Chicago’s Com Ed Gives Out Free Ice Cream to Soften Resistance to “Smart” Meters

screen-shot-2014-05-14-at-12.54.03-pm-1024x626 Perhaps in an effort to “sweeten the deal” and neutralize opposition to their “smart” meter program, Com Ed is giving away free ice cream using vans this July in several Chicago neighborhoods.

Unfortunately when the sugar high has faded, Chicago residents who accept “smart” meters on their homes may feel duped as they will be left with higher bills, a surveillance state apparatus in their home, and quite possibly a bad headache– even a house fire or explosion.

Klansmen-via-Flickr-615x345Turns out the utilities are not the only one using free sugar to woo people to fascist causes- the Ku Klux Klan has begun giving away free candy in Florida and South Carolina this summer.  To make matters stranger, it turns out that the traditional tune played by ice cream trucks is one of the most racist songs in the history of the US.

Remember folks:

1)  never take candy or ice cream from strangers

2)  never assume that the utility (or the Klan for that matter) are telling you the truth- especially where there are sugary treats involved.

The truth is that this shameless utility industry marketing ploy to harm communities makes us sick.

Maybe we could press into service a Stop Smart Meters! Analog Defense Van to shadow ComEd’s Toxic Radiation Trespass/ Free Ice Cream Van and give away free analog meter defense kits, flyers about health hazards, and RF measuring meters.  Maybe even some Coconut Bliss.

Selfie that, ComEd.

Plus, we would definitely have better music.

Who’s down?

This entry was posted in Changing a Meter, Illinois, neighborhood organizing, Smart Grid. Bookmark the permalink.

4 Responses to Chicago’s Com Ed Gives Out Free Ice Cream to Soften Resistance to “Smart” Meters

  1. Take advantage of this.
    Com-Ed is chumming the water to attract people.
    Follow the van around and pass out flyers and talk with people about the truth.

  2. CA says:

    I find the images objectionable. Why resort to the same tactics as the industry? These are just tactics, not a strategy.

    We can direct energy into: developing energy cooperatives in the United States based on models in other countries; helping people get off the grid; developing cooperatives for provision of clean water; developing cooperatives for the growing and distribution of food; teaching impoverished people to grow food; disseminating information that makes technical aspects of the grid and its impacts on human health more easily understandable to the public; changing EPA regulations to enforce new limitations on wireless exposure and noise from electronic devices. These activities comprise a strategy to free people from excessive domination by corporations.

  3. K says:

    I haven’t seen any birds since the smart meters were installed. It’s the Silent Spring that Rachael Carson warned about many years ago. Wireless technology has also destroyed the bee populations around the world. It should be regulated and banned in other places.

  4. Pingback: Smart Grid? or Smart Deception? Breaking the Bubble of False Dreams and Denial - CommuniChi

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