Search Results for: defend your

Sacramento Smart Meter Awareness Finally Wins the Official Right to an Analog (After much Blood, Sweat, and Tears)

Eleven months of hard labor paid off in March as the Sacramento Municipal Utility District (or SMUD aka SMUG) bowed to public pressure and officially allowed customers to use an analog meter. SMUD customers call SMUD at (916) 732 7281 … Continue reading

Posted in Citizen rebellion, Democracy, health effects, legal issues, neighborhood organizing, radio-frequency radiation, Sacramento | 24 Comments

Maine Smart Meter Opponents File Testimony in Health Case

From MaineCoalitiontoStopSmartMeters.Org PORTLAND- In Maine’s ongoing PUC investigation into the safety of smart meters, opponents turned up the heat this week on Central Maine Power (CMP). Complainants in the case filed their comprehensive expert and lay witness testimony with the … Continue reading

Posted in health effects, Health studies, legal issues, Maine, radio-frequency radiation | 2 Comments

Protest Al Gore, Smart Meters & Silver Spring Networks Tuesday in SF

This just in from No Smart Meters SF: AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH:  THE “SMART” GRID IS WASTING ENERGY AND HARMING THE ENVIRONMENT What:    NO SMART METERS SF invites you to join them in a protest in front of the Herbst Theater … Continue reading

Posted in California, Citizen rebellion, Class Issues and Social Equality, Climate Change, Democracy, Environmental Concerns, Federal Government, neighborhood organizing, San Francisco, Smart Grid | 2 Comments

Protests Against City of Naperville Actions Planned for Feb. 5

This just in from Naperville Smart Meter Awareness: Stand in Solidarity with Naperville Stand for Responsible Government Stand for Personal Property Rights Stand for Freedom of Choice   Stand on February 5 w/ Naperville, 7pm (6:45 arrival), Council Chambers, 400 … Continue reading

Posted in Citizen rebellion, Illinois, Installer Threats and Assaults | 1 Comment

This Might Be Just What Folks in Naperville Need

People have the inalienable right to defend their safety and their privacy.  Pulsed RF radiation is a documented agent of harm.   We’re not advocating violence, but sometimes when the government starts behaving like a bunch of Nazis, there is … Continue reading

Posted in Canada, Citizen rebellion, Smart Grid | Leave a comment