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Monthly Archives: May 2011
“The radiation readings were so high I had to get an additional piece of equipment to read how high the spikes went.”
A recent submission from a SSM! member, who didn’t believe PG&E’s claims that smart meter radiation is insignificant. The other day she went out into SF to do her own readings with an electromagnetic analyzer- what she found shocked her: … Continue reading
Posted in Cell phones, Citizen rebellion, Democracy, Environmental Concerns, FCC, PG&E, Safety, San Francisco
Medical Experts: “There is no justification for the statement that smart meters have no health effects.””
(via EMF Safety Network) Dr. Carpenter states, “We have evidence…that exposure to radiofrequency radiation…increases the risk of cancer, increases damage to the nervous system, causes electrosensitivity, has adverse reproductive effects and a variety of other effects on different organ systems. … Continue reading
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40 California Jurisdictions Now Demand a Halt
The count is in. The Big Valley Rancheria/ Pomo Band of Indians in Lake County last month became the fortieth local jurisdiction in California to demand an immediate halt to ‘smart’ meter installations. The full list is under the “How … Continue reading
Posted in Citizen rebellion, CPUC, Democracy, Lake County, PG&E
Shame on You Grandpa
Michael Peevey is the President of the California Public Utilities Commission, the body who is continuing to authorize forced installations of dangerous ‘smart’ meters throughout California, despite evidence that they are seriously injuring people. Peevey is a former chief executive … Continue reading
Posted in Citizen rebellion, CPUC, Democracy, Health studies, PG&E