Feb. 1st, 2016: StopSmartMeters.org has published the 2016 fourth edition (pdf) of our popular and educational smart meter awareness color brochures.
“Smart” meters are ticking time bombs; the smoking gun that has woken up millions of people to the health risks from wireless technology.
The cover of the brochure has been revised to present these hazards, as well as privacy violations, fire risks, cyber security and inflated costs.
You told us you wanted a brochure that was more visually representative of the problems with smart meters and specific about the difference between analog and digital. We feel we’ve achieved both aims, and can’t wait to get thousands more of these into people’s hands. Pick up a batch from the Stop Smart Meters! Online Store to hand out to your neighbors, today.
What’s new in the fourth edition:
- A totally revised front cover, visually blunt and to-the-point about the inherent risks of smart meter technology
- New graphic showing difference
between “smart” and analog and detailed description of the types of “smart” meters (AMI, AMR, PLC, etc…)
- Revised, basic action (to do) items
- Revised “Path of Your Privacy” diagram, as well as updated sections on health and fire risks.
Copies are now available for purchase in the Stop Smart Meters! online store. Download the pdf here, image files are below.
Brochure Information
The brochures are printed on 30% p.c.w. recycled matte paper by Community Printers, a union printer in Santa Cruz, CA who has been producing printed material for social justice movements for decades. These are high quality, non-toxic prints, designed with the grassroots knowledge of hundreds of anti-smart meter activists around the world.
The brochures are global and can be distributed anywhere. There is space on the back of the brochure to place an Avery address label, that you can customize with your local (advocacy group, utility and government) contact info. Labels customized with your local info can be included with store orders upon request. Inquire about bulk rates.
If you have a low income and cannot afford to purchase and would like to distribute these brochures in your area, please contact us with your situation, and we may be able to provide copies, thanks to generous donors. Likewise if you are able to support brochures being made available to low income areas, please donate today.
Distribute the brochures in your local area! Farmer’s Markets and food stores are good places to hand them out. You can also put a stack at friendly businesses, libraries, or community centers, and knock on doors in your neighborhood (leaving one on their door if they do not answer). Organize a “smart meter free zone” in your neighborhood. Please do NOT put in USPS post boxes. Thanks for doing your part to get the word out!
Download or link to the brochure (pdf) for free or purchase printed copies for distribution in the Stop Smart Meters!Store.
Organize a “smart meter free zone” in your neighborhood. ~
Awesome idea! Finally, smart-meter free zones” and wi-fi FREE zones to protect
our community’s constitutional health and privacy RIGHTS! Will order the brochure-cards, pamphlets next week
and start the process (local city c0uncils need to be held accountable, while being thoroughly re-educated) (the coffee cafes, schools, and favorite restaurants all have “smart meters” too – and implement “wireless-free zones” and command analog to make a return).
the electric power and electric grid – smart meters went out in our neighborhood (a couple of days ago)
and chaotic electric energy that “consumers” have gotten “used to” disappeared,
and symptons waned … everything was still. the disorganization and chaotic pulse/
structure of current “electric smart grids” is DESTRUCTIVE.
the current frequency that runs the “smart meters” and “smart (digital) technology” is hazardous and disorganizing to our bodies …. the whole local environment (all things in our Natural backyard, the birds and the bees, the insects – imagine how and what this disorganizing
frequency and eletrical pulse is doing to the inner compass of our Animal Life
and Local Ecology that maintains our own Preservation and Conservation for the road to come – let alone our children, grandchildren).
We need the physical, mental and emotional peace – “smart meters” and all of the like are VERY intrusive –
and it’s time to say NO and realize, we need to be left alone, because it’s time.
Wireless and “smart meters/”smart grids” are a reversal to freedom, abundance, sound business and
preservation, conservation of our own human species (and our “sustainability”) … they are
a complete bust.
Analog – Ethernet (and the like) is life saving. And is economically, monetarily sound.
Waking up!