Category Archives: Uncategorized

Are You Refusing to Pay Extortionate “Opt Out” Fees? Tell Us!

We know of at least several hundred people in California and other states who are holding the line and refusing to pay unjustified fees being charged by utilities with a smart meter “opt out” program.  This must be just the … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | 3 Comments

California Coastal Commission Votes Unanimously to Approve Big Basin State Park Verizon Cell Sites

If the California Coastal Commission’s decision is any indication, no endangered species, viewshed, or habitat is safe from a Distributed Antenna System (DAS) 4G cell tower popping up right next door.  It’s open season, as smart phone addictions drive a … Continue reading

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Smart Meter Song

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April is Fight-the-Fees Month

A campaign is mounting to fight the extortion: people are waking up to the outrageous fees PG&E is imposing on customers to “opt-out” of the smart meter program–a program no customer ever opted into–and that opposition is building all over … Continue reading

Posted in California, Citizen rebellion, CPUC, Democracy, neighborhood organizing, PG&E, Uncategorized | 4 Comments

Guest Post: Georgia Legislators Try to Put the Kibosh on Smart Meter Opt-Out Bill

By Terri Keller, The smart meter fight in Georgia was looking better than most states: Senate Bill 459, allowing customer opt-out, passed the state senate without much tussle, and a free opt-out was on the way. Now that bill, … Continue reading

Posted in georgia, neighborhood organizing, Privacy, radio-frequency radiation, Uncategorized | 21 Comments