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- PG&E Applying for Half Billion to Replace Aging Gas Meters- Electric Next?
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- ELAINE SAYEG on Standing Up To Toxic RF Irradiation / Staying “Safe and Sound” During the Crisis
- cc on Defend Your Analog Meter Part III
- cc on Sample Letters to Utility
- Emily on Defend Your Analog Meter (main index)
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Category Archives: Smart Grid
Health Audit of “Smart” Meters Planned in Australia
According to our allies at Stop Smart Meters Australia: “Following a large number of complaints related to smart meters, Nicholas Kotsiras, Victoria’s Energy Minister, announced sweeping changes to the electrical billing system. Of particular interest to Stop Smart Meters Australia was … Continue reading
Take Back Your Power: Transformational Film of the Year!
We here at Stop Smart Meters! are quite fond of the film “Take Back Your Power” to say the least. It has transformed the movement against “smart” meters, laid bare the horrific truth about the “smart” grid, and galvanized resistance … Continue reading
Getting from ‘Smart’ to Wise: SF Panel Set to Plot New Course
From Ecological Options Network: This post encourages you to check out the landmark report “Getting Smarter About the Smart Grid,” authored by energy expert Dr. Timothy Schoechle, published by the National Institute for Science, Law and Public Policy – and … Continue reading
WHO KNEW? The Wireless Smart Meter Meltdown
Perspective by Cindy Sage: The misguided program of mandatory ‘smart wireless meters’ has done more to undercut the gains in public support for energy conservation in this country than any other single factor. The national shift to embrace energy conservation … Continue reading
Posted in California, Cancer, Cell phones, Citizen rebellion, CPUC, Democracy, Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, Environmental Concerns, EPA, FCC, FDA, Federal Government, Fires, health effects, Health studies, Home Area Network, legal issues, neighborhood organizing, PG&E, Physicians, Privacy, radio-frequency radiation, Safety, SCE, SDG&E, Smart Grid, Time of Use Pricing, Wi-Fi, World Health Organization
New Video: Public Confronts Tom Wheeler Over Clearly Inadequate RF ‘Guidelines’ at Silicon Valley Speech
(Note- the clip above is updated with higher quality audio and video, and new footage of the protests, courtesy of a woman who is about to go into surgery for a brain tumor, caused by her cell phone- our thoughts … Continue reading
Posted in California, Cancer, Cell phones, Citizen rebellion, Democracy, Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, FCC, Federal Government, health effects, interference, landlines, neighborhood organizing, Obama, radio-frequency radiation, Safety, Santa Clara County, Smart Grid, Wi-Fi, World Health Organization