External Links

In addition to visiting other websites, please consider using the search box on the right to look for material on the Stop Smart Meters! website. There are hundreds of archived posts and dozens of informational pages, covering a wide range of aspects of the issue. Check the Contacts Page for links to individuals, blogs, and local activist websites. There are also relevant links on the Blogroll, located on the lower right of each page.

Basics / Security and Hacking / Health & RF Radiation / Environmental Health / Electro-Sensitivity / Stories / Animals & Nature / Testing and Shielding / Complaints / Utility and Industry Links /
Buy an analog meter / Political, Legal, Major News / Humor, Art, Music /
Cell Phone Radiation / EMF-related Products / Saving Electricity / Videos / Canada

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“Smart” Meter Basics

EON3 Blog: http://eon3emfblog.net/

EMF Safety Network:  www.emfsafetynetwork.org

Sage Associates’ report on the RF emissions of smart meters: www.SageReports.com

“Debunking the Dirty Dozen Smart Meter Myths” http://eon3emfblog.net/?p=3509

Will Thomas, “The New Plague” http://www.willthomasonline.net/the%20new%20plague.htm

“Transmitting Smart Meters pose Serious Threat to Health” http://www.electricalpollution.com/smartmeters.html

Security and Hacking

Utilities don’t know who owns all that information they collect from ‘smart’ meters: http://www.greentechmedia.com/articles/read/stat-of-the-day-52-of-muni-utility-execs-unsure-who-owns-smart-meter-data/

Are “Smart”Meters Worth the Hacking Risk? http://www.pressherald.com/news/Are-smart-meters-worth-the-risk-.html

This study says TV viewing can be revealed by ‘smart’ meter data: http://www.metering.com/node/20028

Health and RF Radiation

Dr Magda Havas’s website: a variety of information about RF and health: http://www.magdahavas.com/

A useful compendium of links

Henry Lai’s important research: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/bem.2250160309/abstract AND http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15121512

Allan Frey’s pioneering work on the blood brain barrier breeches caused by RF: http://www.disconnectbook.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/FreyPioneeringPapers.pdf

Microwave News. Researcher Louis Slesin has been fighting the good fight since 1981. This site is a deep mine of history and science. Consider a donation. http://www.microwavenews.com/

Cell phone radiation inhibits melatonin, linked to breast cancer, sleep problems: http://cellphoneradiationusa.blogspot.com/2008/01/cell-phone-radiation-and-breast-cancer.html

Society of Environmental Journalists takes on ‘smart’ meter health issue: http://www.sej.org/publications/tipsheet/many-are-claiming-health-problems-caused-smart-meters

“The Radiation Poisoning of America” Amy Worthington. Published in the Idaho Observer in 2007, it is still a thorough history of the issue. http://www.advancedhealthplan.com/radiation_poisoning.html

“Silent Wireless Spring” Arthur Firstenberg’s historical account of the proliferation of wireless radiation exposure. How we got here from there. http://www.cellphonetaskforce.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/silent.pdf

“How Wireless Radiation Can Affect the Body” Health Canada issues warnings: http://www.cbc.ca/news/health/story/2011/10/05/f-cellphone-health-wireless.html

Effects of Cell Phone Radiofrequency Signal Exposure on Brain Glucose Metabolism: http://jama.ama-assn.org/content/305/8/808.abstract

“Mobile Phone Use Wrecks Sleep” http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/health-and-families/health-news/mobile-phone-radiation-wrecks-your-sleep-771262.html

Environmental Health

Environmental Health Trust, fighting for safer cell phone use. http://www.environmentalhealthtrust.org/

Environmental Working Group. On everything from fracking to BPA, this organization is doing important work. http://ewg.org/

Environmental Health News. Read online or subscribe to their daily news digest. http://www.environmentalhealthnews.org/

Low doses can have significant endocrine disruption effects, from NIEHS. http://citybelt.typepad.com/LowDownonLowDoseEDs.PDF


EMF Safety Network is an excellent starting point for learning about electro-sensitivity. http://emfsafetynetwork.org/

Planet Thrive: How ‘smart’ meters are affecting people with sensitivities. http://planetthrive.com/2011/07/how-smart-meters-are-affecting-people-with-ehs/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+planetthriver+%28Planet+Thrive%29

Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity: Evidence for a Novel Neurological Syndrome. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21793784

EMF Wise, a comprehensive site: http://emfwise.com/index.php Page on sensitivity: http://emfwise.com/ehs.php

UK site for electrosensitivity http://www.es-uk.info

“The Man Who Was Allergic to Radio Waves” http://www.popsci.com/science/article/2010-02/disconnected?page=4

Former WHO president Gro Harlem Brundtland’s story of developing EHS. http://www.detect-protect.com/k/evidence/gro_harlem_brundtland.htm

Dirty Electricity: Sam Milham. http://www.sammilham.com/

Greenbank VA, Refuge for Sensitives: http://articles.wdbj7.com/2011-09-22/electromagnetic_30191859

Personal Stories

Fire starts in man’s home just after ‘smart’ meter installation. http://www.theenterprisebulletin.com/ArticleDisplay.aspx?e=3214955

Animals and Nature

Smart Meter Nightmare #3: East County Woman and Pet Sick. http://lamesa.patch.com/blog_posts/smart-meter-nightmare-3-east-county-woman-and-pet-sick-begging-for-help#c

Dogs and ‘smart’ meters. http://www.kindredspiritsproject.com/2011/09/01/animal-health-alert-dogs-reaction-to-smart-meters/

Cellphone Towers EMR Damaging Biological Systems of Birds, Insects, Humans http://www.activistpost.com/2011/10/cellphone-towers-emr-damaging.html

Testing and Shielding

“How to Shield Your Smart Meter” LessEMF.com. The basic concept, on a website that also sells materials. http://www.lessemf.com/faq-shie.html#smart

A page with shielding information, Wireless-Precaution.com. http://www.wireless-precaution.com/main/protection.php


EMF Safety Network’s page for ‘smart’ meter health complaints. http://emfsafetynetwork.org/?page_id=2292

Texas article on ‘smart’ meter problems. http://www.khou.com/news/local/Viewers-share-more-smart-meter-installation-problem-stories-124527004.html

CPUC complaint site: https://ia.cpuc.ca.gov/cimsapp/?key=39949189

Utility and Industry Links

CCST Report, April 2011. http://www.ccst.us/publications/2011/2011smart-final.pdf

Pacific Gas and Electric http://www.pge.com
San Diego Gas and Electric http://sdge.com
Southern California Edison http://www.sce.com/

Green Tech Media, inside the industry. http://www.greentechmedia.com/channel/gridtech/

Silver Springs Network http://www.silverspringnet.com/solutions/advanced-metering.html

Itron  http://itron.com
Tantalus http://www.tantalus.com/tech_meter.php
Landis+Gyr http://www.landisgyr.com/en/pub/home.cfm
Sensus http://www.sensus.com

Where to buy an analog meter

Read this SSM! post: https://stopsmartmeters.org/2011/10/09/buy-your-analog-meter-here/

Hialeah Meter. http://www.hialeahmeter.com/

Political, Legal, Major News Outlets

Letter to Obama from EMR Policy Institute. http://www.emrpolicy.org/news/press/5jun2011_obama_wireless_initiative.pdf

National Law Review on the risks of RF: http://www.natlawreview.com/article/invisible-threat-radiofrequency-radiation-risk

Wall Street Journal,  Sept 2010: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703946504575470211788200600.html
and Apr 2009: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB124050416142448555.html

East Bay Express, July 2010. http://www.eastbayexpress.com/gyrobase/are-smartmeters-dangerous-too/Content?oid=1939740&storyPage=1

Society of Environmental Journalists takes on ‘smart’ meter health issue: http://www.sej.org/publications/tipsheet/many-are-claiming-health-problems-caused-smart-meters

Humor, Art, Music

“Hitler” confronts ‘smart’ meters. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ru40010UQP0&feature=related

From BC: loony cartoon, a little too close to reality. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JYU3w2t5qPs

List of ‘smart’ meter songs! http://firstdonoharmblog.blogspot.com/2011/10/anti-smart-meter-songs-abound.html

Cell Phone Radiation Issues (because it’s more widely covered re RF)

The World Health Organization’s recent designation of RF as possible carcinogen: http://www.cnn.com/2011/HEALTH/05/31/who.cell.phones/index.html

Environmental Health Trust, fighting for safer cell phone use. http://www.environmentalhealthtrust.org/ AND http://www.saferphonezone.com/

