Category Archives: Environmental Concerns

Fort Collins CO Stands Up to Council Corruption

On April 15th, residents of Fort Collins, CO outraged by the treatment of Virginia Farver and others by City staff and law enforcement, rose up and attended the city council meeting en masse to demand the removal of smart meters … Continue reading

Posted in Citizen rebellion, Colorado, Democracy, Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, Environmental Concerns, health effects, Installer Threats and Assaults, neighborhood organizing, radio-frequency radiation, Smart Grid | 1 Comment

Russell Brand Takes Back His Power

Posted in Britain, Citizen rebellion, Class Issues and Social Equality, Climate Change, Democracy, Environmental Concerns, Federal Government, neighborhood organizing | Leave a comment

Smart Meters, the Opposite of Green

Via Jeromy Johnson of wrote an excellent article called, “Smart Meters, the Opposite of Green” which was recently published in the SF Bay Area Common Ground magazine.  The article summarizes exactly why smart meters are such a bad … Continue reading

Posted in Environmental Concerns | 1 Comment

Sedona vs. the Smart Meter

Posted in Arizona, Citizen rebellion, Democracy, Environmental Concerns, health effects, neighborhood organizing, Smart Grid | 3 Comments

Getting from ‘Smart’ to Wise: SF Panel Set to Plot New Course

From Ecological Options Network: This post encourages you to check out the landmark report “Getting Smarter About the Smart Grid,” authored by energy expert Dr. Timothy Schoechle, published by the National Institute for Science, Law and Public Policy – and … Continue reading

Posted in California, Changing a Meter, Citizen rebellion, Class Issues and Social Equality, Climate Change, Democracy, Environmental Concerns, Federal Government, Home Area Network, neighborhood organizing, San Francisco, Smart Grid | 3 Comments