BC CDC Report Warns of Damaging Health Effects From Wireless Devices

According to Citizens for Safe Technology:

Based upon recent findings (pdf report), the British Columbia Centers for Disease Control recommends that males keep cell phones away from the groin area and limit mobile phone use. The report confirms that there is consistent evidence that exposure to testes is associated with reduced sperm count, motility, concentration and altered cell structure.

Picture 8This is the same RF radiation emitted by “smart” meters in pulses, and in many cases at the same or similar frequency.

Save the male and the female!  Stop a Smart Meter today.

Picture 7

Posted in Animal Harm, Canada, Cancer, Cell phones, Democracy, EMF Mitigation, Health studies, Physicians, radio-frequency radiation | 4 Comments

Some Truth from Sedona, Arizona

from Sedona.biz: (July 14, 2013) – Warren Woodward from the Sedona Smart Meter Awareness group is steaming over a letter to the editor published in another media in which his efforts are labeled “hysteria”. The seeming hysteria is actually passion for an issue that Warren has been championing for several years: anti smart meters. There are few people who are more versed in RF (radio frequency) and EMF (electromagnetic frequency) than Warren. Mainstream believers hold the position that there is nothing to be concerned about, while Warren has researched the issue and found there is plenty to be concerned about. See Warren’s letter to the editor in Sedona.biz on Friday, July 12, 2013 (Open Letter to the Arizona Corporation Commission: APS = more deception, lies and misinformation).

Come on utilities, give us some truth.

Posted in Arizona, Citizen rebellion, Democracy, neighborhood organizing, Privacy, radio-frequency radiation, Smart Grid | 2 Comments

Santa Cruz 4G Verizon “Monopine” Dies Well Deserved Death

849389388_a802a2b7aaA plan by Verizon Corp. to install a 4G cell tower less than 700 feet from an elementary school in downtown Boulder Creek has been withdrawn, thanks to the dozens of people who showed up at the county building in Santa Cruz, CA on Friday morning and dozens more who passed out fliers and spoke to the landowner to express their opposition.

Moral of the story? When a community unites, we can stop inappropriate wireless installations that devastate neighborhoods, forced by corporate thugs.

The Sentinel reports that:

“Federal law restricts local governments from making decisions about cell towers on the basis of health risks, since there is no scientific consensus on radio frequency emissions posing a threat.”

This is not accurate reporting.  What would be more accurate would be the following:

“Federal law restricts local governments from making decisions about cell towers on private land* on the basis of health risks, since the federal government is owned by the corporations who write federal legislation, and who realized that if locals were allowed to make decisions on wireless equipment based on the increasing body of peer-reviewed evidence of health threats posed by cell towers, this would interfere with their profiteering from a national wireless network.”

And since when is Facebook the route through which community democratic decisions are made?

“Several Boulder Creek residents have said they want better service in the valley. The Sentinel asked people on Facebook about the possible tower, and the majority of those who commented said they were in favor of the project.”

One thing is for sure.  In some areas at least (jn this case the backyard of Silicon Valley), the cat is out of the bag about wireless health harm and there is no going back.

* Local governments can choose to reject cell towers for whatever reason they want including health and the environment if the land in question is owned by that local government.

Posted in California, Citizen rebellion, Democracy, FCC, Federal Energy Act of 2005, Federal Government, health effects, legal issues, neighborhood organizing, radio-frequency radiation, Santa Cruz County | Leave a comment

A Threat to Our Lives: Climate Change & “Smart Grid”

This is Jerry McNerney, a congressman from Stockton, CA who has worked for utility and telecom interests and received campaign contributions from the same.  He has dutifully introduced the new “Smart Grid Advancement Act,” (HR 2685) a bill that could make the smart grid mandatory in the US and require wireless antennas in most consumer appliances.   A disastrous bill that will only worsen carbon emissions while creating a new techno-mess at the same time.  Did we mention terminating meter reader jobs?

Take action against the bill today.  Track it here.

We just have four questions about Mr. McNerny’s prepared speech:

1)  Isn’t “growing our economy” the problem that got us into this climate mess to begin with?

2) Is limitless growth on our finite planet a sound economic policy or the ideology of the cancer cell?

3) Who really benefits from the smart grid besides the utilities and their shareholders?

4)  Is the climate a “real threat to our way of life” or is our way of life a real threat to the climate? (which is of course also a real threat to our lives…)

If you call Jerry, maybe you can ask him these important questions.  (209) 476-8552

Posted in California, Climate Change, Democracy, Environmental Concerns, Federal Government, PG&E, Smart Grid, Washington DC | 2 Comments

Put Your Phone Down

Posted in California, Cell phones, Citizen rebellion, Los Angeles | 1 Comment