Category Archives: Federal Government

Smart Meters Being Funded by the US Military?

The utility companies have described their installation of ‘smart’ meters as a “deployment.”  They have called those of us peacefully defending the safety and health of the public “insurgents.” At times, scenes of the public physically blocking military-style smart meter … Continue reading

Posted in Citizen rebellion, Democracy, Federal Government, Military | 24 Comments

Smart Meters Are Illegal: A Nitty-Gritty Analysis of Peevey’s Unlawful and Unfair “Opt-Out” Proposal

We have been saying all along that this forced deployment of dangerous “smart” meters is illegal, and that the recent proposed “opt-out” put forward by CPUC President Michael Peevey is extortionate—here is a detailed analysis of just how far away … Continue reading

Posted in Citizen rebellion, Class Issues and Social Equality, CPUC, Democracy, FCC, Federal Energy Act of 2005, Federal Government, PG&E, SCE, Time of Use Pricing, Uncategorized | 9 Comments

Don’t Like Being Fried by RF? Write Gina at the EPA

Many of us have wondered which branch of the US government should be concerned with the radio-frequency radiation we are being exposed to. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has set the (very high) limits, but they have no biologists, doctors, … Continue reading

Posted in Environmental Concerns, EPA, FCC, Federal Government, Uncategorized | Comments Off on Don’t Like Being Fried by RF? Write Gina at the EPA