Author Archives: Josh Hart

Get Wired Event Near London, UK June 23rd

Posted in Britain, Citizen rebellion, Democracy | 1 Comment

Are Smart Meters Part of the Plot?

The United States Government is spying on our e-mails and telephone calls.  A lot of us certainly suspected it, but now it has been confirmed thanks to the brave actions of Edward Snowden, a former CIA operative who revealed the … Continue reading

Posted in Citizen rebellion, Democracy, Electronic Frontier Foundation, Federal Government, Privacy, Smart Grid | 5 Comments

Stop Smart Meters! at Leixlip Castle in Dublin, Ireland

Posted in Citizen rebellion, Ireland, Smart Grid | 2 Comments

Cindy Sage and LADWP Discuss ‘Smart’ Meters

From EMF Safety Network: Last week at a Woodland Hills City Council meeting, the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) presented information about their Smart Meter deployment plans, while environmental consultant Cindy Sage, co-editor of the BioInitiative Report, … Continue reading

Posted in California, Los Angeles | 5 Comments

Forced Seizures as Port St. Lucie FL Govt. Turns Cold Shoulder to Suffering of Woman

Thanks to EMF Safety Network for their coverage: Shari Anker begins her comments to the Port St. Lucie Florida city council by stating,  “In the book, Diary of Anne Frank, is Anne’s famous entry that reads, Despite everything I still … Continue reading

Posted in Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, health effects | Leave a comment