Category Archives: San Francisco

Comparing Cell Phone and Smart Meter Radiation

From our friends at Burbank Action:  The utilities are telling us that smart meters emit less radiation than cell phones.   Is your utility saying the same thing?  After PG&E told Amy O’Hair that, she decided to find out for herself.  … Continue reading

Posted in Cell phones, PG&E, San Francisco | 16 Comments

PG&E: “We just don’t want to get into a debate about it”

There’s a reason Pacific Gas and Electric and other utilities don’t want to get into a debate about their ‘smart’ meter program.  It’s because the truth is not on their side.    When a condo homeowners association in San Francisco invited … Continue reading

Posted in Citizen rebellion, PG&E, San Francisco | Leave a comment

“Smart” Meters: More Radiation Than a Cell Tower

PG&E and other utilities claim that wireless ‘smart’ meters emit a fraction of radiation compared to other common wireless devices.  This is a blatant lie, as anyone with an analyzer can determine for themselves.  Thanks to San Francisco resident Amy … Continue reading

Posted in Health studies, PG&E, San Francisco | 29 Comments

SF Condo Building Fends Off “Smart” Meter Installer

Submitted by Amy O’Hair Patrick Roddie’s apartment building unfortunately already got “smart” meters, 80 of them mounted behind one resident’s bedroom—but he isn’t going to let that happen in his girlfriend Luvi Lui’s condo complex at 1655 Mission Street, in … Continue reading

Posted in Citizen rebellion, Democracy, PG&E, San Francisco | 4 Comments

Communities Have the Right to Know and the Right to Choose

PG&E CUSTOMERS CALL THE ‘SMART’ METER ‘DELAY’ LINE  877 743 7378 Yesterday, SF supervisors voted 3-0 to proceed with their “right to know” cell phone cancer warning legislation- even if it means defending a lawsuit against the Cellular Telecommunications … Continue reading

Posted in Cell phones, Democracy, Health studies, San Francisco, World Health Organization | 2 Comments