Search Results for: arizona

“I Love my Smart Meter- It Kills Bees”

Want a fright for Halloween?  How about our food supply being seriously disrupted? Now, according to a letter to the editor from Prescott AZ, we have installers promising residents that the EMF from the meters will “get rid of bees.”  … Continue reading

Posted in Animal Harm, Bees | 3 Comments

Local Group Directory

Below is a list of individuals and organizations working to oppose ‘smart’ meters and raise awareness of wireless health impacts around the world. These groups are listed to facilitate networking and lobbying. We do not know all of these groups … Continue reading


Vol 9, Sept 2011

Stop Smart Meters! Bulletin Vol. 9 Sept. 22nd, 2011  Quotes of the Month  “Scientists and doctors tend to agree that SmartMeters and other wireless technology don’t make people sick.”                          –San Francisco Chronicle Sept. 12 2010  “EMF hypersensitivity … Continue reading

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Pressure’s On the CPUC as 32 CA Cities and Counties Say NO

CITY OF SEASIDE, LAKE AND SLO COUNTIES LATEST TO DEMAND HALT TO HALF BAKED ‘SMART’ METER ROLL-OUT FOLLOWING DELUGE OF HEALTH  COMPLAINTS Seaside, CA- On Thursday, the Seaside City Council voted unanimously to outlaw PG&E’s wireless ‘smart’ meter installation within … Continue reading

Posted in Citizen rebellion, CPUC, Democracy, Health studies, PG&E, Privacy, San Francisco | 3 Comments

Vol. 5: February 2011

Stop Smart Meters! Bulletin Vol. 5 February 22nd, 2011 Quote of the Month   “Maybe we’ve got to take a stronger stance.  Maybe we need to stand in the street….”   -Dennis Norton, Mayor Capitola CA as part of … Continue reading