“I’m Mad as Hell and I’m Not Going to Take This Anymore!”

Although PG&E is not forcing anyone into concentration camps, there are recognizable whiffs of fascism in the 'smart' meter rollout- lack of choice, a failure of democracy, and high level collusion between government and corporations

Fantastic article yesterday in the Lake County Record Bee- pasted below (emphasis ours):

SmartMeters: What’s next?

By Howard Glasser

It’s a sad state of affairs when your peaceful, serene county begins to feel like a war zone and you have to stay home, stand guard and keep watch for the SmartMeter installation trucks rolling down your street to protect your home because PG&E doesn’t understand the meaning of the word “no.”

What part of “no” don’t they understand? We’ve posted signs saying do not install. We tell them no at the door. Kelseyville’s District Supervisor Rob Brown has followed Wellington trucks to people’s homes advising residents that they can say no when PG&E’s SmartMeter messenger and facilitator tells us we don’t have a choice. Like other cities and counties around the state, our county supervisors passed a moratorium putting a ban on installation until AB 37 has its chance in Sacramento to provide customers with an opt-out position. People have formed citizen blockades to stop SmartMeter installations. We’ve written our legislators. We’ve contacted PG&E and the CPUC. What more do we have to do? It seems that with all this and an ongoing, ever-growing movement of health professionals and scientists, community groups and regional organizations all essentially saying “stop!” we’re nonetheless being besieged by an industry with deadlines they are bent on meeting come hell or high water and the public be damned in the process.

What’s the rush? Can’t we afford the time to responsibly review the findings since the first installations went in

and see if maybe some of the problems reported by thousands of people and businesses from San Diego northward have validity? Why would so many people with no connection to each other report the same symptoms and illnesses and ridiculous and inexplicable rate hikes since SmartMeters were installed? Are these people all suffering from the same mass hysteria? Why do the cynics so quickly label all of these people as if they were lunatics wearing tin hats? Haven’t we experienced in our lifetime, the assurances of one industry or another telling us that everything is fine with their glossy brochures and P.R. campaigns and media ads, only to find out later that they either weren’t telling us the truth or didn’t have the facts or were covering up something that would be inconvenient for us to know because it would impact their bottom line? Haven’t we learned anything from the industry’s rush to profit, from the lobbying money that pollutes our political process, from “bought” science, from regulatory corruption, from payoffs to political collusion and coercion?

I think it’s high time we stood up with one, large voice and said “no” in no uncertain terms and if that means marching on Sacramento in numbers that simply can’t be ignored and making news to get the attention of those we put in office, then so be it. I think it’s time to move from blogging to marching. This country was founded on the rights of its people to protest in the face of tyranny and if this isn’t tyranny, I don’t know what is. I think it’s time we woke up and sounded the alarm and took the kind of action it takes to get government to respond when our more passive resistance goes unacknowledged. It’s either that or we all lay down and go to sleep and say, that’s the end of it, it is what it is and there’s nothing we can do about it. That’s not America to me. America is a place I grew up in where the individual mattered. Are we to just step aside while corporations and industry take over our democracy and wield their will on a powerless people or are we going to take back our place as citizens of a country that stands for freedom and make our will known to those who have assumed a position of arrogant and immovable power over us?

Know this. If we as a people united in ways that our legislators haven’t seen in years and stop falling prey to those who would have us splintered in to little groups all pitted against each other while they passed laws and adopted rules and regulations that oppressed us and diminished our rights and freedoms, we’d regain the power we all have and never lost no matter what anyone tells you. The power is in the people. The problem is we have to start acting like one people and get out of our skins and political affiliations and speak to government as a nation that rises up and says “I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take this anymore!” as Peter Finch told his broadcast viewers in the 1976 strikingly prophetic movie, “Network.” If you haven’t seen that film, it’s worth renting if only to rekindle a spirit that empowers and makes you realize once again that your voice matters, that you have the right to be heard and that you will accept nothing less than your rightful place in the decisions that are made that affect your everyday lives.

