Search Results for: Ohio

Precedent-Setting Smart Grid Verdict: Jury Awards Vermont Couple $1 mil for Microwave Taking of Their Mountaintop Home

Some really nice, artistic people– Felix Kniazev and Olga Julinska lived peacefully on top of a green mountain in Vermont with their two children until their utility VELCO decided to build a massive communications tower on the mountain as part … Continue reading

Posted in Citizen rebellion, Democracy, FCC, interference, legal issues, neighborhood organizing, Smart Grid, Vermont | 3 Comments

‘Fireworks’ at Take Back Your Power Screening in Dublin, CA; Heated RF Debate Erupts at “Movie Night”

By Josh Hart, Director Stop Smart Meters! Last weekend, I was invited to speak at a Take Back Your Power screening in Dublin (California, not Ireland- where I spoke in June) at the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) hall.  … Continue reading

Posted in Animal Harm, California, Cell phones, Citizen rebellion, Democracy, Dirty Electricity, Federal Government, health effects, Ireland, Michigan, Military, neighborhood organizing, PG&E, Physicians, Plant damage, Privacy, radio-frequency radiation, Smart Grid | 39 Comments

What is that “Smartphone” Really Costing You and Your Family?

Meters aren’t the only “smart” things to be introduced in the last several years that are harming the health of our communities.  Addiction to ‘smart’ phones is a growing problem- not only because of cancer risk and overall health problems … Continue reading

Posted in Cell phones, Citizen rebellion, Democracy | 2 Comments

California PUC Delays Opt Out Decision. And Delays…..And Delays….And Delays

By Josh Hart, Director StopSmartMeters.Org You may have heard that there is a ‘smart’ meter opt out in California, where people have the choice of an analog meter on their home, for a fee. Well, unfortunately you have been misled.   … Continue reading

Posted in California, Changing a Meter, Citizen rebellion, Class Issues and Social Equality, CPUC, Democracy, Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, health effects, legal issues, neighborhood organizing, PG&E, Physicians, Privacy, radio-frequency radiation, Safety, Smart Grid | 10 Comments

Grandmother’s Water Shutoff Prompts State Legislation in WI

Audrey Parker, an 81 year old grandmother who has refused to have a  ‘smart’ water meter installed because of the privacy implications and the heart palpitations she experiences from the meters’ wireless pulses, last week had her water disconnected by … Continue reading

Posted in Citizen rebellion, Democracy, health effects, Smart Grid, Water meters, Wisconsin | 3 Comments