“Illusion of Democracy Tested” in Australia Smart Meter Return

Yesterday’s events in Australia echo those in California and other places where people have said enough is enough.  Where people have refused to give up their power to utility corporations. Refused to give up their property rights.  Refused to allow hazardous technology to damage their families.

They’re our rights.  They’re our communities. They’re our homes.

But only if we stand up and protect them.

We’re with you Jason!

Posted in Australia, California, Changing a Meter, Citizen rebellion, Democracy, neighborhood organizing | Leave a comment

Smart Meters Being Removed in Australia

Oct. 14 update:  The smart meter filmed in  these videos has been returned to Powercor, the Australian utility.  Read details of this action here.  Note that replacing/ removing electric meters can result in death or serious injury if you do not know what you are doing.  For further information see our FAQ section on ‘changing a meter’

Posted in Australia, Changing a Meter, Citizen rebellion, Democracy, neighborhood organizing, radio-frequency radiation, Smart Grid | 3 Comments

Trojan Horse Analog Meters Investigated

This meter looks like a safe analog. But it has a wireless transmitter hidden inside.

As if smart meters weren’t creepy enough, it appears that utility companies have been hiding wireless transmitters  in so-called ‘analog’ meters, without informing the public.  You might be paying hundreds of dollars a year for a meter that looks like a safe analog with a spinning disc or dials, but it is still pulsing microwave radiation.   Sound like a bait & switch scam?  It is.

Thanks to eiwellspring.org for shedding some light on the ‘trojan horse’ analog meter problem.  Aside from the identification methods in the article, the only sure fire way to make sure your analog is not a ‘trojan horse’ is to acquire an RF meter and test it yourself (something we strongly recommend in this age of wireless damage denial).

A Trojan horse ‘analog’ meter (L&G MX model) has been linked with a case of throat cancer in California that is currently the subject of litigation.  Shame on the utilities for playing such games.  It seems the little boys that created the Enron mess never grew up.

Read the whole article on stealth or trojan horse ‘analog’ meters here.

Posted in Cancer, radio-frequency radiation, Smart Grid | 20 Comments

‘Smart’ Meter Warning Stickers Now Available!

Picture 1Due to popular demand, Stop Smart Meters! has created warning stickers to spread awareness about the hazards of ‘smart’ meters and other wireless technology.  Much appreciation goes out to Zavier Cabarga for the design work, and to Amy O’Hair, who helped develop the idea.

What you don’t know CAN hurt you!  By raising awareness with these visible and Wireless Kills Stickerbold stickers, we hope to encourage people to take action to make their families and communities safer, and stand up for their rights.

The stickers are printed on high quality vinyl.  They are easy to peel, scratch-proof, weather-proof, sun-proof, and last outdoors for 3-5 years.

Disclaimer: It is your responsibility to ensure that you affix these stickers in a legal and safe manner.  Stop Smart Meters! is not liable for any misuse or mischief.

‘Smart’ Meter Warning Sticker

We’re excited to be teaming up with Take Back Your Power to distribute the Smart Meter Warning sticker.  If you haven’t yet seen (and shared!) this stunning film with your community, please spread the word: http://ykr.be/ukramryv4

Picture 1


Dimensions: 4.25” x 2.75”

Colors:  yellow and black ink on white vinyl

‘Wireless Kills’ Sticker

(fits on smartphones!)

Wireless Kills Sticker


Dimensions: 2.13” x 2.75”

Colors: black and red ink on white vinyl


If you would like to order these stickers, Take Back Your Power DVD’s, or smart meter awareness brochures, please visit Stop Smart Meters! new online store to purchase (discount for bulk orders available).

Thank you for sticking it to the smart grid!


Posted in Citizen rebellion, Democracy, EMF Mitigation, neighborhood organizing, Smart Grid | 2 Comments

NSA Data Center ‘Melts Down’– Too Much Smart Meter Data?

Picture 2

The NSA data crunching center in the Utah desert is in the headlines again.  The Guardian reports:

‘Ten meltdowns over the past 13 months have caused hundreds of thousands of dollars’ worth of damage to machinery and baffled investigators at the agency’s data storage complex in Utah, the Wall Street Journal reported on Tuesday.’

Pssst.  Hey guys…I think it’s the smart meter on the side of your building……………………..

In another sign that big wireless stupid tech is damaging the climate:

‘The NSA chose Bluffdale largely because of cheap electricity. The centre uses 65 megawatts to run computers and keep them cool, racking up more than $1m in costs per month. The first electrical surge was on August 2012. The most recent occurred last month.’

But that doesn’t stop big tech from claiming the green mantle.   And like most utilities say when a smart meter burns down your home, “wudn’t us, guvna”:

‘David Eskelson, a spokesman for Rocky Mountain Power and Pacific Corp, which supplies electricity to the centre, said it was not to blame. “Our engineers conducted detailed studies to confirm – with NSA’s concurrence – that Rocky Mountain Power’s system was not the source of any of the problems.”

And the stupid grid marches on…..

Full story: http://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/oct/08/nsa-data-centre-utah-electrical-surge

Posted in Federal Government, Fires, Privacy | Leave a comment