Wake up, be heard and don’t be beaten down by those who would criticize or mock your beliefs and have you conform, get in line, go along with the program and just take whatever hand you’re dealt even if you are being dealt from a stacked deck.

Howard Glasser


A good place to begin is next Thursday’s CA Public Utililities Meeting, 9am March 24th 505 Van Ness at McAllister, SF.   Get your friends, family, children, and local government representatives to speak at the meeting where they will be discussing their “generous” opt out plan in which PG&E customers are forced to pay their utility extra for the privilege of not being directly radiated in their home.  Arrive by 8:45am to sign up to speak for one minute.

Posted in Citizen rebellion, CPUC, Democracy, PG&E | 7 Comments

All Eyes on Japan

Our hearts go out to the people of Japan who are now struggling with the triple calamity of earthquake, tsunami, and now possible nuclear meltdown.   The extent of the insanity required of electric utilities to build nuclear reactors at sea level near major faultlines has now been revealed for all to see.   And of course our California utilities are not exempt from this insanity, with San Onofre and Diablo Canyon nuclear power plants built in the same vulnerable locations.

What the Japanese nuclear crisis means for the west coast of the US is still uncertain, but there is certainly the possibility of widespread contamination, given that the jetstream is blowing straight from Japan to California.  And detailed expert analysis indicates that this crisis is far from over and may get very much worse.  Worth keeping an eye on.

Is this ionizing radiation emergency the right time to shift focus away from the non-ionizing radiation emergency that PG&E and many other utilities are inflicting on us?  No!  Just the opposite.   Our growing calls for a moratorium on further installation are more pressing now than ever.   If California does suffer radiation impacts from the crisis in Japan, the last thing we need is for everyone to be doused by levels of microwave radiation that are violating FCC standards as we are dealing with fallout from across the ocean.

Energy companies are taking the same extreme risks with public safety and health the world over.  Nuclear power, unsafe gas transmission practices, wireless radiating meters on your home.  It’s all part of a sick way of looking at the world that says your health is expendable, but powering an increasing number of meaningless electronic toys is not.   Maybe it’s just me, but I’d rather live simply and reduce energy consumption than be subject to the horror of climate catastrophes, nuclear fallout and generations with damaged hereditary material.  When all is said and done, it’s just not worth it.

Now is not the time to let PG&E or the other utilities off the hook.   Why not head out to neighborhoods where ‘smart’ meters are being installed, and pass out some flyers to warn residents (we can provide these).  In times of crisis, we need to stick together and offer mutual aid.  In the meantime, it’s probably not a bad time to stock up on Miso soup, tinned food, water, potassium iodide tablets, and keep a close eye on Japan.

Posted in Environmental Concerns, Health studies, PG&E | 4 Comments

PUC Admits SmartMeter Health Crisis; Opt-Out Plan Falls Short

Angry Residents in SF’s Richmond District Take Action to Block Installations

San Francisco, CA- Facing mounting opposition to wireless ‘smart’ meters being rolled out by California utilities, including 10 local governments who have criminalized installations, and 23 more who have demanded that the CPUC stop the program because of widespread reports of health impacts, the Commission yesterday signalled that it would ask one of California’s utilities- PG&E- to develop a plan to allow customers to opt out of having a wireless meter installed- at customers’ expense.  Meanwhile, as residents in San Francisco and elsewhere learn more about the meters, some are furious and are taking direct action to stop installations.

Kendra Lock, a resident of San Francisco’s Richmond District who had a ‘smart’ meter installed at her house yesterday after being told that “it would be installed whether she allowed it or not,” was angry enough to physically block the Wellington Energy installer from leaving the scene- insisting that he remove the meter from her home. “I felt that PG&E intimidated me- I now realize they are systematically intimidating everyone.  We need to start asking questions.  Why are they pushing this on us so quickly without consultation or notification?  What’s actually behind this rollout?”

