Take Back Your Power Documentary to be Released Sept. 5; Damage to Human Blood Cells Documented

Watch Take Back Your Power here at StopSmartMeters.Org starting Sept. 5th.   Join the TBYP team as an affiliate and spread the message of the film via the grassroots.  We know mainstream media distribution won’t touch this film, so let’s distribute it ourselves!

Posted in Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, health effects, radio-frequency radiation, Smart Grid | 2 Comments

Take Back Your Power Film in USA Today; Release Sept. 5

Take Back Your Power- the explosive new documentary debut from Canadian filmmaker Joshua del Sol, is set to premiere Sept. 5th, and was covered in USA Today on Monday:

Josh del Sol got curious in the summer of 2011 after a friend linked a serious illness to the recent installation of a “smart meter.” …. Now, del Sol is on the verge of premiering a feature-length documentary — his first — titled Take Back Your Power, disclosing questionable industry practices in support of implementing networked control systems for power plants. The film links billing mistakes, invasive monitoring, even human illnesses to the rising use of smart grids in the U.S. and Europe……The Edison Electric Institute, a trade group representing utilities implementing smart grids, had no comment about the movie.

The film’s trailer made its exclusive online debut on Monday; the online premier of the full feature is scheduled Sept. 5….. Del Sol says access to industry sources was tough. “We had a difficult time getting anyone in the industry to talk to us on camera once they found out that we were wanting to get to the bottom of some of these concerns,” he says.

StopSmartMeters.Org has been working closely with the TBYP team over the past year, supplying video footage, and consulting on various issues in the film. We are excited about the release and encourage all our readers to spread the word about the important message this film brings to the big screen.   Congratulations to Josh and all the TBYP team who have been working so hard on this critical project.  Fantastic seeing their work come to fruition.

More information, to donate and to pre-order the DVD:  Take Back Your Power Website

Posted in Canada, Citizen rebellion, Smart Grid | 5 Comments

BC People’s Class Action Builds Momentum


Nan Latchford wants BC Hydro to keep “hands off” from her analog meter. She and her husband have joined a class-action lawsuit. Kristen Douglas/The Mirror

A Canadian class action lawsuit started by Nomi Davis, a yoga teacher from British Columbia’s Saltspring Island is gaining momentum, and publicity.  An article in the Vancouver Sun recently included this quote from Una St. Clair of the Center for Safe Technology:

“If I choose to avoid chemical fertilizers on my property because I think they’re unhealthy, that is my choice. The same goes with my exposure to smart meter radiation. In a free and pluralistic society, a possible toxin cannot be forced down anyone’s throat — or forced onto one’s property.”


But are we still living in a free and pluralistic society?  That is the question Una’s statement begs the reader, and one perhaps Canadian courts will decide.

The Campbell River BC Mirror reports:

“Salt Spring Island resident Nomi Davis () said her analog meter was replaced last year by a smart meter in a deceptive fashion.

According to a video Davis posted on Youtube, she was promised by a representative from Corix, which has been installing the new meters, that her meter would have the radio switched off.

But immediately after the meter was installed, a friend was able to measure electromagnetic frequencies coming from the smart meter every five seconds – some from 40 feet away.The Latchfords signed onto Davis’ lawsuit on April 30, but the papers were just filed to B.C. Supreme Court on July 25.

The suit demands that BC Hydro remove unwanted smart meters, that BC Hydro stop installing the devices without the consent of the home owner, that BC Hydro be prohibited from declining to sell power to properties who don’t want the meters, and that the power corporation be restrained from accepting payments in exchange for not having a smart meter.

Nan Latchford said the lawsuit is about rights and freedom.“We feel our civil rights are being ignored by not giving us a choice and not giving us the freedom to have our homes free of an intrusion of a radiating device that BC Hydro wants to put on our homes and keep track of every little step we take by recording our power usage in a manner that you can detect whether we’re home, whether we’re not at home, whether we’re on vacation and if we are at home, what we do at home,” Latchford said.”

More here.

The courtrooms are beginning to buzz with people’s smart meter wireless injury claims against the utilities. People have even had luck suing in small claims court (pdf). When yoga teachers start suing the bastards, you better take notice.  The truth is on our side.

Posted in Canada, Changing a Meter, Citizen rebellion, legal issues, Smart Grid | 2 Comments

Tell the FCC: Wireless is Harmful at Currently Allowed Levels

Joel Moskowitz, School of Public Health, UC Berkeley

The FCC needs a lot more than input on their recent consultation (like someone in charge besides the industry), but at least they can’t say we didn’t tell them so.  See important message from Joel Moskowitz of UC Berkeley below:


FCC Needs Input about Radiofrequency Radiation Exposure

Picture 11The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is considering changes to the exposure policy for radiofrequency (RF) radiation in the United States. The agency has requested comments be submitted by September 3, 2013.

We need to deliver scientific information to policy makers in a credible and understandable fashion to protect the future health and safety of our children and grandchildren.

Grassroots Environmental Education has launched a comments web site to help scientists, medical and public health professionals, and technical and policy experts from around the world to submit comments and peer-reviewed publications to the FCC.

RF Rad Comments is a cooperative project bringing together individuals and organizations concerned about reducing human exposure to RF radiation (e.g., cell phones and cordless phones, Wi-Fi and Smart Meters). The site describes two options for submitting comments: (1) through the RF Rad web site, or( 2) directly to the FCC.  The site contains a list of key issues and reference documents. Since the site is a work in progress, your comments on the web site are appreciated. Please send them to gee@grassrootsinfo.org.

Please feel free to forward this message. We greatly appreciate your assistance in this effort.Picture 10


Joel M. Moskowitz, Ph.D.
School of Public Health
University of California, Berkeley

Electromagnetic Radiation Safety

Website:              http://saferemr.blogspot.com
Facebook:            http://www.facebook.com/SaferEMR
News Releases:    http://pressroom.prlog.org/jmm716
Twitter:                 @berkeleyprc

Posted in Citizen rebellion, Democracy, Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, FCC, Federal Government, health effects, neighborhood organizing, radio-frequency radiation, Smart Grid | 5 Comments

Memphis Elec. Workers Union Plan Anti-Smart Meter Billboards

Picture 9From Memphis Daily News: “The union representing Memphis Light, Gas and Water Division employees, including meter readers, plans to take its problems with Smart Meters to the road – the side of the road.

Leaders of International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 1288 said Monday, July 8, they intend to put up billboards warning the public of what they say are the dangers of the new meters the utility plans to seek city funding for later this year.”  Continued…..

Posted in Changing a Meter, Citizen rebellion, Class Issues and Social Equality, Democracy, neighborhood organizing, Smart Grid, Tennessee | 3 Comments