Author Archives: Josh Hart

80 Year Old Woman Threatened with Water Disconnect

It appears that utility companies are not above bullying 80 year old great grandmothers, threatening to disconnect their water supply simply for refusing a smart meter on their property.  Audrey, a great- grandmother in Baraboo, Wisconsin has stood up to … Continue reading

Posted in Citizen rebellion, Wisconsin | 7 Comments

Separating Industry Fiction from Facts

(Originally published on The Smart Grid Consumer Collaborative (SGCC), an industry group, has published a video “Separating the Facts from the Fiction about Smart Meter”.  PG&E, SCE, SDG&E, BC Hydro, PEPCO, BGE, FPL, as well as other utility companies … Continue reading

Posted in California, Cell phones, Citizen rebellion, CPUC, FCC, Federal Energy Act of 2005, Federal Government, legal issues, PG&E, Privacy, radio-frequency radiation, Safety, Smart Grid | 10 Comments

Smart Meter or NO Power at All? Nevada Energy Sends Three Armed Men to Disconnect Power- Just for ‘Opting Out’

Nevada is supposedly one of those states with a smart meter ‘opt out’ policy.   On the ground, however, the reality is a little different. “Sarah” (not her real name) lives outside Las Vegas, Nevada.  Like many Americans she has been … Continue reading

Posted in Changing a Meter, Citizen rebellion, Federal Government, Hawaii, health effects, Illinois, Installer Threats and Assaults, legal issues, Nevada, Physicians, Safety, SCE, Texas, Vermont | 54 Comments

News Round Up: Smart Meter Fires Tell “Difficult” Story; DC Opens Health Inquiry; IEEE Puts Industry on Notice

What a week.   The gavel had hardly fallen on the Maryland Public Service Commission’s smart meter fire hearing when news came through of 3 new reported home fires started by smart meters in the Chicago area.  In Pennsylvania,  Peco Energy … Continue reading

Posted in Australia, Britain, Canada, Cell phones, Citizen rebellion, FCC, Illinois, legal issues, Michigan, neighborhood organizing, Privacy, radio-frequency radiation, Safety, Smart Grid, U.K. | 2 Comments

2016 4th Edition Stop Smart Meters! Brochures Now Available

Feb. 1st, 2016: has published the 2016 fourth edition (pdf) of our popular and educational smart meter awareness color brochures. “Smart” meters are ticking time bombs; the smoking gun that has woken millions up to the health risks from wireless … Continue reading

Posted in California, CCSSM, Citizen rebellion, Democracy, neighborhood organizing, Smart Grid | 39 Comments