Author Archives: Josh Hart

Sure, but what do the experts say?

If you’ve been speaking to friends and family about the health threat of smart meters and other wireless technology, you’ve probably been met with some skepticism.  It’s always hard to change one’s worldview overnight.  It seems that men in particular … Continue reading

Posted in Environmental Concerns, Health studies | Leave a comment

How Do They Sleep At Night?

It’s a good question, posed by members of the public out loud yesterday morning after the CPUC voted 4-1 to deny the EMF Safety Network’s petition to halt ‘smart’ meter installations based on flimsy and distorted evidence provided by PG&E. … Continue reading

Posted in Cell phones, Citizen rebellion, CPUC, Democracy, Health studies, PG&E | 3 Comments

Smart Meter Victims Speak Out

Stop Smart Meters! organized a press conference after the Electromagnetic Health Forum on Nov. 18th to allow those who have suffered from wireless technology to share their stories.    Three people- David, a real estate agent from West Marin, Sandi, a … Continue reading

Posted in Cell phones, Citizen rebellion, Health studies | 3 Comments

Opt Out is Not Enough

One of the worst things about the ‘smart’ meter program is that it is mandatory- the new radiating meters are being forced on us whether we like it or not.  There is currently no opting out for individuals, businesses, or … Continue reading

Posted in Citizen rebellion, CPUC, Democracy, Environmental Concerns, Health studies, PG&E, Privacy | 7 Comments

“Something is Wrong with the Air”

We’ve been hearing more reports of health impacts from all over California.  Some of the stories make us really angry- what kind of people would inflict this kind of suffering on others?  What kind of government allows this to happen … Continue reading

Posted in Environmental Concerns, Health studies, interference | 12 Comments