Category Archives: Citizen rebellion

Residents Forced to Take Matters Into Their Own Hands

This account was sent to us yesterday.  Names have been changed to protect identities because of a fear of possible retribution by the utilities.  (Why must we live in fear of a corporation? -ed.) My name is Bruce and I … Continue reading

Posted in Citizen rebellion, PG&E, Santa Cruz County | 18 Comments

Not so Smart: PG&E Tactics Turning Off the Public

Pacific Gas and Electric- the beleaguered California utility company at the center of the widening “smart” meter scandal, seems to be just digging themselves in deeper every day.  Today, we have a report from Mendocino County, where they are paying … Continue reading

Posted in Citizen rebellion, Democracy, Mendocino County, PG&E | 3 Comments

Protests Against Stupid Wireless Meters Spreading

The tide is rising against forced ‘smart’ meter deployments all around North America, and beyond.   Report from Mendocino County, CA: “We had a great rally at the Fort Bragg PG&E office Friday, August 5. At least 50 people showed … Continue reading

Posted in Citizen rebellion, Democracy | 1 Comment

Defend Your Analog Meter Part IV

This elegant solution to trespassing utility contractors- using steel bars to prevent theft- creates an attractive architectural accent to any home where pulsing microwave meters are not welcome.  Allows easy reading by meter readers, while making removal impossible without doing … Continue reading

Posted in Citizen rebellion, PG&E, Santa Cruz County | 9 Comments

“PG&E, I don’t want to be part of your experiment!”

By Amy O’Hair Tom Rossi and his wife live in an aging East-Bay apartment complex, directly over the utility room containing 42 “smart” meters. Tom didn’t know this until it came to his attention accidentally, and as he came to … Continue reading

Posted in Citizen rebellion, CPUC, PG&E | 7 Comments