CCST Report Leaves Smart Meter Health Questions Unanswered

Report Admits that Smart Meter Radiation “Continues to be of Concern”

The New Report Out Yesterday from the California Cheerleaders for 'Smart' Technology

San Francisco- A coalition of health and environmental advocates opposing radiation-emitting ‘smart’ meters today questioned the recommendations of a report released yesterday, calling the installation of 10 million wireless meters throughout California “a giant experiment on the population.” The California Council on Science and Technology (CCST) released a draft of their Smart Meter report yesterday- a response to Assemblymember Jared Huffman’s (D-San Rafael) request and question, “Are the FCC Safety Standards adequate to protect people from harm?”

The CCST report answers that the FCC safety standards are adequate for thermal impacts yet non-thermal impacts from radiation emitting devices like Smart Meters is still unknown.  Despite this uncertainty, the report inexplicably gives the green light for continued installation.

Cindy Sage of Sage Associates, a professional environmental consultant who last week released a study showing that ‘smart’ meters likely exceed already high FCC limits on human exposure to microwaves, said “Installing millions of RF transmitters in peoples’ homes when we already have substantial scientific evidence about the risks of chronic, low-level RF is a risk not worth taking.  Especially without any discussion, or disclosure to the public about trade-offs made without their knowledge or consent.”

The CCST study found that radiation from a ‘Smart’ Meter is forty times as high as a wireless wifi router, contradicting PG&E’s previous claim that the meters emit a minute fraction of the radiation of common household devices.

“Comparing wireless meters to other wireless devices that are voluntary, and which many people choose not to use is not a fair comparison to government-mandated meters that expose people in their homes 24 hours a day.” Sage says.

Stop Smart Meters!, the EMF Safety Network, and other groups opposing ‘smart’ meters continue to receive reports from hundreds of people experiencing health impacts after the wireless meters are installed, including sleep problems, headaches, tinnitus and nausea.  The California Public Utilities Commission has received over 2000 complaints of health impacts.  The CCST report failed to interview anyone reporting health symptoms, and neglected to cite peer-reviewed findings of non-thermal biological damage from low level RF emissions.

“The costs for having guessed wrong is likely to have enormous economic and public health consequences for Californians for decades to come,” Sage concludes.


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Santa Cruz County Passes One Year Emergency Ordinance- Two Arrested This Morning at Rohnert Park Protest

This morning Santa Cruz County passed an emergency one-year ordinance criminalizing the installation of PG&E’s ‘smart’ meters, following Marin County’s emergency action last week, and the release of a study that showed that violations of FCC limits on human exposure to microwave radiation were likely from the new meters.

In other news, two more women were arrested in Sonoma County this morning (Jan. 11), after peacefully blockading a Wellington Energy installation yard there.   More details have been sent to us from the EMF Safety Network:


Angry Protesters Blocked Wellington Driveway- Forced Deployment Shut Down

Rohnert Park CA- A leader of a group of Smart Meter opponents was handcuffed and taken away by police shortly after 8 am this morning.  The Rohnert Park police arrested Deborah Tavares and Ilona Gallo for blocking a semi truck carrying a load of Smart Meters. Two dozen PG&E customers gathered at 7:30 am to protest the forced deployment of PG&E Smart Meters.

Alan Horn, who was at the protest stated, “The arresting officer twisted Deborah’s arm in a violent manner which was an unnecessary use of force on a grandmother who is fighting to protect the rights of all children and families.”

After the arrests were made and the police were gone Wellington attempted to move their trucks out of the gate to start their installations and the remaining protesters blocked their exit in a stand off.  Wellington retreated back into the gated deployment yard at 9:30 am.

“People are becoming increasingly angry and feeling frustrated and helpless over the continued deployment of radiation Smart Meters that threaten our finances, privacy and our health and safety” stated Sandi Maurer, founder of the EMF Safety Network.

Today’s arrests follow recent arrests of two young mothers who were blocking Smart Meter trucks in West Marin County.

Posted in Citizen rebellion, Democracy, Health studies, PG&E | 4 Comments

‘Smart’ Meters Violate FCC Radiation Exposure Limits Says New Study

New independent report suggests that living next to a 'smart' meter is comparable to living within 3-600 feet of a major cell phone tower

San Francisco- A study released today reports that wireless ‘smart’ meters being installed by PG&E and other utilities in California are likely to violate Federal Communications Commission (FCC) safety limits as they are being installed and operated.  Further, the study found that excessively elevated radiofrequency radiation levels can be expected throughout homes and businesses where ‘smart’ meters have been installed, comparable to living within 200 – 600 feet of a major cell phone tower in many cases.  Health risks have been associated in some published studies to levels commensurate with those of smart meters. The study, carried out by consulting firm Sage and Associates, finds that associated health impacts may include neurological symptoms such as headache, sleep disruption, restlessness, tremors, cognitive impairment, and tinnitus, as well as increased cancer risk and heart problems such as arrythmias, altered heart rhythms, and palpitations.[1] [2]

“This study represents an independent refutation of what PG&E and the other utilities claim are insignificant exposures to microwave radiation from their meters,” says Joshua Hart, Director of Stop Smart Meters!  “The reality is that ‘smart’ meters emit radiation of a power and frequency that has been linked with DNA disruption, pathological leakage of the blood-brain barrier (which can lead to neuron death), and many other health impacts.  This report is the final straw- if the CPUC refuses to act, Governor Brown must order an immediate halt to installation and deactivation of installed meters pending open public hearings on how this debacle could have been approved in the first place.”

