The Olympic Peninsula, with its diverse rainforest habitats, is ground zero for proposed US military microwave weaponry drills, despite a rising tide of opposition.
As if RF pollution from smart meters, cell towers, and wi-fi systems wasn’t enough, wireless (or microwave) communications technology is now being put on steroids and forced into the last wild frontiers on Earth.
We learned this week, thanks to a post by Dahr Jamail on that the US Navy has been secretly conducting electromagnetic warfare training on western Washington state’s public roads for more than five years, as they prepare for a much larger assault that is raising hackles all over the Pacific Northwest and beyond. Leading the charge against the US Navy plans to essentially attack its own country with RF weapons and noisy jets is the West Coast Action Alliance. Check out their campaign to defend the wild.
Project “Loony”

Google’s “Project Loon” is unleashing a fleet of RF transmitters into our skies apparently whether we like it or not.
There are now a number of different balloon, drone, and satellite mounted RF transmitter-based projects including “Project Loon” from Google, as well as efforts by Facebook and other companies rushing to launch up to 11,000 satellites over the next several years. While many remote, rural communities would like a high speed internet connection, the side-effects of the wireless delivery systems being implemented may leave these communities with unwanted side-effects: damaged health and degraded and poisoned ecosystems. Safer, wired technology should be implemented, and the idea of “global wi-fi” should be dropped.
Here are some of Google’s recent experimental applications to the FCC:
There have also been a number of reports that Google’s balloons have crashed, posing a hazard to those on the ground in Los Angeles, Chile, and Columbia.
While there is some indication that the RF levels at ground level from aerial platforms may not as strong relative to levels from ground-based transmitters, the systems will likely facilitate new ground-based networks in areas previously undisturbed as well as proliferate wifi exposure. In addition, near field exposure to birds, bats, and other winged creatures has not even been considered by the project’s proponents and certainly not by the biased and compromised FCC. According to Ed Friedman, one of the organizers of GUARDS (Global Union Against Radiation Deployment from Space) a group who have been raising awareness about the issue:
“For me the foray into areas previously devoid of wi-fi may have major implications to wildlife. I’m also concerned with the security/spying aspects of these platforms. I suppose it’s a given that the companies involved will work with law enforcement. While I know it’s happening already, it will just become worse.”

Google and other companies are recklessly pushing forward with balloon and drone RF technology without public review or debate.
There is also significant potential climate damage from satellite-based projects expected to require hundreds of new rocket launches annually. With more than 11,000 satellites planned, that is a tremendous increase in rocket launches spewing carbon and ozone-destroying pollutants. The atmosphere-wrecking implications of the cumulative effects of these projects is huge.
Companies and communities are intoxicated by this new technology- there is no doubt. We are like moths entranced by the dancing flame, unaware that their wings are catching alight from the spectacle. The truth is that our DNA, and with it our future, is at stake from this out of control, global experiment.