Environmental health advocates and a burgeoning grassroots movement to halt the installations welcomed the CPUC’s admission that there is a health crisis with the smart meter program, but slammed the meager steps proposed to address it.  According to Joshua Hart, Director of Stop Smart Meters!, “Admitting that there is a problem is the first step to fixing  that problem.   However, an individual opt out at customer expense for PG&E customers is a diversion.   What if you are too poor to avoid having a wireless meter- is the state saying you have to pay to avoid having a headache?  That sounds an awful lot like extortion.  What if you live in Southern California, or in an apartment building with dozens of meters on your bedroom wall?  The bottom line is that these meters are hurting people- and no one deserves to be subject to powerful microwave radiation pulses 24 hours a day in their own home.”

The wireless meters have been widely reported to cause headaches, dizziness, ringing in the ears- even memory loss and heart palpitations among susceptible individuals due to bursts of microwave radiation.  The movement against wireless meters is the sharp end of a growing movement demanding health-based standards for wireless technology.  Michael Peevey, who Gov. Brown has allowed to continue chairing the Commission, has continually insulted individuals with electro-sensitivity, inferring that they are ‘just making it up.’  Peevey, the former President and Senior Executive of Southern California Edison (SCE) has ties to the telecommunications industry, and continues to chair the Commission that is meant to oversee the utilities, despite popular outrage about clear conflicts of interest.  SCE plans to have installed 5.3 million meters between 2009 and 2012.

Health advocates say they will continue protests and civil disobedience until a moratorium is imposed on any further installation, independent hearings on health are scheduled at the state level, and the utilities are directed to remove unwanted meters.

Posted in Citizen rebellion, CPUC, Democracy, PG&E, Police, San Francisco | 32 Comments

Pressure’s On the CPUC as 32 CA Cities and Counties Say NO


Seaside, CA- On Thursday, the Seaside City Council voted unanimously to outlaw PG&E’s wireless ‘smart’ meter installation within city limits.   The city in Monterey County becomes the 30th local government in the state to oppose the wireless meter deployment (WMD).  Earlier today, Lake and San Luis Obispo Counties joined the list, calling upon the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) to stop installing wireless meters until more is known about short and long term health impacts and potential privacy violations. Lake County is the 10th local government to pass an ordinance specifically criminalizing meter installation.

The San Luis Obispo board of supervisors’ statement reads in part: “The complaints are too numerous and the issues potentially too significant and far reaching to ignore.”

The CPUC is under mounting pressure from local governments and the public to place a moratorium on the meters, which have been widely reported to cause headaches, dizziness, ringing in the ears- even memory loss and heart palpitations among susceptible individuals.

Michael Peevey, former President and Senior Executive of Southern California Edison (SCE), continues to chair the Commission that is meant to oversee the utilities, despite popular outrage about clear conflicts of interest.  SCE plans to have installed 5.3 million meters between 2009 and 2012.

Contradicting utility claims that the meters emit insignificant levels of radiation, an analysis by Sage Associates released in January found widespread violations of already weak FCC limits on human microwave exposure from wireless ‘smart’ meters being deployed right now in CA.   Health professionals are sounding the alarm about radiation from wireless meters being added to the already high level of ‘electrosmog’ in our communities, caused by rapidly proliferating G4 ‘smart’ phone and wifi networks.  Olle Johanssen PhD, a professor with the Department of Neuroscience, Karolinska Institute (Sweden) says that “the inauguration of smart meters with grudging and involuntary exposure of millions to billions of human beings to pulsed microwave radiation should immediately be prohibited…”

  • From a report by Dan Hirsch available at: http://www.committeetobridgethegap.org/
  • Confrontations between residents and meter installers were reported in San Francisco’s Marina district last week, with protesters risking arrest to block Wellington Energy trucks.  Wellington is the Pennsylvania based company who are contracted to install the meters, and former employees have come forward alleging unsafe installations. Most Marina residents were grateful for the protesters’ intervention last week, with one building manager refusing installers access to his utility room, and changing the locks to prevent unauthorized installation.

