to put anything they want on our property. Since being installed in homes here; they have had nothing but trouble; and the water bills have gone skyrocketing. Additionally, we’ve had outages twice. The first one took over 8 hours to locate, and the second a day and 1/2(!) in a town of under 700 people? Now that really does sound like better location of outages?

      • Sadie says:

        They are forcing smart water meters in local cities under home authority rule where the State has no power to intervene hence no state representatives will get involved or represent our concerns. The local municipal offices and public water won’t even call back no one will communicate with me except for threatening letters to turn off our water. Have you had any help preventing smart water meters? Our small to mid size city will not allow an opt out policy! Please let me know if you have had success in any way to prevent this installation. EMF and Fires are the inhumane issues here!

    • Jennifer E says:

      yes yes u an in TOLEDO! FIND ME!!

    • Jennifer E says:

      yes yes u an in TOLEDO! FIND ME!!

  24. James G Luonuansuu says:

    They want us to pay opt out fee and $400. Fee to replace analog meters with new analog meters, plus $5.00/month to read meters in Newton Falls. We need help here to stop this too. We own our own electric and water

  25. n c sage says:

    do not want smart meter water for reasons health.

  26. Holly Presley says:

    I denied power company to put in a smart meter. They did anyway. I’m dizzy, headaches, bad tinnitus bad memory loss and inability to focus or concentrate and I’m losing 5 lbs per week now. I’m having this meter removed on Monday at a pretty steep cost. Are there any lawyers fighting this?

  27. Pingback: The 5G Smart Meter - Trinity Farms

  28. T Robinson says:

    How do i get Dominion Virginia Power to give me an analog meter instead of the opt out meter? In currently having high pitch noises and sounds buzzing in my bedroom. I put up Faraday fabric but the Smart Meter is by my bedroom.

    • Cynthia says:

      Hi, I am in same situation, with same and worse symptoms. Where in Va are you, which city? I’m close to Richmond. Would be good to strategize together.

  29. Stephanie says:

    I was bullied by Con Ed in NYC to have a smart meter installed for my hall system. They said I could only opt out for each apartment in my home but the hall system was mandatory. I sleep approximately 12 feet from the smart meter. I am now suffering from tinnitus, vertigo, brain fog, memory loss, torn retina, melasma on my face, a lesion on my pituitary gland and an acoustic neuroma! I was in contact with them via their customer service site and I stated that I needed to have the analog meter reinstalled due to all of my health issues from exposure to the smart meter. They kept insisting that I get in touch with their smart meter department. After about 6 messages they finally blocked me from communicating with them.

    • Rio says:

      Frankly I am not surprised at your health problems. What I have found (through research) is that you should be at least 40 ft from these units at all times. However, there is prolonged exposure to consider. As you know; these things are on 24/7, 365. I would see if you can get a lawyer to help you.

  30. paul luce says:

    I live in Arizona under APS (Arizona Public Service) Utility company, Do you have an Attorney in this area you can refer to me. I originally declined a smart meter installation in 2012, they installed it anyway. Moving forward to 2022, APS claimed via mail notification they needed to replace again, I contacted them the date I recieved the notice and didn’t give my consent unless I was present during the meter swap, their technician came 1 day prior to the date specified on the letter and made no attempt to follow my directives and replaced the unit anyway ! I’ve been searching the internet for legal representation but coming up with no leads. Oh, by the way, my wife had cancer last year….they are also mishandling my radiation blocking cover when they come to my property…any help would be appreciated !!

    • Lexie says:

      Hi Paul, I live in Arizona as well. I see it was a year ago you posted this, hope all worked out with your situation and your wife is okay. I currently live in an area where I have SRP, and am allowed an analog meter, however will have to move shortly as lease is up. Wanting to be in north scottsdale, however it is APS there. I believe APS only allows “opt -out” with a digital meter (still sends signals to driver who reads from the road) and does not allow analog meter installation unless it was already previously there before ever starting APS service. Not completely understanding this. Did you ever find an Attorney in AZ that works in this area? I did the same, searched the internet didn’t find anyone. Truly will not move and use APS if i cannot have an analog meter. If you see this reply would very much appreciate any info!

  31. Elizabeth says:

    Hi, I’m trying to stop a smart meter from being put into my home. These links are dead ended (what was once there is gone). Is there another way to get this information? I have about 4 days before they install and they claim there is no opt out option.

