Anti- Smart Meter Protesters Greet Obama in Woodside

President Obama visited the Bay Area last night for a meeting with leaders of  the nation’s top tech firms at the Woodside home of John Doerr, a venture capitalist with links to Silver Spring Networks, one of the companies behind the ‘smart’ meter.   The president got a taste of the widening protests against his ill-fated smart grid plans when his motorcade came upon protesters demanding a halt to forced wireless meter installation.

While the promise of the ‘smart grid’ gained many supporters in the business and environmental arenas as a concept, it has become clear as smart meters have been installed that the meters do not deliver the energy savings promised- even generating additional carbon emissions.  The benefits appear to be flowing almost exclusively  to wealthy corporations while ratepayers and residents pick up the tab for the whole debacle, with many faced with skyrocketing bills and health impacts from the powerful wireless pulses.

Kudos to the intrepid protesters who tracked down the president on a dar and rainy night to deliver their important message.  Video coverage of Obama’s visit and the anti-smart meter protests is available on KTVU Channel 2’s site.

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6 Responses to Anti- Smart Meter Protesters Greet Obama in Woodside

  1. I am so thankful for these protestors. Maybe it will dawn on Obama that his ideas in this case are flawed and his advisement, abysmal.
    Yesterday was speaking with Congressman Duncan Hunter’s staffer who told me Hunter is for self-regulation of corporations. I suggested many smart meters be installed in his own home.

  2. says:

    I agree–bravo persistent protestors!

    Susan–I wonder if Duncan Hunter thinks that self-regulation of corporations means the corporations can act like communist dictators with regard to helpless citizens?

  3. Unplugged says:

    THANK YOU CALIFORNIA!!!!! We have had “smart” meters for about 2-3 years but people in New York are in such deep electronic stupors that they have no idea what is hitting them. Too many heart attacks, strokes, cancer, suicide – all within the last two years – all within a two square mile town.

    • Julia Rachel says:

      Can you please tell me what town you speak of? We want to research…..
      VLG on Valcyte Blog.

      • Unplugged says:

        Westchester County, New York. Con Edison is the electric Utility that has been putting the digital electric and gas “smart” meters on homes here. People also have “smart” water meters. I have measured the radiation in homes from the meters. Its crazy high, especially when combined with other electric equipment. The radiation from “smart” meters transmit through all electric wiring, electric equipment, wireless electric equipment and metal pipes for gas and water.

  4. Mr G says:

    US Military records going back 60 years on the danger of wireless

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