Category Archives: Environmental Concerns

Feeling Like a Rat?

Stop Smart Meters! brought you the news back in February that smart grid industry types- including the head of PG&E’s ‘Smart’Meter program Greg Kiraly-  were openly laughing during an industry conference about how utility customers are like rats in an … Continue reading

Posted in CPUC, Democracy, Environmental Concerns | 4 Comments

Shrubs Don’t Lie- We Should Listen When They Die

A few weeks back we featured an account of 180 smart meters on the side of an apartment complex in Berkeley.   Today we received these photos from a resident of the same complex showing the dramatic effects of smart meter … Continue reading

Posted in Environmental Concerns | 16 Comments

“I Want to Die” — One Woman Realizes Her ‘Smart’ Meter is to Blame for Debilitating Migraines

Great new article by Jen Pleasants on Salon published Friday about her struggle with migraines, and eventual realization that her (not so) smart meter was to blame.   Her solution in the face of her utility’s refusal to remove here meter- … Continue reading

Posted in Cell phones, Citizen rebellion, Democracy, Environmental Concerns, Health studies, PG&E | 5 Comments

All Eyes on Japan

Our hearts go out to the people of Japan who are now struggling with the triple calamity of earthquake, tsunami, and now possible nuclear meltdown.   The extent of the insanity required of electric utilities to build nuclear reactors at sea … Continue reading

Posted in Environmental Concerns, Health studies, PG&E | 4 Comments

Nina Beety: “It’s Time to Take Action Against Smart Meters”

Nina Beety is a Monterey based activist who has been fighting PG&E’s stupid meter assault with a ferocity and a tenacity that must make the executives at 77 Beale St. quake in their pricey leather dress shoes.  On disability and … Continue reading

Posted in Citizen rebellion, Democracy, Environmental Concerns, Health studies, PG&E | 7 Comments