La Soup Électro! Serge-André Jones serves up truth, with fun and a driving beat. Buy it here: (page down for English). English lyrics here. We admire his verve. Update: now with English subtitles.
Get connected to the fight against smart meters and electro-smog in Quebec, Canada: Coalition québécoise de lutte contre la pollution électromagnétique
English lyrics: The Electro Soup
My name is Thérèse Cash.
I prepare and sell delicious homemade dishes.
One of them, my best-seller,
is full of good organic ingredients.
Teens love it!
It’s my Electro Soup.
In it, I put healthy greens and a cell phone,
Potatoes and a compact fluorescent light bulb,
A nice big WIFI router, marinated in garlic,
Ham and a telecommunications antenna.
To improve the taste of all that
I add a flat-screen TV and a wireless videogame controlpad.
That helps to sleep soundly!
I finish the cooking in the microwave oven.
Everything becomes nice and tender.
I serve the soup with white bread
Generously covered in Smart Meter spread.
And Smart Meters, we can put a whole lot!
3,8 million, why not?
Recipe Canada states that the Electro Soup causes no health risk whatsoever.
It’s good! It’s good!
You’ll see! It’s good!
Good for lunch, supper, breakfast and before going to bed.
You can have some all day, it’s easy to sip.
I also sell it in pills and it can even be injected.
It’s good! It’s good!
You’ll see! It’s good!
Come on! Buy some!
Don’t be shy!
It isn’t nasty, it’s even good for kids!
It’s good!
You’ll see! It’s good!
My delicious Electro Soup is even more fun than a party!
It’s good! It’s good!
My delicious Electro Soup is especially good … for my wallet!
Ha! Ha!
It’s hard enough to get people to listen to us. Why have this weird video that most can’t understand? This video belongs on a “drag” site. In the meantime I have to quit telling people to go here for info. Gross
Using humour is a good way to touch people. Dramatic articles and public marches do have their positive effect but lots of people are repulsed by a too strong activist energy. My character “Therese Cash” represents the micro-wave technology companies and their products, seemingly beautiful and attractive but, in fact, rather disgusting, fooling people, making them sick and taking all their money.
Excerpts of the video were aired last Wednesday in Québec’s most watched news bulletin (550 000 viewers). I have been handing out flyers to teens with approval of school teachers. The video was also shown last Saturday to 400 people in the province’s largest healthy living fair “Expo manger santé et vivre vert”. No scandal or negative uproar whatsoever was mentioned. I am rather surprised at this “fuss” around the cross-dressing… (Tripping on the flowers of the rug…) Humorists do it all the time and it is working very well on several.
Please review your harsh words and values, sir. The video has had already 2000 views on youtube in only 7 days. English subtitles are now available! Enjoy and spread!
well, I don’t like gun-toting second-amendment extremists, but if theyre against smart meters, I’m with them, cause if we don’t all band together, even drag queens then the CORPorapists are going to beat us.
The article before it regarding the FCC was well written and was overflowing with good information. It was beautiful.
Now we are forced to see this video of a man dressed up like a woman singing horrible. I used to put in my signature. Now when they click on the link they see this ugly wierdo nutjob. It’s hard enough trying to get people to listen. To a first time visitor it’s a big turn off to see an agenda as this being pushed.
The smart meter is a liberal agenda gone bad. Just look at it’s father, Al Gore.
Please don’t put a gun toting, self defending, freedom loving American along side a French cross dresser. The police might not be there when you need them most.
@sara, I looked up the musician and his other pieces are not performed in drag. Actually, someone who was into the drag scene might not like this because it uses that aspect to emphasize the unnaturalness of the “electro-soup makers” in our world.
Pingback: La Californie appuie “La soupe électro” et la lutte aux compteurs!
The character portrayed is gross – I believe intentionally – to show the ugliness and unnaturalness of the industries and government officials that are blanketing our planet with electrosmog. The video is a very angry expression but not too useful in a broad sense because of individual sensibilities. The point gets lost in the shock value, and Paul’s right, this would only appeal to some people and may turn others off that might otherwise be open to helping us.
Using humour is a good way to touch people. Dramatic articles and public marches do have their positive effect but lots of people are repulsed by a too strong activist energy. My character “Therese Cash” represents the micro-wave technology companies and their products, seemingly beautiful and attractive but, in fact, rather disgusting, fooling people, making them sick and taking all their money. I am rather surprised at this “fuss” around the cross-dressing… (Tripping on the flowers of the rug…) Humorists do it all the time and it is working very well on several. The video has had 1700 views on youtube in only 5 days. English subtitles are now available! Enjoy and spread!
OMG i knew (some) people from the states were (sometimes) more conservative but that’s really funny!!
Dont you have many actors in the state doing comedy shows wearing women’s clothes?? It’s not that big a deal Paul!!! (why you get so frustrated about it… something personal?)
So, good luck to all in your battle and i guess that unity and politeness (even in a blog) are better than harshness if you want to succeed.
Political activism has many forms. One of these is this humorous video. And this video is effective to convince people who doesn’t care about serious debate like smart meters. So with this video, you have the chance to extend your supporters. It’s a shame that you spoil this opportunity with homophobic comments. And by the way, I’m not a supporter of your cause, but respect is the greatest cause for me!
@Guillaume @Paul H, and all; we do appreciate your participation, and we at StopSmartMeters try to keep things open, but respectful here. We don’t censor comments unless the commenter is abusive.
This battle has brought together quite different people. Tolerance on non-essentials, like whether or not you wear pantyhose, will keep us focused on the issue–the thing we should NOT tolerate: the government-corporate collusion that is forcing these things onto our homes.
Most definetely!
Really nice and funny video from my friend Serge-André !!
I love this! Thank you to this talented musician for taking such a terrible subject and making it in to soup!!!!!
Go!! I like it!! A little poetry in this world of gross…
People think we are nuts already. You have done a terrific job to try and help them prove it.
“La soupe électro” is now available on several websites from California, France, Belgium and Australia. Is has touched a group of neuroscience professors working on the cause in Sweden and surrounding scandinavian countries. The video is included from today in a web-article on smart meters and EHS on the website of one of Montreal’s largest newspaper: La presse. The soup has had already 3500 views in 10 days, from people in 34 differents countries in the world. And it is only the beginning of this great adventure! Our cause is being heard, electrosmog is more and more a subject on people’s minds. We WILL have a healthier environment! Keep on sharing!
Thank you for this invigorating video, Serge-Andre! It gets the point across in a very entertaining way. You have some serious performance skills. (-: I come back and listen to it every once in a while, just to lighten up and smile, since this is a very serious subject, normally.
In honor of your efforts, I’m going to go post this video extraordinaire on our Facebook page (again), located at!/groups/415080751852326/. You are welcome there any time. And, once again, your efforts are much appreciated. I believe that the negative posts above are the exception to the rule. There’s something about the open nature of Stop Smart Meters, which I love most dearly, that attracts those who have a bone to pick. (-;
I have worked a lifetime in the field of electronics and electronic communication and am retired now for 12 years and fighting the increased proliferation of these devices. I know what they do to us physically and mentally, being emf sensitive myself as well as knowing why because of my electronics background. . Personally as a “Straight as there is” all American male, I think that video is extraordinarily well made and gets the point across to a whole new audience that is probably unaware of a lot of these problems. I am sure it will bring a lot more favorable attention to the realities of our cause by using the unrealities of comedy to do it. Thanks for a very good job and well done. ——— Dave.