Florida Whistlestop Interview

Posted in Florida, neighborhood organizing, radio-frequency radiation | 5 Comments

Demonstration at PG&E President Chris John’s Home

Over the past several months there have been a series of demonstrations at PG&E President Christopher John’s house at 257 Sandringham Drive in Moraga (his address is publicly available from government records- this is not private info).

The following is an account of someone who was there:

“Obviously PG&E is tracking these demonstrations.  As soon as I arrived at 2pm, a car pulled into their driveway. Soon a man with an ID hanging from his neck got out and went into the house. Other demonstrators arrived. Soon thereafter a car drove by with two men in them, window rolled down, and one yelled, ‘wrong house, he’s moved.’ Gullible me thought oh no I got it wrong and everyone’s here, help!…. The guard came out escorting Mrs. Johns – I mostly recognized her – I had demonstrated alone here one year before and had knocked on the door and she had opened it up and we had talked until her husband screamed, ‘shut the door.’

To be sure I asked the guard if this was Christopher Johns house and he replied, ‘I’m not allowed to reveal.’ So I knew for sure it was. As a group we read our manifesto, shouted out our awful symptoms, posted the manifesto on the door, and left a copy of Take Back Your Power. We were leaving and a security officer from PG&E arrived and photographed one of our cars.  Later I spoke to someone at PG&E and he revealed that Mrs. Johns’ was afraid we would have a gun or a knife so she had a PG&E guard escort her away. PLEASE!

A few weeks later we staged a second demonstration, and purposely did not post it. No one was at home, we had our demonstration, and just as we were about to leave, the police arrived. This was a hard core military style policeman with thick veins bulging from his neck – not the nice but firm police we’ve encountered at our other peaceful demonstrations. He stated we couldn’t leave anything under the mat at the front door, and one demonstrator immediately held firm and stated that it’s totally legal to do that. He stated no more because the PG&E president doesn’t want us to. I started to say something and was immediately told to be quiet while he talked. He did his spiel and then passed his card to us saying we needed to call him if we were to have another demonstration. I went on to say it’s against First Amendment rights having to get permission for a demonstration.

Then another demonstrator calmly stated ‘what is the name of your supervisor?’ He gave his name and then asked, ‘is there something the matter?’ I stated ‘yes – you’re rather harsh – all the other policemen have been nice to us. We are families and professionals demonstrating against ‘Smart’ Meters because they are making us sick.’ He ended by saying ‘I guess you can protest when you want to protest.’ He left. We felt so good because we had held our ground and refused to be intimidated……”

If you are interested in taking part in these ongoing peaceful demonstrations, please contact us.

Posted in California, Citizen rebellion, Class Issues and Social Equality, Democracy, Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, health effects, neighborhood organizing, PG&E, Police, radio-frequency radiation | 1 Comment

A Look Back at All the Action (So Far)

Posted in Uncategorized | 1 Comment

Interview with Stop Smart Meters Georgia!

Posted in Citizen rebellion, georgia, neighborhood organizing | 3 Comments

Interview with Andrew McAfee of Raleigh ES

The second stop on our WhistleStop Smart Meters! Tour was in Raleigh, NC where we met Andrew McAfee, formerly a horn player with the UNC Symphony Orchestra and founder of Raleigh ES.  Andrew is organizing to oppose smart meters and working to defend the rights of electro-hyper-sensitive people in the Raleigh area.

We sat down with him during our visit to find out the whole story about how he has suffered from wireless radiation and what accommodations he has been able to obtain from the University.   By going public with his affliction, and continuing to educate those around him, Andrew has carved out a safe niche for himself and others, and is a model for others similarly affected.

Posted in Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, health effects, North Carolina | 6 Comments