Author Archives: Josh Hart

Wyoming Smart Meters Installed Under Threat of Violence

A disturbing report from Wyoming this morning- a man who has metal implants, and was worried about the very real risk to his health [1] posed by the microwave radiation from the meters, was threatened with having his electricity cut … Continue reading

Posted in Citizen rebellion, Democracy, Health studies, Police | 2 Comments

San Francisco in PG&E’s Crosshairs for Exposure to “Extra Strength” Smart Meter Radiation

More cities and counties every week are moving to criminalize ‘smart’ meter installations in response to people who are being sickened by the powerful bursts of rf radiation (now up to 25 local governments have officially demanded a halt to … Continue reading

Posted in Citizen rebellion, Democracy, PG&E, San Francisco | 15 Comments

Charging People to Safeguard their Health Has a Name- It’s Called Extortion

The New York Times reported last week that (after months of increasingly desperate attempts to make them realize that they are endangering public health) the California Public Utilities Commission is finally considering allowing people to opt out of being forced … Continue reading

Posted in Citizen rebellion, CPUC, Democracy, Environmental Concerns, Health studies, PG&E | 3 Comments

Are We Listening to Doctors’ Warnings?

This just in: On 1/14/2011 Dr Tobin Watkinson writes (using the Commissioner’s Online Email Form): From over 34 years of practice I have seen numerous patients who had symptoms which were usually dismissed or referred inappropriately to Psychiatry which were … Continue reading

Posted in Citizen rebellion, CPUC, Democracy, Health studies | 2 Comments

Smart Meter Interfering with your Appliances? We’ll be right out. Smart Meter Interfering with Your Sleep? Sorry you’re out of luck.

It was reported in the Marin IJ Tuesday that a Corte Madera resident- Jane Levinsohn- complained to PG&E that after a ‘smart’ meter was installed on her home, her outdoor motion sensor lights were switching on and off for no … Continue reading

Posted in interference, PG&E | 11 Comments