Author Archives: Josh Hart

Crossing the Line

Thank you to Howard Glasser and all you tuned in, royally pissed off people in Lake County and elsewhere who are somehow staying sane and centered amidst the sheer insanity of the ‘smart’ meter rollout. Crossing the Line By Howard … Continue reading

Posted in Citizen rebellion, CPUC, Democracy, PG&E, Police, Privacy, Safety | Leave a comment

Feeling Like a Rat?

Stop Smart Meters! brought you the news back in February that smart grid industry types- including the head of PG&E’s ‘Smart’Meter program Greg Kiraly-  were openly laughing during an industry conference about how utility customers are like rats in an … Continue reading

Posted in CPUC, Democracy, Environmental Concerns | 4 Comments

PROTEST FCC Chair in Bay Area This Thursday 4/14

Julius Genachowski- the chair of the Federal Communications Commission- is scheduled to speak in Mountain View, CA this coming Thursday April 14th.   In case you are not aware, Mr. Genachowski- appointed by Obama- was a key architect of the 1996 … Continue reading

Posted in Cell phones, Citizen rebellion, Democracy, Obama | 9 Comments

Shrubs Don’t Lie- We Should Listen When They Die

A few weeks back we featured an account of 180 smart meters on the side of an apartment complex in Berkeley.   Today we received these photos from a resident of the same complex showing the dramatic effects of smart meter … Continue reading

Posted in Environmental Concerns | 16 Comments

Nowhere to Escape from “Smart” Meters

We received this heart-wrenching account from a woman living in San Francisco, and her battle with PG&E.  Unlike many other people who have demanded removal of a ‘smart’ meter due to health impacts, she was successful at getting the besieged … Continue reading

Posted in Health studies, PG&E, San Francisco | 1 Comment