    The CPUC under Peevey has failed to remove meters even in cases where medical documents detaling health harm are submitted.  They have re-scheduled public meetings without adequate notification, failed to censure PG&E for threatening elderly residents with cut off for refusing installation and have refused to make reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities who wish to testify at public meetings.

    Opposition to wireless ‘smart’ meters is not limited to California.   Widespread resistance has been reported in other states where utilities are installing them, such as Illinois, New Mexico, Arizona, and particularly Maine, where the Governor last week declared his support for residents’ right to opt out.  Utility customer backlash is also being reported internationally.  In Australia, fires and electrical shocks from a series of poorly installed meters have been reported.

    Residents from all over CA will attend the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) meeting on Thursday, March 10th starting at 9am (note time change from 10am).  505 Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco

    Teams will spread out into the City following the meeting to inform local residents of ‘smart’ meter dangers and peacefully obstruct meter installations.


    Posted in Citizen rebellion, CPUC, Democracy, Health studies, PG&E, Privacy, San Francisco | 3 Comments

    Presenting the Case Against Smart Meters to San Francisco

    Our Director Josh Hart presented the case against 'smart' meters to the Golden Gate Breakfast Club in San Francisco last week

    Stop Smart Meters! has been pounding the pavement recently in San Francisco, telling all who will listen about the urgent need to resist installation.  We were honored last week to be invited to present to the esteemed members of the Golden Gate Breakfast Club, one of the most respected social clubs in San Francisco that includes members from the business, charitable, and political leadership of the City.  The club boasts such members as Jim Lazarus, Senior Vice President of the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce, who was oddly absent for our talk.  Perhaps it’s because he has been doing promotional ads for PG&E talking up the ‘benefits’ of ‘smart’ meters, and didn’t want to hear about the reality of the hazardous, false techno-solutions he is backing. (He is at about 1:40 in the video)

    PG&E had their opportunity to address the Club a couple of weeks ago, and we were there to listen.   The PG&E representative- Travis- told the Club that ‘smart’ meters were being paid for by federal stimulus funds and no rates were being raised to pay for the meters.  The facts are that PG&E obtained the entire $2.2 billion cost from customers through rate increases approved by the CPUC.  Being casual with the truth is hardly out of character for the investor owned utility though.   PG&E has been lying, cheating, and stealing every chance it can get, as long as there is money involved.  One of the most popular lies- parroted by the CPUC (and in fact by Travis) is that wireless meters are mandated by the Federal Government and there is no way to opt out.    Not the case!  Federal smart grid policy does not mandate either that we have new ‘smart’ meters or that they be wireless.  But making people believe that sure helps the utilities force their meters on people.

    Last Wednesday, it was our chance to set the record straight.  We woke up at 5am, headed down to the Marines Memorial Building near Union Square for a bright and early 7am start (how do they do it every Wednesday?).    We presented the case against wireless smart meters, from health to privacy, accuracy to interference.  Several of the club members reported inaccurate, overinflated bills, or cases of electronic interference, so it was no chore to convince them that the concerns of 30 CA local governments and millions of people are legitimate.

    We thank the members of the GGBC for their rapt attention, clarifying questions, and interest in the topic of wireless smart meters.   If you are part of a civic society or other organization, please contact us and have us come and speak at your event about the smart meter debacle.  Believe us, it grows more nightmarish daily.

    Come to the CA Public Utilities Commission meeting this Thursday, March 10th at 9:30am at 505 Van Ness Ave. in San Francisco’s Civic Center.   Let’s allow all voices be heard.  Smart meters must be stopped!

    We even got a certificate of appreciation

    Posted in Citizen rebellion, CPUC, Democracy, PG&E, San Francisco | 10 Comments