Category Archives: Uncategorized

Buy Your Analog Meter Here

You can purchase verified electromechanical analog electric meters at Electrahealth. These are refurbished analog meters with a numerical readout (not digital). The photo here is not a direct representation of the meters they sell, but very similar to their model. … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | 38 Comments

Where Have All the Analogs Gone?

The analog electrical meter: the long-lived workhorse of the residential customer’s electrical system—safe, generally reliable, simple, mechanical. It is something many of us never gave much thought to, until something happened along to replace it, that was everything the analog … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | 17 Comments

Sleeping Mamma Wakes!

Maureen Homan is a “sleeping mamma” who’s just woken up to the “smart” meter invasion where she and her family live, in Orange County CA. But she’s got herself and others organized the way only a mamma can do! She’s … Continue reading

Posted in Citizen rebellion, CPUC, neighborhood organizing, Orange County, Privacy, Safety, SCE, Uncategorized | 23 Comments

“Who will protect us?” Questions for Santa Cruz Sheriff Phil Wowak, Freedom Forum Meeting, Sept 21, 2011

Many of us, in the face of “smart” meter installations, have confronted basic fears about who or what can protect against us against the dangerous threat to our health, safety and liberty that these new meters pose. State and city … Continue reading

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“Smart” Meters: Not Smart. Not Green. Not Safe. Not Legal.

What’s Wrong: • ‘Smart’ meter radiation is a Class 2B carcinogen according to the World Health Organization (pdf), at least 100x the exposure from a cell phone, say UC Nuclear experts.  Like living within 500 feet of a major cell … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | 59 Comments