Author Archives: Josh Hart

Whose Costs? Our Costs.

As part of the ‘opt-out’ proceeding, the CPUC is focusing on what the ‘opt-out’ program is costing the utilities (in terms of providing jobs to meter readers etc.).  The regulators generally consider that the party whose actions create costs should … Continue reading

Posted in California, Citizen rebellion, Class Issues and Social Equality, CPUC, Democracy, Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, Fires, PG&E | 3 Comments


As bad as the extortionate and punitive smart meter ‘opt-out’ fee policy seems at the moment, utilities in California are pressuring the CPUC to increase the fees, and take away the choice of an analog meter, forcing us to pay … Continue reading

Posted in California, Citizen rebellion, CPUC, Democracy, Marin County, Orange County, PG&E | 7 Comments

Health Damaged by a ‘Smart’ Meter? Take the Survey

Have you been injured by smart meter radiation?  Unexplained symptoms start after a new meter was installed by your utility?  Take this new survey and help to document the circumstances around such injuries, and protect others.  Thanks to and … Continue reading

Posted in Animal Harm, Cancer, Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, Hawaii, health effects, Health studies, legal issues | 22 Comments

Arizona Smart Grid “Collector Cactus” Killing Plant Life

More evidence that smart meters and their infrastructure are harming living things. This smart grid collector- disguised as a saguaro cactus- is emitting high levels of microwave radiation that appear to be harming the oleander bush and other plants directly … Continue reading

Posted in Arizona, Plant damage, radio-frequency radiation | 12 Comments

Taken for a Ride: PG&E Destroys Functional Analog Meters

   Some PG&E customers have been telling us that when they call to ‘opt out’ of the smart meter program, PG&E is saying “sorry we don’t have any analogs left.” PG&E is also justifying the high ‘opt out’ fees by … Continue reading

Posted in California, CPUC, PG&E | 14 Comments