My Neighborhood- Why I Was Arrested

By Amy O’Hair

A personal statement about my arrest for non-violent civil disobedience, 18 June 2011

Why would someone do this, get themselves arrested by police over an issue like “smart”

Simply put, I will say: it’s not about my arrest, it’s about my neighborhood—a place
filled with diverse people, many of whom came to the US to find freedom, rights, and
opportunities they could never have in the places they came from.

It all started with a Russian immigrant man, coming down to the entryway of his
apartment building to see what the crazy woman was yelling about on a lovely Saturday
morning. When he found an installer from Wellington, contracted by PG&E, had put a
“smart” meter on his building without prior notice, and without anyone asking whether he
wanted it, he said flatly “This is communism. I want it off.” The Wellington installer

As the installer wheeled away his boxes of old analog meters (and some first generation
“smart” meters that he had removed—Was there something wrong with them?) and
headed back for his truck, I was overcome with a visceral sense of injustice and rage. I
caught up, riding my bike so as to come alongside of him.

“Are you going to go install more ‘smart’ meters?” I asked calmly. When he didn’t
answer, I said “I am now going to sit on your truck, and you will have to call the police to
remove me.”

None of this plan was formulated ahead in any detail. I knew only that he was going to do
more of what he had just done—it was the job he had been asked to do, the job he was
paid for—and I would not let him do it, if I had any power to stop him. I suited the action
to the word, flinging my bike down by the truck and taking care to keep my boots off his
clean white hood. He called his company, they called the police. The rest is on video.

Also shown on that video is a woman testifying to what I myself have seen over and over
in this neighborhood: coercion, threats, underhanded and sneaky tactics—PG&E’s vile
strategies to get as many “smart” meters onto homes in the shortest possible time—
without regard for citizens’ basic rights.

This is what it is about—not about being arrested—but about my neighborhood, the
people who are having these devices attached to their houses without consent, without
understanding, without any notice—or are being threatened with disconnection should
they consider disobeying the orders of the almighty Pacific Gas and Electric Co.

Down the street from me, K.S. lives with his longtime girlfriend. The PG&E bill is in her
name, and they get letters threatening disconnection if they don’t let the “smart” meter
installer into their garage to change out their analog. He believes this is because of her
Chinese surname—PG&E thinks they can intimidate her, playing on the stereotype of a
cultural reverence for authority. But he’s not having any of it—no one is putting a
“smart” meter on their house as long as he has anything to do with it. He tips me off
about where the installers are in the neighborhood.

Across the street from me, I witness the installer knock on the door of a house, find no
one home, and install the “smart” meter anyway. None of us in the neighborhood have
received prior notice, this family included.

Around the corner live two extended Chinese-immigrant families. I arrive just as the
Wellington installer is moving to the second house, having “smetered” the first one. The
man standing behind the metal security gate has only this much English: “No English,”
he says.

How can the installer get consent for an installation from someone who speaks no

It’s likely he wouldn’t have balked at sticking it on anyway—but for the fact that I was
there, photographing and witnessing this farce of permission-giving. I handed the
Chinese-speaking man a flyer, hoping someone would be home later who could read it.
The installer drove off, probably to relocate to another block. It’s a Wellington shell-
game, and I’ll never keep up….

Out on my bike (no need to find parking) later the same day, I notice a slew of new
“smart” meters on the next street over. Oh well, I got there too late to catch him on this
street. Ah! There’s a beaut! I spot a “smart” meter situated at head-level, just as one
mounts the front steps on a small late-Victorian house. It clearly violates the FCC
requirement that the meters be kept 20cm away from humans. I take a photo.

A man come out, recognizes me as “that woman who got arrested”, and tells me how he
didn’t want this meter, he never received notice, and he never gave consent for it. He’d
like it off his house. It is located three feet from his favorite chair in the living room. I
give him a flyer, and encourage him to call. I ask if I can video him telling his story.

No, he doesn’t think so. A very close relative works for PG&E, they share a last name.
He just can’t do it. His neighbors’ meters on both sides have been changed out. These are
little, little houses, close together on small lots, and the “smart” meters are never farther
than 6 feet from living spaces, front walks, porches, or, quite often, from each other.

