Search Results for: defend your

Kauai Takes Back Its Power: The Spirit of Ho’oponopono

  Ho’oponopono is a Hawaiian word meaning “to make right.” Essentially, it means to make it right with the ancestors, or to make right with the people with whom you have relationships. Mark Naea of Kapa’a Kauai, Hawaii is on … Continue reading

Posted in Citizen rebellion, Democracy, Hawaii, legal issues | 4 Comments

Direct Action to Stop Smart Meters!

Direct action means taking direct responsibility to solve problems rather than begging some “authority” to fix the problem for us.  This can include everything from helping an elderly lady across the street to sitting in the street in the way … Continue reading


PG&E’s Opt Out Fees Mired in Dispute and Procedural Flaws

Happy May Day everyone.  Get away from your computer and get out in the streets- it’s a beautiful day, at least in Northern California!  Revolutionary spirit (and tear gas) is in the air.  Apart from a historical day to celebrate … Continue reading

Posted in California, Citizen rebellion, CPUC, Democracy, legal issues, Marin County, PG&E | Leave a comment

Vol. 11: March/ April 2012

Stop Smart Meters! Bulletin Vol. 11 Mar/ Apr 2012 Contact: PO Box 30 Davenport CA 95017 (note new mailing address) ***URGENT ACTION REQUIRED FOR PG&E CUSTOMERST*** CALL PG&E BY MAY 1S ***OPT OUT NOW! 1-866-743-0263*** QUOTES OF THE … Continue reading

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FightTheFees.Org Sends a Message to Utilities: We Won’t Pay

Watsonville, CA mom Diane Dutton has had enough.  After reading the recent Santa Cruz County Public Health Department report that states that the “evidence is accumulating on the results of exposure to RF at non-thermal levels” and then getting a … Continue reading

Posted in California, Citizen rebellion, health effects, Health studies, neighborhood organizing, PG&E, radio-frequency radiation, Santa Cruz County, World Health Organization | 20 Comments