Author Archives: Josh Hart

PG&E Threatens Elderly Lady with Power Shut-off in Red Bluff

Reports are coming in from Red Bluff in Northern California that PG&E’s ‘smart’ meter installers have been threatening 78 year old ladies with having their power cut off unless they accept a new wireless meter on their home.   In the … Continue reading

Posted in Citizen rebellion, Democracy, PG&E | 9 Comments

City Council Discovers ‘Smart’ Meters are not UL Certified

Underwriters Laboratory Confirms Meters Not Safety Tested, Raising Fire Safety Fears Capitola- During a meeting last week in which they joined six other local governments* who have passed laws criminalizing the installation of wireless ‘smart’ meters, the Capitola City Council … Continue reading

Posted in CPUC, interference, PG&E, Safety | 18 Comments

Smart Meter Industry: “Energy Consumers are Rats in a Maze”

Recognition to the City of Capitola, who yesterday became the 7th local government in California to criminalize the installation of ‘smart’ meters in their jurisdiction.  (along with Marin, Santa Cruz, and Mendocino Counties, and the cities of Fairfax, Watsonville, and … Continue reading

Posted in Cell phones, Citizen rebellion, Democracy, Health studies, PG&E, San Francisco | 7 Comments

DRA Questions Accuracy of Industry-Led CCST Health Report

Last week, the California Public Utilities Commission’s (CPUC) Division of Ratepayer Advocates (DRA) again weighed in on the increasingly contentious debate about the health impacts of wireless ‘smart’ meters.   The DRA- which advocates for low rates, safety and environmental protection- … Continue reading

Posted in CPUC, Democracy, Environmental Concerns, Health studies, Safety | 5 Comments

Stop Smart Meters! Exclusive: Interview with the Wellington Energy Whistleblower

Wellington Energy is the company that is installing PG&E’s new wireless ‘smart’ meters in California.  A former Wellington Energy employee sent us an e-mail late last year offering to speak with us about his experience installing smart meters in the … Continue reading

Posted in Citizen rebellion, CPUC, Democracy, Health studies, PG&E, Police, Safety | 29 Comments