I will keep handing out the flyers, and talking to the people around me (at least those who
speak English)—and hoping that someday the really important arrest can be made—
arresting the arrogance and abuse of that oversized, profiteering corporation, PG&E, that
supplies my neighborhood with the most basic services that a body needs—heat and light.

Posted in Citizen rebellion, Democracy, PG&E, Police, San Francisco | 12 Comments

Stop Smart Meters! Director Arrested in Capitola Today

PG&E Threatens Installation in Santa Cruz County, as Showdown with Local Governments Looms

Capitola, CA—Joshua Hart, Director of Stop Smart Meters! was arrested this afternoon after blocking the entrance to the Capitola PG&E payment center in protest of PG&E’s illegal “smart” meter installations in the County.  The County of Santa Cruz, as well as the Cities of Capitola, and Watsonville have adopted urgency ordinances prohibiting the installation of wireless “smart” meters within their jurisdictions.  Forty-three local governments throughout the state have formally demanded a halt to the program because of concerns about health, privacy, accuracy, and fire safety.   Contrary to what PG&E and the CA Public Utilities Commission claim, local governments have broad rights granted to them under the California Constitution- including banning installation of wireless “smart” meters, deemed by many experts to be a serious health threat.  A showdown is looming between PG&E- who says they plan to disregard local government laws and force smart meters onto people’s homes, and local elected officials who are intent upon upholding the law and protecting the public.

Hart’s arrest follows another arrest on Saturday of San Francisco resident Amy O’Hair for blocking Wellington Energy installation trucks in her Glen Park neighborhood. The controversy over the “smart” meter program has heated up since May 31st, when the World Health Organization identified non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation (from “smart” meters, cell phones, and wifi networks) as being “possibly carcinogenic”- in the same category as DDT, leaded gasoline, and chloroform.

“Communities have a right to reject a technology that even the WHO has identified as possibly being linked to cancer- we have a right to be safe in our homes and in our communities.  If we have to risk arrest to protect that inalienable right, then that’s a sad comment on the state of our democracy,” said Joshua Hart as he was being led away in handcuffs earlier today.

There have now been more than a half dozen arrests of “smart” meter protesters in California over the past year, numerous acts of civil disobedience, and more than 2000 written complaints of health damage from the wireless meter program. Yet the CPUC and PG&E continue to force the meters down the throats of the public.

Hart was charged with disrupting a business and then released, with a promise to appear in court on July 28th.  Members of Stop Smart Meters! a grassroots activist group deeply opposed to the “smart” meter program, have vowed to use civil disobedience to halt any further installations in Santa Cruz County.  This may not be necessary however, as a recent letter from Dana McRae the Santa Cruz County Counsel to Wellington Energy, the company contracted by PG&E to install “smart” meters, states:

“…the installation of SmartMeters in unincorporated areas of Santa Cruz County will be in violation of the County’s ordinance, and any person found violating the ordinance will be subject to citation by law enforcement personnel.”

PG&E has been under fire in recent days for threatening customers in Oakland with disconnection unless they allow the dangerous meters on their homes.  “Though the company claims that the threats are isolated to a few renegade employees, there is growing evidence that this is part of a corporate strategy to isolate and intimidate people into accepting the increasingly unpopular DumbMeters.” says Joshua Hart, Director of Stop Smart Meters! “PG&E seems to be claiming that they are more of an expert than the World Health Organization when it comes to deciding what is and what isn’t harmful to human health.  Thousands of people have reported serious health damage in California alone.  Enough is enough.”

Media is free to use any of this footage as long as StopSmartMeters.Org is credited as the source.

Posted in Citizen rebellion, Democracy, Health studies, PG&E, Police | 20 Comments

First Smart Meter Arrest in SF This Morning- More Reports of Illegal PG&E Disconnection Threats

Amy O’Hair- a Glen Park resident who has been documenting the strength of the powerful microwave pulses from ‘smart’ meters in San Francisco– was arrested this morning (Saturday 18-June-2011) for civil disobedience while trying to prevent installation of smart meters in her neighborhood.  Though there have been a number of acts of civil disobedience in the Richmond, Marina, and other neighborhoods, this is the first actual arrest of an anti-“smart” meter protester in San Francisco to date.  Amy joins a number of other women (including mothers and grandmothers) in Sonoma and Marin Counties who have been arrested over the past year blocking Wellington Energy smart meter installation trucks.

