Stop Smart Meters! on Montana Statewide Radio

Montana_1990Awareness of the hazards of smart meters is growing in the state of Montana, where the newly formed Stop Smart Meters Montana are helping to organize popular resistance up in Big Sky Country.

Last week I was fortunate to be invited on the hour-long statewide “Voices of Montana” radio show hosted by Jon Arneson, relayed live to over 20 separate radio stations around the state. We had a lively discussion with a number of callers, covering issues such as health, privacy, fire, and overcharges.  Hopefully the people of Montana are at least slightly better equipped as they go up against utility companies who think they know what’s best for us.

Thanks to Jon Arneson and the VOM production team for their hospitality and for delving deeper into the smart meter topic for their Montana listeners.

Posted in Changing a Meter, Citizen rebellion, Democracy, Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, EMF Mitigation, FCC, Federal Government, Fires, health effects, Health studies, Montana, Privacy, radio-frequency radiation, Smart Grid, Wi-Fi, World Health Organization | Leave a comment

Elk Grove, CA Resident Files Lawsuit Against SMUD

In January, Sacramento Smart Meter Awareness member Mark Graham filed a lawsuit against SMUD in Sacramento County Superior Court, for elimination of opt out charges and a credit for the charges already paid.

A number of Sacramento residents spoke at the Feb. 4th SMUD meeting, where the lawsuit was presented to the directors. (video above) They have now heard an earful about the problems related to smart meters- maybe one of these days they will change their policy and begin to protect public health and safety. Mark Graham’s lawsuit is about the validity of the smart meter opt out charges, not directly about wireless radiation and health impacts, but one outcome of the lawsuit could be greater attention and awareness of the health impacts of wireless radiation.

There has been coverage of Mr. Graham’s lawsuit and the smart meter issue generally, in both the Sacramento Bee and the Sacramento News and Review. More information can be found on the Sacramento Smart Meter Awareness lawsuit web page.

One of the speakers in support of the lawsuit, Marlene de Pinto, summed up her public statement by saying:

“I think there are a lot of hurt people, and I just wanted to give them a voice”

Thanks to everyone who continue to raise their voice against the smart grid program- silence is death when faced with the widespread misinformation being disseminated by utilities.

To view the documents filed in the case you can create a free account at the Sac County Superior Court’s public case access page.

Posted in California, Citizen rebellion, Democracy, Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, health effects, legal issues, neighborhood organizing, PG&E, radio-frequency radiation, Sacramento, Safety, Smart Grid | 1 Comment

Australian Wireless Investigation Threatens Industry

After Australia’s “Catalyst” program aired a remarkable piece of investigative journalism into the wireless health cover up, industry mobilized to criticize the journalist, Maryanne Demasi, who covered the story.  Now Ms. Demasi is speaking out about her concerns that free speech on the issue is being threatened.  Check it out, weigh in, and spread this one around.

For a site with good info on wi-fi in school issues, check out Safe Tech for Schools Maryland.

Posted in Australia, Cancer, Citizen rebellion, Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, EMF Mitigation, Environmental Concerns, health effects, Health studies, legal issues, Physicians, radio-frequency radiation, Safety, Wi-Fi, World Health Organization | Leave a comment

A “War on Energy” — What Does that Really Mean?

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Recently, Josh del Sol, Director of the smart meter documentary Take Back Your Power, declared in a blog post that there is a “war on energy.”  This is a dangerous oversimplification. I think it would be more accurate to say that there are wars against different types of energy, with very different players and hugely different worldviews and outcomes at stake.

There is certainly a war on solar and renewable energy (as del Sol acknowledges) by corporations wedded to the fossil fuel status quo, who are trying to shut down off-grid electricity systems, to keep the cash flowing in and the black stuff burning.

