PG&E Caught on Tape Threatening Disconnection of Service for “Smart”Meter Refusal

This audio was provided to us by Charles Pine, a resident of Oakland who refused to allow Wellington Energy to install a ‘Smart’Meter on his duplex.  It was recorded several days ago when a PG&E employee came and attempted to install a new wireless meter without so much as knocking on the door.  This was the second attempt at installation, after Charles had already refused a Wellington installer several months before.

While PG&E makes public statements like “we are working with communities and engaging in a conversation about how our customers can benefit from SmartMeter technology” the reality is that they are threatening the public with disconnection of electrical service, and ignoring pleas from electrosensitive people who are suffering so badly that in many cases they are being forced to leave their own homes.

Several weeks ago, the utility made soothing statements that made it seem like it would respect residents who did not want a wireless meter on their home.  The reality on the ground- as this incident demonstrates- is very different.  PG&E continues to lie, to cheat, and to endanger our lives and our health.

How much more will you stand, California?

Posted in Citizen rebellion, Democracy, Oakland, PG&E | 33 Comments

Canada Fights Back Against Forced Stupid Meters

Posted in Canada, Cell phones, Citizen rebellion, Democracy, Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, Environmental Concerns, Health studies, Home Area Network, Privacy | 11 Comments

SF Protest Video

Posted in Citizen rebellion, Democracy, PG&E, San Francisco | 1 Comment

Utilities: Proud to Know When You Make a Cup of Tea

The above chart is from a lecture entitled: “Data privacy and security in smart meters.   How to face this challenge?” by  Monika Stajnarova of the European Consumers Organization BEUC on 26th November 2010 in Florence Italy.  This was cited from a report by the National Institute of Standards and Technology.

As you can see, a “smart” meter allows the utility to collect data on your second by second electricity consumption.   Though it might seem trivial for the electric company to know when you boil the kettle for a cup of tea, the new technology is enabling widespread violations of the right to privacy in your own home, and consumer privacy protections have failed to keep pace with the abuses made possible by new technology as the iPhone tracking scandal made clear.  For more on the privacy issue, read the Stop Smart Meters! interview with Lee Tien of the Electronic Frontier Foundation from last September.  The organization is currently involved in a proceeding on smart meters and privacy at the CPUC.

Well worth keeping an eye on the eyes keeping an eye on you!

Posted in CPUC, Democracy, Electronic Frontier Foundation, Privacy | 3 Comments

Giving the Man What He Wants

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