Author Archives: Josh Hart

Top Ten Reasons You’re Gonna Love Your Smart Meter

Spotted on a Sonoma County CA bulletin board: Top Ten Reasons You’re Gonna Love Your Smart Meter 1. You will save so-o-o much money on your hair because you won’t have much left after being microwaved daily! 2. No more … Continue reading

Posted in Citizen rebellion, Satire, Time of Use Pricing | 1 Comment

Maryland Hearing to Consider Smart Meter Fires After Pennsylvania Utility PECO Energy Enacts Moratorium

As reported in the Baltimore Sun today, the Maryland Public Service Commission may have some tough questions for the state’s utilities tomorrow at an emergency hearing specifically looking at the issue of fires caused by “smart” meters.  Or, more likely … Continue reading

Posted in California, Canada, Citizen rebellion, Safety, Smart Grid | 10 Comments

Smart Meter Battle Heats Up in Both ‘Red’ and ‘Blue’ States

“Red” States and “Blue” States Agree: The Smart Grid is a corporate-led plan to deprive the public of our basic rights to safety, privacy, and health Yesterday’s Washington Post article, Smart meter installations stir rowdy response from gun-toting, cage-building Texans, … Continue reading

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Are You Refusing to Pay Extortionate “Opt Out” Fees? Tell Us!

We know of at least several hundred people in California and other states who are holding the line and refusing to pay unjustified fees being charged by utilities with a smart meter “opt out” program.  This must be just the … Continue reading

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California Coastal Commission Votes Unanimously to Approve Big Basin State Park Verizon Cell Sites

If the California Coastal Commission’s decision is any indication, no endangered species, viewshed, or habitat is safe from a Distributed Antenna System (DAS) 4G cell tower popping up right next door.  It’s open season, as smart phone addictions drive a … Continue reading

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