There is also a separate war, on behalf of scientists, the grassroots and environmental activists, to keep fossil fuels in the ground where they belong.  While we vigorously oppose the war on renewable energy, continues to be an outspoken proponent of the well-justified war against fossil fuel energy. The cost in terms of our health and the climate is just not worth the few decades of gluttony and waste we can squeeze out of remaining oil supplies.

But no distinction is made between clean, renewable energy and dirty fossil fuel energy, in the discourse coming from del Sol.  Those opposed to smart meters also have an interest in opposing the fossil fuel industry, who promote the smart grid.  The science linking GHG emissions to dangerous changes in our climate is as solid as the science linking RF exposure to cancer and other health problems. The time is now for psychological denial to end on both of these critical health issues, and for us collectively to come up with practical solutions that put science, not the retention of our habits, first.

We must be fighting for renewable energy systems that are locally controlled, affordable, and that disentangle us from the tentacles of big energy corporations clearly hostile to the community’s interests.

According to del Sol, nothing is lacking and life is all one big smorgasbord:

“It is both harrowing and exciting for one to discover that there are major societal programs which are simply manufactured lies fueled by the idea of lack. That there’s not enough energy, food, resources, money. In reality, there is enough for all life to survive — and to thrive. It is provable fact that these truths have been suppressed.”

While it might be a comfortable idea that there is plenty to go around, and that a bunch of government bureaucrats are manufacturing this idea of “lack” to keep us under their thumb, there are some serious fallacies with this point of view. Never mind racism, colonialism, or the fact that the top 1% gets ever richer while the poor starve. What is really harrowing is that the 7 billion people on the planet are overwhelming natural life support systems and that the vast majority of us would not even exist if it were it not for the globalized and oil-powered agricultural system, mostly providing cheap and disgusting food.

Most humans on the planet would die of starvation if the supply of that limited resource were interrupted for any length of time. Most of us are literally eating, and surviving off of oil (to power the farm machinery, manufacture the fertilizers, and get the food to supermarkets). This kind of dependency on a non-renewable resource, from corporate, profit-driven entities, is dangerous and ill-advised. It is also dangerous and ill-advised to rely on a utility grid system for basic life needs, particularly one that has been made vulnerable to disruption by the addition of millions of smart meters. Just ask Ted Koppel.

Sure there are probably enough resources to keep the capitalist growth machine going for a few more years, at terrible expense to the environment and our land base.  But who wants to eat our future to live in the present? Shouldn’t our wasteful consumption patterns and bloated corporate abuses be subject to examination and criticism? Shouldn’t population expansion be at least acknowledged, if not reversed?

Socialism is the opposite of (corporate) fascism, not the same thing. Resources that are left unconsumed are not “wasted” and the planet does not exist to serve only human beings. That is a psychotic, corporate mindset.

It is not a “neoliberal conspiracy” to discuss the practicality of large scale cuts in fossil fuels, and a transition to renewable energy sources. When you consider the disruption that has already been caused, and the threat of worse to come, that is simply common sense.

The problem comes when real problems like climate change are paired with false, corporate solutions like the smart grid. The growing cynicism makes people doubt that real solutions are possible, even ones that would have direct benefits to health and quality of life.

It turns out that del Sol’s “war on energy” discourse would fit very well with the corporate messaging of PG&E, Chevron, and BP.  A similar “all of the above” energy strategy is being promoted by these major oil companies, as a way to delay critical action on climate change.

Not something you would expect from someone who purports to advocate “a more equitable social structure…. and technology which harmonizes with biological life and rights.”

Note to our readers: Though I appeared in the film, helped provide information for the production and promoted it when it was released, for a number of reasons, has cut ties with Take Back Your Power and we no longer promote the film or the website. The reasons include:

  • being a disruptive and self-serving presence in some local communities
  • opposition to real solutions to climate change
  • promotion of books such as “Behind the Green Mask: UN Agenda 21.” This book denies that climate change is a problem, advocates for the abolition of community rights, against reasonable urban livability measures, and claims that future generations should not have the right to a livable planet. This is diametrically opposite to our values, that human as well as non-human communities possess an unalienable right to a healthy life, and that we need to stop the pursuit of false climate solutions and overhaul a system that continues taking apart the living world.

