Category Archives: PG&E

Defend Your Analog Meter Part II

Successful meter defenses allow the meter to be read, but not removed.   The meter belongs to the utility, but the enclosure is – after all – your property.   If PG&E or another utility damages your property to force their incredibly … Continue reading

Posted in Citizen rebellion, Democracy, PG&E | 9 Comments

(At Least) Two Reasons Why California Utility Companies Should Be Nervous About a Growing Public Backlash

People are angry.   There’s no question about that.  And they should be.   Look at Syria.   Look at Wisconsin.  Look at the UK, where riots against corporate supermarket parasite Tesco engulfed the City of Bristol last week.  Look no further … Continue reading

Posted in Citizen rebellion, Climate Change, CPUC, Democracy, Environmental Concerns, PG&E, Safety | 1 Comment

PG&E CEO Darbee Resigns- Peevey Next?

Peter Darbee–Today Michael Peevey Tomorrow? Up to Gov. Brown News in today that Pacific Gas and Electric CEO Peter Darbee has tendered his resignation effective April 30.   For the occasion, we’ve posted the video below.  At 4:40, we interrupt Darbee’s … Continue reading

Posted in CPUC, PG&E, San Francisco | 2 Comments

Smart Meter Antenna Damage Reported in Santa Cruz County- In Light of Government Inaction, Some Taking Matters Into Their Own Hands

As part of the heavily censored internal e-mails released by PG&E to the Bay Area media late last year after their ‘Smart’ Meter Program Director William Devereaux was caught snooping on customers’ e-mails, we discovered from the above correspondence that … Continue reading

Posted in Citizen rebellion, CPUC, Democracy, PG&E, Police, Safety | 21 Comments

‘Smart’ Meters Explode, Cause Fire in Santa Rosa Mall

SANTA ROSA–  It was confirmed today that an electrical fire which led to the evacuation of downtown Santa Rosa Plaza last Thursday evening was caused by a bank of newly installed PG&E ‘smart’ meters.  Reported by the Santa Rosa Press … Continue reading

Posted in CPUC, PG&E, Safety | 11 Comments