Crossing the Line

Thank you to Howard Glasser and all you tuned in, royally pissed off people in Lake County and elsewhere who are somehow staying sane and centered amidst the sheer insanity of the ‘smart’ meter rollout.

Crossing the Line

By Howard Glasser

There’s legal and there’s crossing the line. For those who at least try to live by the Golden Rule, it’s not about having grounds to sue. It’s about doing the right thing.

PG&E and the CPUC had an opportunity to do the right thing but instead, blatantly violated consumer rights, breached public trust, committed inappropriate and unethical acts and abused their power.

This assault was launched suddenly and with little warning before anyone had a chance to realize what was happening. The attack was organized and premeditated while we were unarmed and powerless and our local representatives rendered defenseless in its efforts to protect us. This undermined our system of government.

When cities and counties passed moratoriums to ban SmartMeters in reaction to overwhelming public disapproval, the CPUC pushed aside public concerns and yielded to the industry they are charged with regulating. The will of the people was ignored and PG&E went on with its business.

They swarmed in like killer bees and took over our territory as if they owned it. They deployed like a covert military operation and treated us like the enemy. Some citizens in desperation tried to form blockades to stop the installation trucks. This made us feel like strangers in our own country. We are not the enemy.

When we objected to their egregious and aggressive behavior and invasive tactics, they placated us with public relations and marketing spin to assuage and pacify us

while ramping up their relentless deployment.

They misled and misinformed the media with concocted science bought and paid for by industry insiders while ignoring the preponderance of legitimate, independent scientific evidence and medical research pointing to the health hazards posed by EMF radiation.

Thousands of customer complaints put pressure on PG&E to respond. California Assemblyman Jared Huffman introduced a bill called AB 37, legislation directing the CPUC to suspend Smart Meter deployment until a satisfactory wired equivalent could be provided “giving consumers reasonable choices for devices that are installed at their homes.” The CPUC asked PG&E to come out with an opt-out plan for its customers.

Customers led to believe that they’d be given an opt-out other than wireless were shocked when presented with hefty new fees which PG&E and its attorneys justified as necessary recovery costs to have the radios embedded in its wireless SmartMeters deactivated. PG&E asked for $84 million to turn the radios off. That’s a scam.

While the public was put on hold pending CPUC’s approval of this so-called opt-out plan, PG&E ramped up its installation schedule so that they would be finished by the time the opt-out was available making the process moot. That’s a sham.

PG&E never had any intention of interrupting its rollout. It was funded to the tune of $2.2 billion for the program, the largest of its kind in North America (10 million installations) and Wellington Energy’s share is more than $300 million. Its goal is have a SmartMeter on every home and business in its 70,000-square-mile service territory and they’re closing in on it.

To achieve the objectives, PG&E offered its installers a bonus of $25 per meter for every meter more than 35 they could install in an eight-hour shift. This commission-weighted pay plan rewarded speed over proficiency, encouraged haste and led to cutting corners where public safety is concerned. Faulty installations were linked to fires statewide.

Confronted by customers who did not want a SmartMeter installed, Wellington worked surreptitiously approaching homes in a stealth manner to get in and out before anyone noticed. Customers taken by surprise pursued installers demanding removal of the wireless meters but their requests were denied. The elderly and disabled, some of whom rely on essential at-home medical equipment or life support devices, were put at even further disadvantage. Installers would have no way of knowing about these special needs unless they first knocked on the door but that would have blown their cover.

It’s clear lines were crossed here with actions that most people consider deplorable. The CPUC exhibited conduct unbefitting a state commission chartered with operating in the public interest.

PG&E and the CPUC are not above the law. The California Public Utilities Commission’s website states: “The CPUC serves the public interest by protecting consumers and ensuring the provision of safe, reliable utility service and infrastructure at reasonable rates with a commitment to environmental enhancement and a healthy California economy.” What happened?

The CPUC along with PG&E and its installers should be held fully accountable to the people of California.

Howard Glasser


Posted in Citizen rebellion, CPUC, Democracy, PG&E, Police, Privacy, Safety | Leave a comment

Feeling Like a Rat?