In other developments, Marin County on Tuesday became the 4th local government, and 2nd county in California to pass an ordinance specifically outlawing installation of ‘smart’ meters- in large part due to health and safety issues. This unanimous decision follows two successive Board of Supervisors meetings that were packed with outraged residents demanding that the County government pass legislation to protect human health.  It also follows a blockade of ‘smart’ meter trucks in West Marin last week that resulted in the arrests of two mothers who blocked installation to protect the health of their children and community.

People across California have complained about ‘Smart’ meters since the beginning, including widespread reports of inflated bills, privacy and hacking of personal information, electrical interference with cordless phones, baby monitors, home security systems and critical care equipment, and tripping of ground fault interrupters and arc fault interrupters on electrical wiring that is needed to protect wiring from electrical surges.

In addition, there have been more than 2000 health complaints submitted to the CA Public Utilities Commission (CPUC). ‘Smart’ Meters use microwave radiation (similar to a cell phone) to transmit customer data back to the utility, and are being installed just as the public learns of evidence that brain tumors and other health damage can be traced to similar wireless devices.   The CPUC, who sanctioned PG&E’s $2.2 billion program to install 10 million new meters throughout California at the expense of ratepayers, has not allowed individuals to opt out even in cases of severe health impacts.

Nearly two dozen local governments* have called for a moratorium.  The CPUC’s own Division of Ratepayer Advocates (DRA) has also demanded public hearings be held to study potential health risks resulting from exposure to radiation from the meters.

The full report can be downloaded at:

* California local governments demanding a moratorium include: the City and County of San Francisco, Santa Cruz and Marin County Board of Supervisors, Sonoma County Supervisor Efren Carrillo, the cities of Sebastopol, Berkeley, San Rafael, Cotati, Fairfax, Santa Cruz, Piedmont, Scotts Valley, Capitola, Watsonville, Sausalito, San Anselmo, Belvedere, Monte Sereno, Novato, Morro Bay, San Clemente, Richmond, Ross, Bolinas, and Camp Meeker.

[1] Khurana  VG Hardell L Everaert J Bortkiewicz A Carlberg M Ahonen M,  2010.  Epidemiological Evidence for a Health Risk from Mobile Phone Base Stations. Int Journal of Occupational Environmental Health 2010;16:263–267

[2] Kundi M Hutter HP  Mobile phone base stations—Effects on wellbeing and health.  Pathophysiology 16 (2009) 123–135

Posted in Citizen rebellion, Democracy, Environmental Concerns, Health studies, PG&E | 35 Comments

Direct Action Stops ‘Smart’ Meter Installation in Larkspur, Marin County

While on the way to the Larkspur ferry about a month ago, I came across a Wellington Energy installer in Larkspur placing ‘smart’ meters on people’s homes.   I followed him to a number of houses, speaking with residents about the effects of the meters.  Every single person refused installation.  The video starts when the installer arrives at a house where the occupants weren’t home (and thus unable to refuse).

I took direct action to protect health and property by peacefully resisting the installation and keeping the installer curbside for just under an hour.

The CHP and Sheriff pulled me over after I had left, detained me, and told me that if I did that again they would place me under arrest.  I told them that I had a ‘lawful excuse’ for what I was doing- that I was acting to prevent the greater crime of ‘smart’ meter microwave exposure, and that I would do it again given the chance.

People say they feel powerless to stop this program.   But actions over the past few weeks have shown that is not the case.   When people organize and resist it makes a difference.  Just don’t let them have the power over you or your community.  Don’t go along and don’t accept it.   Get in their way.  Defend against microwave trespass.

If you can prevent one installation, then that’s one less ‘smart’ meter and one less family who will be exposed.  Working together, we have more power than most people realize.   Don’t surrender that power to gutless bureaucrats and compromised commissions.

The power is with the public and they know it.

Posted in Citizen rebellion | 1 Comment

Marin County Outlaws ‘Smart’ Meters as Local Government Resistance Spreads


The County of Marin- north of San Francisco- on Tuesday became the 2nd County in California, after Santa Cruz, to pass a law banning PG&E’s new wireless smart meters.  The move comes after two successive board meetings were packed by over 100 outraged members of the community, and a successful blockade of a dozen Wellington Energy ‘smart’ meter installation trucks was carried out in West Marin in late December, resulting in the arrests of two local mothers.

Other local governments are poised to follow Marin County’s lead, including San Luis Obispo County, the City of San Clemente, and the City of Monterey.  The Chronicle reports that PG&E says they will continue to install the meters despite the growing revolt against them:

In Marin County, PG&E has already held about 35 community meetings and open houses, (PG&E spokesperson Jeff) Smith said. The company, therefore, doesn’t need to pause the program, he said.

“Continuing the program will allow all our customers to enjoy these benefits,” he said.

This is a little bit like a rapist, who refuses to hear his victim when she says “NO” repeatedly.  In convincing himself that she will benefit- or receive pleasure from what he is doing, he carries on regardless of her increasing protests.  Smith uses the fact that PG&E has held a number of meetings in the County as justification for their continued installation.   “Sweetheart, you’ve gone on 4 dates with me already, therefore I don’t need to pause my advances.”

If PG&E won’t respect the wishes of the population, and our democratically elected representatives, perhaps the sheriff will have to shift his attention from peaceful protesters to Wellington installers.   These are guys just doing their job though.  What would be most appropriate in this situation would be to jail the criminal thugs at the top of the corporation- for espionage, home invasion, and crimes against humanity.

Listen to Stop Smart Meters! Director Josh Hart and Rebecca, an electrically sensitive woman from San Diego who was forced to give up her professional practice and home and move out of state because of the ‘smart’ meter program, interviewed on the KPFA morning show yesterday.

Posted in Citizen rebellion, Democracy, Environmental Concerns, PG&E | 6 Comments