Concern about cell phones is about more than brain cancer. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/devra-davis-phd/cell-phones-cancer_b_874361.html

Plain Talk about Cell Phone Safety, from Cindy Sage http://emfsafetynetwork.org/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/Plain-Talk-on-Cell-Phones1.pdf

12 Basic Precautions to Minimize Exposure (a primer). http://www.next-up.org/pdf/12BasicPrecautionsToMinimiseExposureToRadiationWhenUsingMobilePhone2009.pdf

Nine ways to reduce RF exposure from cell phone use: http://reikiinmedicine.org/healthful-lifestyle/smarter-cell-use/

EMF Wise, a comprehensive site about all aspects of common RF emitters in your life, and how to reduce exposure. http://emfwise.com

Children absorb more radiation from cell phones. http://www.foxnews.com/health/2011/10/17/kids-absorb-more-radiation-from-cellphones-than-adults-report-says/

FCC testing for cell phone radiation is inadequate. http://abcnews.go.com/Health/fcc-test-measure-cellphone-radiation-cancer-risk-flawed/story?id=14750275

Cell phone addiction: http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/1999/mar/14/sarahryle.theobserver Cell phone addiction:  http://www.nytimes.com/2011/10/01/opinion/you-love-your-iphone-literally.html 
Cell phone addiction: http://www.investors.com/NewsAndAnalysis/Article/586585/201109301721/Ill-Finish-This-Headline-After-Checking-My-Phone.aspx

EMF-related Products


Saving Electricity and Gas





EON3’s youtube channel with several ‘smart’-meter-related videos. http://www.youtube.com/user/eon3#g/c/CBE24C6E4EF7DA11

CPUC Opt-Out Workshop (6 parts) (EON3) http://eon3emfblog.net/?p=3520

Official CPUC Meeting Videos: http://www.californiaadmin.com/cpuc.shtml

“The Dark Side of Smart Meters” Rob States on the dangers. Close to 100k views now. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FLeCTaSG2-U

PUBLIC EXPOSURE: DNA, Democracy and the ‘Wireless Revolution,’ EON3’s 2000 video about our ubiquitous RF environment. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJbCa-MZwXM

Cindy Sage on the Bioinitiative Report (Eon3). www.youtube.com/watch?v=7tZDor-_co0

Youtube channel with various ‘smart’-meter related videos, including shielding demonstrations http://www.youtube.com.user/ThisIrradiatedLife




“White Paper” on BC Hydro’s system. http://www.hydroone.com/MyHome/MyAccount/MyMeter/Documents/Smart_Meters_Report_on_RFE.pdf

WEEP Initiative. http://www.weepinitiative.org/scientific.html

Richmond BC   http://www.bclocalnews.com/news/134131983.html


7 Responses to External Links

  1. Lu says:

    Why isn’t their a Facebook page???

  2. Lu says:

    OK, I found them.

  3. Pingback: A Primer on the FCC Guidelines for the Smart Meter Age | Stop Smart Meters!

  4. we will have an opt out in michigan hopfully soon please read the recommendation from the mpsc from june 29th! please visit http://www.w4ar.com for allot of info and the orginators of smart meter grou in michigan! pauline holeton shelby twp

  5. Pingback: Smart Meters: Smartly Stripping Your Health, Liberties & Intelligence « veiloforderandchaos

  6. John Reimann says:

    Question: Have there been any complaints about having electrical problems after having a smart meter installed? My downstairs neighbor/tenant had a smart meter installed. I didn’t. Ever since hers was installed, she’s had a series of electrical problems, including a burned out electrical element in the stove, a series of problems with her washer and dryer, a burned out micro wave, etc. I have no idea whether this is connected with the smart meter installation, but I’m wondering.

    • Paul H says:

      Our appliances are set up for 60Hz and are UL listed. They had to be tested for compatibility with the 110/220 alternating current using the 60Hz frequency.

      The smart meter is NOT UL listed and sends modulated 60Hz ,”dirty electricity”, electricity to your appliances. If you were to look at the normal 60hz wave, on an oscilloscope, it would be smooth. With PLC (power line communications) or a smart meter it would show a very jagged waveform. Sending a signal like this to your appliances causes them to age prematurely. You will eventually have to replace everything plugged in.

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