Category Archives: health effects

Important Reminder: Don’t Kill the Love — Keep Microwave Radiation Away from Your Bits

Posted in Cell phones, health effects, radio-frequency radiation | 1 Comment

Smart Meter Protesters Confront Al Gore in SF

(From last night’s protest at Al Gore’s speaking gig in San Francisco- organized by No Smart Meters SF)

Posted in California, Citizen rebellion, Environmental Concerns, health effects, San Francisco, Smart Grid | 4 Comments

Maine Smart Meter Opponents File Testimony in Health Case

From MaineCoalitiontoStopSmartMeters.Org PORTLAND- In Maine’s ongoing PUC investigation into the safety of smart meters, opponents turned up the heat this week on Central Maine Power (CMP). Complainants in the case filed their comprehensive expert and lay witness testimony with the … Continue reading

Posted in health effects, Health studies, legal issues, Maine, radio-frequency radiation | 2 Comments

Resonance- Beings of Frequency

RESONANCE – BEINGS OF FREQUENCY from james russell on Vimeo. Some weekend viewing: From UK filmmaker James Russell, this independently produced film about wireless radiation and the effect it is having on humans and the natural environment is making waves … Continue reading

Posted in Animal Harm, Bees, Britain, Cancer, Cell phones, Citizen rebellion, Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, EMF Mitigation, Environmental Concerns, health effects, Health studies, Physicians, Plant damage, radio-frequency radiation, World Health Organization | Leave a comment

Bioinitiative Report 2012: “The Status Quo is Not Acceptable”

(Via EMF Safety Network) A new updated BioInitiative 2012 Report  says that evidence for risks to health has substantially increased since 2007 from electromagnetic fields (EMF) and wireless technologies/radiofrequency radiation (RFR).  The report reviews over 1800 new scientific studies and … Continue reading

Posted in Animal Harm, Cancer, Cell phones, Dirty Electricity, Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, health effects, Health studies, Physicians, radio-frequency radiation, World Health Organization | 2 Comments