Author Archives: Josh Hart

Warning: PG&E Installing ‘Smart’ Meters on Solar Homes

If you or someone you know in California has solar panels on their home and has been resting on their laurels, thinking they were safe from smart meter deployment, think again!  We’ve just received reports that PG&E has been going … Continue reading

Posted in California, PG&E | 10 Comments

Naperville IL Resident Uses Freedom of Information Request to Discover Extent of Smart Meter Privacy Violations

Most people’s lives are so intertwined with their electricity usage that inferring private, intimate details of our home lives from electrical usage data is a snap for the utilities and 3rd parties with access to this information.  For example, one … Continue reading

Posted in Illinois, Privacy | 2 Comments

New iPhone 5 NSA

Posted in Cell phones, Citizen rebellion, Democracy, Police, Privacy | 3 Comments

Take Back Your Power DVD’s Available for Bulk Order Through Stop Smart Meters!

QUANTITY DISCOUNT ON DVD’S AVAILABLE NOW!      *PLAN A LOCAL SCREENING TODAY* The newly released documentary, Take Back Your Power, is one of the most powerful tools we have to wake up the public to the smart grid scam.  We have … Continue reading

Posted in Arizona, Citizen rebellion, Democracy, neighborhood organizing, Smart Grid | Leave a comment

Michigan Stop Smart Meters! Launches National Smart Meter Health Campaign

According to Michigan SSM!: A new national campaign is being launched in the US, culminating on October 25th, to document health damage from utility smart meters.   If you are suffering symptoms you believe are linked with a smart meter, consult … Continue reading

Posted in health effects, legal issues, Michigan, neighborhood organizing, Physicians | 2 Comments