Stop Smart Meters! brought you the news back in February that smart grid industry types- including the head of PG&E’s ‘Smart’Meter program Greg Kiraly-  were openly laughing during an industry conference about how utility customers are like rats in an experiment.  Today we were reminded by the great letter to the editor by Dave Hubert in the Santa Rosa Press Democrat that wireless EMF radiation- such as the pulses sent out by your “smart” meter- are effective ways of compelling rats to leave your house.

Of course as Dave points out, what the rats are suffering is exactly what is happening to countless people in areas where ‘smart’ meters are being deployed- people we hear from every day who are being forced to leave their homes because the government denies the existence of electro-sensitivity and refuses to acknowledge non-thermal health impacts, despite the clear and decisive evidence to the contrary.

Now don’t get us wrong- we’ve known some very nice rats, so make sure that if you get upset and want to use the label to refer to FCC Chairman Genachowski and all those CTIA lobbyists, know that it would truly be an insult to respectable rodents everywhere.

Here is Dave’s letter:

Rats. A SmartMeter

EDITOR: From the brutal technology department:

People who experience pain from the SmartMeter devices PG&E has been installing all over Northern California describe their encounters in words similar to descriptions of how electromagnetic rodent repellers work.

Online description of an electromagnetic rodent repeller: “It works by altering the electromagnetic field in the wiring in your house, basically it sends out a vibration around all of the wiring throughout the walls and floors in the building using it. This vibration makes the animals feel really uneasy and they will do anything to get away from it.”

Hate to say it, but that’s exactly how my wife reacted when PG&E installed a gas SmartMeter next door. It puts out radio frequencies that are apparently noxious to her.

Yeah, it didn’t kill her, but it made her feel like jumping out of her skin. There are huge areas of SmartMetered California (mostly urban) that are now off limits to her.

Guess what? She found out there are lots of other people out there who react the same way. Had the devices been properly studied they would not have been approved for installation on every home in California.



Posted in CPUC, Democracy, Environmental Concerns | 4 Comments

PROTEST FCC Chair in Bay Area This Thursday 4/14

FCC Chair Genachowski stated at the recent Intl. Electronics Show in Las Vegas that he is "fighting for our mobile future." Turns out what he is fighting against are people, health, democracy and nature.

Julius Genachowski- the chair of the Federal Communications Commission- is scheduled to speak in Mountain View, CA this coming Thursday April 14th.   In case you are not aware, Mr. Genachowski- appointed by Obama- was a key architect of the 1996 Telecommunications Act that prohibited local governments from rejecting cell phone towers based on health concerns. Why would the feds need to pass a law to specifically prohibit cities and counties from banning cell towers based on health reasons if the towers were safe?  Note that this law was passed the same year that Henry Lai came out with his damning findings that low levels of EMF damage DNA.

The FCC is an agency out of control.  It has not only authorized an unprecedented rollout of untested G4 wireless technology, it is preparing to dismantle land line telephone service (!!!!) in the name of progress so we will all be forced to use cell phones exclusively or be disconnected from our friends and family.  The FCC’s weak limits on human exposure to microwave radiation- one of the most lenient in the world and based solely on thermal impacts- allowed the current smart meter debacle to unfold with all of its devastating health impacts.  Non-thermal biological impacts of EMF have now been documented in the Journal of the American Medical Association yet our federal agency in charge of health is still pretending they don’t exist.

Each one of these actions is enough to protest.  Together, they add up to an assault on our rights and our health. Enough is enough.

There will be a PROTEST outside the Computer History Museum this Thursday April 14th beginning at 5:30pm 1401 N. Shoreline Blvd., Mountain View.  The event begins at 7pm and you can buy tickets here.  See all you smartwarriors in Mountain View next week!  Please rsvp to if you are planning on attending.

Posted in Cell phones, Citizen rebellion, Democracy, Obama | 9 Comments

Shrubs Don’t Lie- We Should Listen When They Die

March 19th, right after smart meters were installed

photo taken April 7th

A few weeks back we featured an account of 180 smart meters on the side of an apartment complex in Berkeley.   Today we received these photos from a resident of the same complex showing the dramatic effects of smart meter radiation on a nearby shrub.  It appears that the poor plant is dying from the inside out.  There has been ample rainfall during this time, and none of the other plants or trees on the property have been affected in the same way.

