Category Archives: CPUC

State Consumer Agency BLASTS CPUC- Calls for “Public Proceeding” on ‘Smart’ Meters

The California Public Utilities Commission’s own Division of Ratepayer Advocates (DRA) last week blasted the appointed members of the Commission for failing to adequately investigate potentially lethal problems with PG&E’s ‘Smart’ Meter program.  Saying that ‘there is clearly a high … Continue reading

Posted in Citizen rebellion, CPUC, Democracy, Environmental Concerns, Health studies, interference, PG&E | 6 Comments

Interview with EFF: How Smart Meters Violate our Right to Privacy

The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) was founded in 1990.  The San Francisco based organization defends free speech, privacy, innovation, and consumer rights in a digital age.  Joshua Hart of Stop Smart Meters! sat down with Lee Tien, Senior Staff Attorney … Continue reading

Posted in CPUC, Democracy, PG&E, Privacy | 12 Comments

Could a Smart Meter Have Ignited the San Bruno Inferno?

Now we don’t want to jump to any conclusions, but the signs are beginning to point to the possibility that a ‘smart’ meter may have played a role in the fire and explosion that likely killed more than a dozen … Continue reading

Posted in CPUC, Democracy, PG&E | 6 Comments

Health Questions Loom Over Release of ‘Smart’ Meter Report

City and County Ordinances Challenge PG&E’s Undemocratic Assault on Ratepayers This morning, the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) released the report of an investigation into widespread accusations that PG&E’s so-called ‘smart’ meters are inaccurate and routinely overcharge customers, finding that … Continue reading

Posted in Citizen rebellion, CPUC, Democracy, Environmental Concerns, Health studies, PG&E | 2 Comments

No Opting Out? Time for Direct Action

Posted in Citizen rebellion, Climate Change, CPUC, Democracy, PG&E | 13 Comments