This morning, Ms. O’Hair sat on the hood of an installation truck and refused to move. The police were called and arrested her.  She has been taken downtown and booked into County jail where she remains as of 2:30pm.  We expect that she will be released later this afternoon around 4 or 5pm.

A bystander at the bus stop across the street cheered her support, and also confirmed in an interview afterwards that PG&E has been threatening herself and other residents with service disconnection for refusing the meters- a move that is not within their legal rights.  PG&E has been under fire in recent days for threatening customers in Oakland with disconnection unless they allow the dangerous meters on their homes.  “Though the company claims that the threats are isolated to a few renegade employees, there is growing evidence that this is part of a corporate strategy to isolate and intimidate people into accepting the increasingly unpopular dumb meters.” says Joshua Hart, Director of Stop Smart Meters! “PG&E seems to be claiming that they are more of an expert than the World Health Organization when it comes to deciding what is and what isn’t harmful to human health.  Thousands of people have reported serious health damage.  Enough is enough.”

Those opposed to the rollout insist that a monopoly energy company does not have the right to force a device onto people’s homes against their will- a device that emits high levels of radiation that the World Health Organization has linked to cancer (pdf press release).

If the California Public Utilities Commission is so corrupt it is incapable of protecting the public, then the public will have to protect themselves- risking arrest if necessary.

Posted in Citizen rebellion, Democracy, PG&E, Police, San Francisco | 8 Comments

Moving Past Denial- Admitting We Have a Problem

Denial is a funny thing.  If you had told me a year ago that wireless radiation can cause cancer or symptoms like headaches, nausea, dizziness, and tinnitus, I would have rolled my eyes and called you a tin foil hat loonie- like I did (believe it or not) a little more than a year ago outside the San Francisco Green Festival after a woman from the North Bay with an ironing board and some flyers warned me of the hazards of “smart” meters.   I feel awful about that now after having read the thousands of peer-reviewed studies that have documented the health impacts associated with microwave radiation levels far below that of the “smart” meter (if you know who this woman is please let me know so I can apologize to her).

After meeting people like Winifred and the countless others who are being sickened in their own homes by wireless “smart” meters, I’m in disbelief about how certain I was that wireless was harmless.  Yet this is an indication of how quickly the game is changing- if the Director of Stop Smart Meters! was calling people “tin foil hat crazies” a year ago and is now a leader in the campaign to halt the most serious wireless incursion into our communities in years, this is just one small indication that there is a major social change afoot.  In other words, I am not alone.

I admit I made a mistake.  It’s human after all.  We often have world views that are based more on social norms and soundbites rather than solid research.  In our society today most of us are in a deep collective denial that the massive fossil fuel bonfire- from our cars, planes, and power plants- is not leading to some horrendous future.  We are in denial that the wireless world we’re hurtling headfirst toward will not have unpredictable and horrific health and human rights consequences down the road.

The things that seem so normal and mundane now- driving a car, flying in a plane, talking on a cell phone, having a wireless “smart” meter on your home- in a few years may very well lead to the permanent flooding of our major cities, unprecedented extreme weather events, and an epidemic of brain tumors.  That is not just what I think, but what the best scientific evidence available today warns us about.

While the world’s weather goes haywire, corporate and governmental interests continue to take advantage of the crisis to push false solutions like “smart” meters, carbon offsets, geoengineering, and electric cars.  The fiction that we can continue our behavior as normal is appealing, and is making a few people very very rich.  But the cat is out of the bag- as today’s Chronicle reports, PG&E and other utility companies just love to charge you two, three, even four times for the same product- making you feel good about offsetting your carbon sins and doing little else- it’s as much a con today as indulgences were in the middle ages. And about as effective, as Greenpeace points out.  And worse, it’s distracting us from the real solutions we desperately need to embrace, such as the re-localization of our lives and an end to capitalism.

We can choose to remain in denial- indeed it is a more comfortable place to be- or we can begin to confront these issues head on- and hopefully- have the strength to admit we were wrong.  We must acknowledge that we have a serious problem and that a system change is required if we are to have a chance to create anything resembling a healthy, free, and sustainable future.

Posted in Carbon Offsets, Cell phones, Citizen rebellion, Climate Change, Democracy, Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, Environmental Concerns, Health studies, PG&E | 2 Comments


Posted in Citizen rebellion, CPUC, Democracy, Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, PG&E, Police | 8 Comments