Video: CPUC Public Testimony Feb. 24th 2011

This is video of public testimony at the CA Public Utilities Commission on February 24th, 2011.  Thanks to EON for their consistent and professional video coverage of these events.

Posted in Cell phones, Citizen rebellion, CPUC, Democracy, Health studies, PG&E, Police, San Francisco | Leave a comment

Smart Meter Protesters Pack CPUC Meeting

Yesterday morning nearly 40 people addressed the California Public Utilities Commission, demanding an immediate halt to the ‘smart’ meter rollout and telling of widespread health impacts from the new wireless meters.

Here is what our Director, Joshua Hart, told the commission yesterday, before he was hauled away by CHP officers for exceeding the one minute time limit.

“My name is Joshua Hart with  I have a list that grows by more than a dozen people every week- people who are suffering health damage from ‘smart’ meters.  What do I tell these people- these engineers, nurses, teachers suffering insomnia, tinnitus, headaches, and heart arrhythmias? What do I tell them when they ask how they can get this device removed from their house?   Sorry the CPUC and PG&E think you are crazy?

I have another list that also grows longer every day.   It is a list of people willing to take personal direct action to stop this insanity.   And right now, Mr. Peevey, I can tell you that it requires all the self-restraint I can muster to not chain myself to your chair in protest of this madness.

The ‘smart’ meter rollout has been a half-baked debacle that is hurting California families, draining their bank accounts, and violating their privacy.  The CPUC’s handling of the ‘smart’ meter program has been– at best– schizophrenic.  You knew back in the 1990′s that EMF’s are harmful- you even issued inserts in electric bills advising people how to reduce their exposure.

Yet you authorized a wireless program that has inflicted powerful radiation and incalculable harm to California.   To make a mistake is understandable- it happens even with $2.2 billion projects.

To deny that harm is taking place.  To continue to inflict that harm, despite all the evidence.  To refuse to hold public hearings in the face of nearly 30 cities and counties lining up against the program.

That is criminal.

With the new make up of the commission, you have a chance to chart a new course.   If you fail, may the justice system, civil society, and history judge you and hold you responsible for the harm you have done.”

Video of yesterday’s testimony, and questions raised at the press conference following the meeting will be posted shortly.

Posted in Citizen rebellion, CPUC, Democracy, San Francisco | 3 Comments

Denying Non-Thermal Wireless Health Impacts Growing More Untenable Every Day

While government regulatory agencies continue to insist that non-thermal health impacts from wireless radiation cannot be proven,  we now have what amounts to a smoking gun- that the function of the human brain is significantly altered by exposure to relatively low levels of EMF.   Carried out by the National Institutes of Health, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association and covered by the New York Times among other media outlets, it seems that the official nature of this study is turning a lot of heads- and hopefully keeping them away from wireless devices.

Dr. Devra Davis who recently published the book Disconnect, the Truth about Cell Phone Radiation, What the Industry Has Done to Hide it, and What You Can Do to Protect Your Family said in response to the study:

“Could the stimulating impact of cell phone radiation to boost brain energy explain some of the growing addiction many of us feel for our phones?”  Davis asks.  “That is one of the many research questions that should be addressed.”

With new analyses showing whole body exposure to microwave radiation being actually higher from a ‘smart’ meter than that of a cell phone, this should ring loud alarm bells in every place where wireless meters are going in.

Posted in Cell phones, Health studies | 3 Comments

Anti- Smart Meter Protesters Greet Obama in Woodside

President Obama visited the Bay Area last night for a meeting with leaders of  the nation’s top tech firms at the Woodside home of John Doerr, a venture capitalist with links to Silver Spring Networks, one of the companies behind the ‘smart’ meter.   The president got a taste of the widening protests against his ill-fated smart grid plans when his motorcade came upon protesters demanding a halt to forced wireless meter installation.

While the promise of the ‘smart grid’ gained many supporters in the business and environmental arenas as a concept, it has become clear as smart meters have been installed that the meters do not deliver the energy savings promised- even generating additional carbon emissions.  The benefits appear to be flowing almost exclusively  to wealthy corporations while ratepayers and residents pick up the tab for the whole debacle, with many faced with skyrocketing bills and health impacts from the powerful wireless pulses.

Kudos to the intrepid protesters who tracked down the president on a dar and rainy night to deliver their important message.  Video coverage of Obama’s visit and the anti-smart meter protests is available on KTVU Channel 2’s site.

Posted in Citizen rebellion, Democracy, Obama | 6 Comments

Feb. 16th Protest at the CA Public Utilities Commission

Thanks to EON for their video coverage of yesterday’s protest in San Francisco.

Posted in Citizen rebellion, CPUC, Democracy, Environmental Concerns, PG&E, Privacy, Safety, San Francisco | 2 Comments