While we acknowledge the Take Back Your Power documentary has been a vehicle that has raised awareness among many about the very real problems with smart meters, lack of any resolution surrounding the above issues prevent us from further promoting the film.

Discussion of solutions is important to have within the anti-smart meter movement, and in society as a whole.  After all, if we claim that “smart”meters are a false solution, and that we want to “stop smart meters” then what are the solutions we’d like to see, and why? Discussion and debate are positive, and we learn from each other when there is free exchange of ideas.

Posted in Class Issues and Social Equality, Climate Change, Environmental Concerns, Smart Grid | 6 Comments

“WTF?” Widespread Overcharging and Irregularities Reported from Utilities’ Bi-Monthly Analog Meter Reads and Estimated Billing- Tempers Flare at Washington State Forum

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Public anger erupts at a Washington State forum Tuesday night as residents react to “estimated bills” from bi-monthly meter reads.










The utilities’ latest trick to separate you from your hard-earned cash appears to be the policy of bi-monthly reading and estimated billing for analog customers. We’ve been hearing from an increasing number of people that having their meter read only every other month while utilities estimate usage based upon the previous year, has pushed electric bills into a higher tier and resulted in massively inflated bills- hitting people hard in the wallet.

Last night, anger at such blatant and widespread utility company theft boiled over in Snohomish, Washington, where dozens of angry customers clutching inflated bills confronted their local utility district directors, who have a history of ethics violations and suspicious inside deals and contracts. At times, the crowd framed the issue in terms of class differences, with directors being accused of being pampered and out of touch with working and middle class people.

It appears that bi-monthly reads and estimated bills are a trojan horse and a hidden penalty being introduced for analog customers, herding people into accepting “smart” meters. With time-of-use pricing on the horizon for many utility customers, and analog customers threatened with being forced into the highest tier, many are wondering whether the plan is to create a de facto smart meter mandate, without legal backing, based on economic coercion.

-6In December of 2014, California’s embattled Public Utilities Commission approved a smart meter “opt out” policy.  At the time, to some people, this policy appeared a kind of concession to those opting for analog meters, with a 3-year sunset on opt out fees. However, the hidden and ongoing costs associated with an estimated billing/ bi-monthly reading schedule are proving to be a “trojan horse” for higher smart meter opt out fees, the same way that some trojan horse “analog” meters contain unwanted and hidden transmitters and snooping electronics, in spite of their non-digital appearance.

Many US state regulatory commissions and municipal utilities (including in much of California) have been moving analog meter customers to bi-monthly reading schedules, ostensibly to save utilities money. However, the cost to consumers appears to be significant, as fuzzy, estimated readings boost billing totals.

Screen Shot 2016-02-17 at 6.22.59 PMThe tactic also appears to be making utility companies a tidy profit.  It remains unclear why people can’t just read the dials on their own analog meters. Then we would have billions to spend on renewable energy and other essential projects, be using safer, reliable analogs, instead of a smart grid that fails to deliver, and generates a host of new hazards.  Meanwhile, both the political and electrical distribution systems remain mired in utility corruption, profit-taking and waste, while the planet burns.

Have you been unfairly overcharged, or shoved into a higher rate bracket because of utilities cutting corners and laying off workers, bringing in bi-monthly meter reads and ‘estimated’ bills?  Do you feel discriminated against as an analog customer? Are you mad as hell and not going to take it any more? Where are you located and what issues are you dealing with in your local area?

Let us know in the comments section below, or confidentially by contacting us.

Fuzzy Math and Unfair Billing Allegations

Fuzzy Math and Unfair Billing Allegations Plaguing the “SmartGrid”

Posted in California, Citizen rebellion, Class Issues and Social Equality, Democracy, neighborhood organizing, Smart Grid | 20 Comments