Category Archives: California

The Joy (and Importance) of Public Outreach

As time goes on, grassroots efforts to educate the public on the truth about “smart” meters are gaining momentum.  The spring and summer are a great season for outdoor events.  Why not set up a table or bring some flyers … Continue reading

Posted in California, Cancer, Cell phones, Citizen rebellion, Democracy, neighborhood organizing, Sacramento, Santa Cruz County | 1 Comment

Demonstration at PG&E President Chris John’s Home

Over the past several months there have been a series of demonstrations at PG&E President Christopher John’s house at 257 Sandringham Drive in Moraga (his address is publicly available from government records- this is not private info). The following is … Continue reading

Posted in California, Citizen rebellion, Class Issues and Social Equality, Democracy, Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, health effects, neighborhood organizing, PG&E, Police, radio-frequency radiation | 1 Comment

Beware Unexpected (& Unlawful) Power Outages


Posted in California, Plumas County, PSREC | Leave a comment

PSREC: “Go Live in the Forest”

Over the last several months, we have had numerous conversations with PSREC.   We have given them dozens of peer-reviewed scientific journal articles showing harm from wireless technology at levels far below what the FCC allows.  We lent them a copy … Continue reading

Posted in California, Class Issues and Social Equality, Democracy, Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, interference, Plumas County, radio-frequency radiation, Safety | 6 Comments

Lots of Storytelling Going on at the PSREC Call Center

Because now apparently PSREC (our electric company who rudely shut us off one month ago for refusing to pay illegal, discriminatory, and unjustifiable “opt out” fees) has discovered that it cannot extort, coerce, silence, or intimidate us, they are now … Continue reading

Posted in Animal Harm, California, Changing a Meter, Citizen rebellion, Class Issues and Social Equality, Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, legal issues, Plumas County, radio-frequency radiation | 1 Comment