Largest Mass. Electric Utility: Smart Meters “Irrational”

According to Halt MA Smart Meters, Massachusetts largest electric utility NSTAR has submitted scathing comments to the Department of Public Utilities (DPU) regarding its proposed mandate (to the utility, not the customer- there is no legal mandate for individual utility customers to accept “smart” meters on private property anywhere in the US or abroad that we are aware of- that is a myth and a lie perpetuated by utilities).

NSTAR states in its official submission to the DPU:

  • “there is no cost justification that can support the implementation of ‘smart’ meters”
  • “Smart Meters do not reduce the number of outages” 
  • “Smart metering systems are not necessary to integrate distributed resources” (wind & solar)”
  • “Smart meters introduce a brand new portal into (our) information systems, significantly increasing the cyber-security risk.”
  • “mandated implementation of (smart meters) is not a prerogative within the [DPU]’s discretion”
  • “Many customers have a deep aversion to technology that links them to the ‘grid’ in a way that they perceive as an invasion of their privacy and/ or detrimental to their health”

It is worth noting how far the “smart grid” has fallen in terms of public acceptance that now a major US utility has courageously come out and rejected “smart” meters,  complaining loudly about a state mandate even as state utilities commissions- driven by a corrupt association with the smart grid industry- continue to blindly push “smart” meter programs that have shown themselves to be a waste of public funds, a waste of energy, and a threat to our health, safety and privacy.

In California, the Public Utilities Commission was responsible for pushing the smart grid on initially reluctant investor owned utilities.  While companies like GE, Landis & Gyr, and Silver Spring Networks continue to profit handsomely from the smart meter gravy train, it’s clear that this train is stalling on an uphill grade without brakes, and we know how that story ends…..

For more information, see Halt MA Smart Meters Newsletter

NStar’s DPU  comment: HMSM highlighted version

Posted in health effects, Massachusetts, Privacy, Smart Grid | 3 Comments

Wireless Public Health Warning Cards Now in Stock!

Our 2014 Global Wireless Warning Card is now available for purchase in bulk in our online store.  This is a simple card that addresses wireless risks to health and solutions:Screen Shot 2014-02-08 at 11.13.10 AM

Screen Shot 2014-02-08 at 11.12.44 AMWhen in town, we see mothers talking on their phones right next to their babies, giving them iPads to play with.  People putting cordless phone base stations- which radiate constantly even when not in use- next to their beds.  Holding their cell phones up to their ear, in spite of the quiet warnings in the manual not to do so. People are getting cancer and many other diseases from these exposures, simply because they don’t know.

We wanted a short, concise card to hand out to people giving them the basic facts to protect their families.  Many people have no idea that this radiation is dangerous, much less what to do to protect themselves.  The cards are 4×6″, double sided and printed on 100% recycled card stock with soy ink by Inkworks Press, a high quality union print shop in Berkeley, CA.

This card contains a basic warning that state and federal governments should have been requiring on wireless products for years.

Get a stack of these cards and hand them out in your neighborhood.  Put them at the library, grocery store, your church or school.  Hand them out in front of a utility or cell phone retail store.  The virtual blackout in US mainstream media over the health impacts of wireless technology just means you and I have to do the work of getting the word out.

These cards are one way to do that- and (dare we say) very eye catching.  The day we printed them we had a stack on our table in the restaurant and people were literally coming up and asking for them.

We hope they help in your local organizing efforts and help raise awareness in your community about the problems with wireless technology- and the solutions.

Buy copies today- at cost- in our online store

If your financial situation rules out the purchase of these cards, yet you still want to distribute them please e-mail us & describe your situation.  We have a few set aside for those with low income.  If you can help translate or fund a Spanish version of this card, or thousands of these cards to be distributed- please contact us.  Thank you.

Posted in Cancer, Cell phones, Changing a Meter, Citizen rebellion, Democracy, Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, EMF Mitigation, FCC, neighborhood organizing, radio-frequency radiation, Safety, Smart Grid, Wi-Fi, World Health Organization | 8 Comments

Tuesday, We Fight Back Against Mass Surveillance

A concerned citizen dealing with the surveillance problem yesterday in Sarajevo

Data from “smart” meters  is being analyzed and accessed by the NSA and other government law enforcement agencies to monitor detailed information about what you do in your own home, violating the 4th amendment of the US Constitution.  Corporations- posing as state and federal governments- are forcing a surveillance state down the public’s throat in violation of our democratic and human rights.  Is it really that surprising when people fight back and take direct action to maintain dignity and privacy in their lives?

This Tuesday is the Day We Fight Back Against Mass Surveillance.  Plan a protest.  Talk to your neighbors.  Hold a screening of Take Back Your Power in your living room.  Remove illegal surveillance equipment.  Whatever you do, don’t give them what they want- your silence (and of course, your data).

Posted in Changing a Meter, Citizen rebellion, Democracy, legal issues, neighborhood organizing, Privacy, Smart Grid | 1 Comment

Florida Fights Back Against Utility Extortion

Screen Shot 2014-02-06 at 7.24.39 PMMore than 100 Florida Power & Light (FPL) customers who don’t want a smart meter and don’t want to pay extra to keep their old analog meters have filed two separate 60-page petitions with the Florida Public Service Commission (PSC). On Jan. 7th, the PSC gave FPL approval to charge customers who decline a smart meter a one-time $95 enrollment fee and a $13 monthly surcharge beginning in June.  Florida’s “smart” meters (pictured on the right next to a traditional, safe analog meter) wirelessly relay customer use information and are now considered FPL’s standard meter.

According to Marilynne Martin, lead organizer opposing these fees:

“We have approximately 40,000 customers who are on a postpone list or barricaded their meters. They do not want it. They did not consent to this on their home. FPL is retaliating by creating these high fees.”

No doubt about it- things are heating up in Florida and in other US states, as utilities and their commissions try to quash a growing public rebellion against “smart” meters driven by privacy, health, safety, and financial concerns.

Documents submitted to the FPSC can be downloaded at the links below in pdf:

FL PSC filing 00582-14

FL PSC petition for evidentiary hearings 00583-14

Posted in Citizen rebellion, Democracy, Fires, Florida, health effects, legal issues, neighborhood organizing, Smart Grid | 19 Comments

Health Audit of “Smart” Meters Planned in Australia

Screen Shot 2014-02-04 at 11.26.07 AMAccording to our allies at Stop Smart Meters Australia:

“Following a large number of complaints related to smart meters, Nicholas Kotsiras, Victoria’s Energy Minister, announced sweeping changes to the electrical billing system.  Of particular interest to Stop Smart Meters Australia was the announcement that Kotsiras plans to commission a top-to-bottom, independent safety audit to determine whether smart meters pose any health risks to the public.  This follows a recent review in which 69 per cent of the public’s concerns with smart meters were health related.”

Link to report of the study

Posted in Australia, Cancer, Citizen rebellion, Democracy, health effects, radio-frequency radiation, Safety, Smart Grid | Leave a comment