Stephen Weissman- a former judge with the CPUC- reported last month that the smart meter program was legally vulnerable as it was never required to undergo environmental review.  Based on the apparent effects to the environment, we’d say he has a point.

If smart meters are causing this much harm to nearby vegetation, what’s it doing to us and our kids???

Posted in Environmental Concerns | 16 Comments

Nowhere to Escape from “Smart” Meters

One woman's struggle with health impacts from her 'smart' meter

We received this heart-wrenching account from a woman living in San Francisco, and her battle with PG&E.  Unlike many other people who have demanded removal of a ‘smart’ meter due to health impacts, she was successful at getting the besieged utility to remove her meter.   Despite this, she is still struggling with the lingering effects of being exposed to the radiation from these meters.  Here is her account:

Toxic Exposure from only one SmartMeter 7 feet below my bed for 3 months
Though I never was electrically sensitive before, an extreme exposure
to Electro Magnetic Frequencies (EMFs) from just one of PG&E’s digital
SmartMeters, (from 10/31/09 to 3/3/10), left me as an electrically
sensitive person. Along the way, the experience of dealing with PG&E
to take the SmartMeter out was truly creepy. Now, a year after the
SmartMeter was removed, 30% of the symptoms still rule my life.

Here is the sequence of events: In early December 2009, I began
experiencing nights of fitful sleeplessness. I soon had less and less
energy in the day time. I began having localized headaches and worried
why I was constantly a bit dizzy. In January the dizziness became
worse and I began feeling very oddly ‘spaced out’. I began having
strange strong cramps in my legs at night that woke me up. My eyes
were constantly extremely itchy and incredibly light sensitive, often
with strong pains in my right eye. My normal mild tinnitus was far far
worse. Also my familiar chest pressure and pains were far more
pronounced and far more often. I had no idea these things were
related. At first I just felt guilty I had allowed myself to get so
out-of-shape that I could not find a solution to the horrible
insomnia. By January I had such serious memory problems I often could
not remember what I was doing from one minute to the next. I would
find myself standing still, staring into space, and vaguely realizing
that something must be wrong with me. By February, when speaking, hard
as I tried, I could not remember the most common words, and was
spelling words phonetically. Also, the stutter I had as a child began
to return.

By the end of February I realized I was becoming more and more dizzy
as the days went by. One day I was so dizzy, I literally could not
walk and was actually staggering. Also, by then, I frequently saw in
the mirror that my face was Bright Bright Red. And since I had no
feeling of being hot, I finally knew something was really very wrong
and that the cause was not insomnia. But I had absolutely no idea what
the cause could be. It is only because of two purely chance incidents
that I discovered the cause was just one SmartMeter seven feet below
my bed.

In January and again in February a friend using my garage as a theater
rehearsal space, twice came upstairs to the apartment to tell me that
as a person who rarely got headaches, he could not figure out why
lately whenever he was in the garage he would get horrific headaches.
But, as it turns out, he had been sitting and standing about ten feet
from the SmartMeter.

Through this whole experience, there were two ambulance trips to the
emergency room for racing heart. Both times at the onset I was in no
stress whatever. When the pills that are supposed to slow the heart
rate down did not work, I had no choice but to call an ambulance. Both
times, at the hospital, my heart checked out just fine. The first time
was before the SmartMeter was taken out. The second ambulance trip to
the ER was one morning 6 weeks after the SmartMeter was taken out. I
had been sitting for a few hours at my desk 25 feet from a power pole.
This was the day I realized that even though the SmartMeter had been
taken out, it had left me as an electrically sensitive person and I
could no longer use that office or enjoy that roof garden as I had
for the past 30 years.

For this whole past year since the SmartMeter was taken out, I have
had to completely interrupt my cultural-exchange business and personal
life to only focus on finding ways to shield myself from EMFs. Every
day is a fight. It is serious stress. I am on constant overwhelm.
Lately the symptoms are worse again. The strange leg muscle cramps are
waking me up again at night. In this past year I have lost half of my
hair. The tinnitus is worse and worse in just the last few weeks.
There are fewer and fewer places I can go, out of the house, to avoid
EMFs that do not make the Tinnitus worse. I worry a lot about cancer
and the health of my neighbor’s children. And I know there is no
where to escape to.

Posted in Health studies, PG&E, San Francisco | 1 Comment