    Privacy, Constitutional Violations, Security Risks–Kauai, Hawaii
    Adam Asquith filed for a Federal Injunction against the instillation of smart meters (Court Filing Documents) News Story.
    SUCCESS! The Utilities Company offered a settlement (Settlement Document) and agreed NOT to install a smart meter on the plaintiff’s property. (News report)

  32. WARREN J BARBER says:

    Ok it’s been about two years since we were having fluctuations in our power supply. at first, we thought it was just the power company. utility lines etc. Then one day my daughter came in from the back yard and said our meter was sparking. Called the power company and they said someone would be out that day. Man came out and said we had a short in the meter box and that we need to call it in and there would be a 75-dollar charge. What I thought that’s what you were here for. So called it in 5 minutes after he left, was told that someone would be out as soon as possible, but they could not give me a time or even date when they would come out. this was on a Friday. so we did shut every load off in the house even though it was in the 90’s and ran off of a portable generator. Longe story short the meter actually blew up and we had to call the fire department. They came out and so did the Police. as the Fireman walked up to the now smoldering meter it again blew up and he ran. The Fire department called the Electric company, and they arrived in under 30 minutes and cut the cables leading to the house. This all took place Friday night. The man from the electric company looked for the meter but could not find it and assumed the Fire department took it. It was actually under a truck parked near the sight. I still have meter. Also, the man from the electric company said our meter box was to small for the house but we had it replace about 3 years earlier and they signed off on it. So called electrician and he fixed everything. installed 150 AMP box (Note we do have 3 Phase but rarely use it) So around 2000.00 later we are Golden but still don’t trust that meter and you can see by the pics and video that the meter is what caused the fire just from the contacts. Also, it burnt through the metal in the back of the box and burnt the bricks, if wood we would be out in the cold even if it was 90 deg. Now on the following Monday guess how comes Knocking, yes, the electric company here to cut the power. Yea showed him the damage and he didn’t want to comment on anything. But for his effort my nest bill included the 75.00 dollar disconnect fee. Thats my story and I’m sticking to it.

  33. Rio says:

    Wow, so, did they come our and install a new SM? Can I ask what state you live in?

  34. Jennifer says:

    City of Toledo INDOOR Watermeters installs going on water co is city owned not by PUCO 4 postcards threatening to turn my water off if we do not accept a smartmeter now rec’d a letter stating we have 8days or off it goes!! NO OPT OUT!! ANY THOUGHTS??? are they just bluffing ? can they legally do this????? I am trying to find a lawyers to ask they all think I am crazy to not accept a smartmeter so cannot get a answer directly any ideas anyone???

  35. Pingback: Smart Meter | Health Freedom Idaho

  36. Shawn says:

    Ongoing Federal Lawsuit Pro-Se against major utility company for illegal use and modification of smart meters, using them as an illegal broadcasting center.
    My Family NEEDS HELP

    Reference – (Federal district of Maine case No. 2:22-cv-00384-JDL)

  37. Alison Gross says:

    Hi I live in New Jersey and need help with smart meter.I have contacted the sc electric but I feel they are ignoring me.Please help!!!!!

  38. Darlene says:

    Hi. Smart meter group in British Columbia want to do a film. Is anybody interested? Also, I like to see the settlement

  39. Mindy says:

    I live in Eugene, OR where we have a People’s Utility District. They have started violating their 2013 policy on “opt-in” (to getting a SM) to 2018, changing the language and offering an “opt-out” (of only having the SM part turned ON…but refusing to allow anyone to keep their analog meter……….except for their owners/customers along the McKenzie River (they say due to topography issues which is nonsense).

    I’m seeking someone who knows how to file an injunction against the PUD. Can anyone help? THANK YOU

  40. Elaine sayeg says:

    How can I have a smart meter removed that was forced on my house

  41. Al says:

    You may can get a smart meter removed, but you will pay a high cost ($500) to change, plus a $30 monthly charge. May as well accept the fact, the utility companies are in bed with dirty politicians and it’s not worth the fight.

  42. Diane Mankowski says:

    Go to and send the liability document to the president of the utility company and who regulate them in your state certified following the direction in the Solutions column also go to and join the lawsuit to take back our original Constitution the more people that sign will get this started.

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