Back to School Sale: 10% Off All EMF Meters in Our Store

IMG_5752ED88tGet Your Kids the Screen Shot 2016-08-24 at 4.57.39 PMTechnology They Need to Measure the Wi-Fi and other Electrosmog in their Schools ONE WEEK ONLY!!



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Find Gauss Meters, RF Meters, Combo Meters, Brochures, DVD’s, Books and More at Discounted Prices in the Stop Smart Meters! Store.  Proceeds Benefit Our Campaign.

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Offline is the New Luxury

This documentary, Offline is the New Luxury, is well worth a watch. Although it does not address the issue of RF health impacts specifically, it does flirt with the issue a number of times. Adopting the EHS terminology of “white zone” it documents how those areas without internet access are quickly vanishing from the face of the planet, driven by companies like Google and Facebook, and their quest for new markets.

Truly terrifying when you layer the  carcinogenicity and toxicity of RF on top of the existing social consequences of our tech addiction.

Technology can be a good thing, but let’s keep it wired, and within reason. Unfortunately the tech behemoths have other ideas in mind for our future.

So get out there and defend a white zone today! Not so sure about reporting it through an iPhone app though…

Posted in Uncategorized | 1 Comment

Tom Wheeler Dodges Tough Questions at FCC Hearing

Also, see here for a journalist account of security intimidation at the FCC meeting, after he requested to see a t-shirt carried by an attendee with a wireless safety message on it. The repression and intimidation of the press and of the public by agencies which we fund and ostensibly serve us– is not acceptable.

Posted in FCC | 3 Comments

Smart Meters Not Even Needed, Say EU Industry Insiders

Europe-1Last month, electric power industry insiders admitted at the Eurelectric Conference what experts have known for years– that an efficient, advanced electric power system does not need smart meters after all. This is another blow to the smart grid industry, after Germany canceled plans to widely deploy smart electric meters there, due to the lack of a sound economic case for the meters. Read more in the article linked below.

Smart meters ‘not needed’ after all for European power grid

Posted in Smart Grid | 1 Comment

New Stop Smart Meters! Toll-Free Hotline Available for Your “Burning” Smart Meter Questions


If you have questions about organizing in your community to stop smart meters or other wireless technologies, feel free to call our new toll free US hotline (888) 965-6435. This is a service especially vital for those who do not use e-mail or the internet. Exercise your community’s right to use analog phones and meters and call our hotline today!

Please check our Frequently Asked Questions and find quick answers there first.

If you would like to send us a letter, place a store order, or send a donation, please write to us at the following address:

Stop Smart Meters!
PO Box 682
Portola, CA 96122
United States of America

Thank you for your donations and store purchases helping fund this service.

Posted in Changing a Meter, Citizen rebellion, neighborhood organizing | 2 Comments