Warning: PG&E Installing ‘Smart’ Meters on Solar Homes

PG&E has a new ‘smart’ meter designed to go on grid-tied solar homes. Make sure your friends and family who have solar know that they need to inform the utility they do not permit this radiating surveillance device on their homes.

If you or someone you know in California has solar panels on their home and has been resting on their laurels, thinking they were safe from smart meter deployment, think again!  We’ve just received reports that PG&E has been going around installing its new solar compatible smart meters on people’s homes.  Make sure your friends and family are aware that they need to let the utility know that ‘smart’ meters are not permitted on their property.   People have also been locking their old meters up if they are not in a position to keep a watchful eye.

The bottom line is that- despite what the utility industry says- ‘smart’ meters are not necessary to increase the proportion of renewable energy in the grid.  Let’s take a look at Germany, who have largely rejected smart grid technology as a false solution to their energy problems (and are phasing out nuclear).  A colleague who recently attended a renewable energy event in Europe reports that the solar revolution is well and alive in Germany:

•  ‘This summer in Germany there were days when the total contribution of renewable energy was 61%. This is a huge amount! It is interesting that Germany is achieving this without implementing smart grid technology. In fact, they are turning away from it. It show that implementing the smart grid under the guise of “being green” is false to the core.’

• ‘The cost of solar energy is now so low that almost every new home is now being fitted with solar panels. It is cheaper than getting energy from the grid – even without subsidies. Over the next 20-40 years, this will change our world. It will be cheaper to produce energy at home than at some plant far away. The energy grid may become obsolete. Ultimately, this is what the utilities are afraid of. I think the smart grid is an attempt to delay this inevitability. ‘

Don’t let profit hungry utilities get in the way of supplying inexpensive, renewable energy to your community.  And whatever you do, don’t allow them to deploy a smart meter on your home.

RF measurements indicate that these new solar-compatible smart meters are emitting 20,000 pulses of microwave radiation every day.   The word “NEMS” at the bottom indicates this is a net metering system according to our engineer on the inside.

Wireless “Smart” Meters: Still not green, still not safe, still NOT OK.

Posted in California, PG&E | 10 Comments

Naperville IL Resident Uses Freedom of Information Request to Discover Extent of Smart Meter Privacy Violations

Most people’s lives are so intertwined with their electricity usage that inferring private, intimate details of our home lives from electrical usage data is a snap for the utilities and 3rd parties with access to this information.  For example, one can infer sexual patterns in the home by noting when two showers run at once, or the use of a hairdryer in the home of a single man.  These are details that the framers of the US Constitution certainly did not intend that the Government possess.

Naperville-based “The Truth About Smart Grids” recently analyzed the data their neighbor acquired from the Gestapo-like Naperville City Council.    They were able to infer the following from the data:

“Incidentally, for example, it appears on April 26, you got up pretty early?  You have increased energy usage starting at about 4:30 am.  Do you [normally] get up that early?  Particularly high usage from 5:45 am to 6:00 am. … Then it looks like no one was home from about 8:30 am until 3:00 pm.  You likely went to bed about 10:15.  Does that sound about right?”

The resident wrote back and was quite shocked at what I was able to deduce from just a quick scan of the information I had been sent.

Read the full story about the analysis here.

Posted in Illinois, Privacy | 2 Comments

New iPhone 5 NSA

Posted in Cell phones, Citizen rebellion, Democracy, Police, Privacy | 3 Comments

Take Back Your Power DVD’s Available for Bulk Order Through Stop Smart Meters!


The newly released documentary, Take Back Your Power, is one of the most powerful tools we have to wake up the public to the smart grid scam.  We have heard numerous stories of even die-hard smart grid supporters waking up and changing their tune after seeing the film.

That’s why Stop Smart Meters! and the Take Back Your Power team want the film to be seen and the truth understood by as many audiences as possible.  Here’s where you come in:

Due to popular demand, Stop Smart Meters! is coordinating a bulk order with new special discounted, below-wholesale rates for purchases over $100. (further discounts may apply if you distribute to local elected officials)   Please e-mail info[at]stopsmartmeters[dot]org to get the whole scoop and pricing info and how to get affordable copies to the people who need to see this film the most.

Let’s get copies of this film to decisionmakers, friends, family, your local library, Michael Peevey for Christmas….


TBYP Screenings are happening all around the world- make sure your local area is included.  For info on how to host a screening, see:  http://www.takebackyourpower.net/screenings/host-screening/   Or just invite neighbors and friends and have a screening in your living room! Screening events are also a powerful and effective way to distribute copies of the film and spread knowledge – reportedly the Sedona AZ Smart Meter Awareness group quickly sold out of their box of 100 at the screening & ordered more.

Please e-mail info[at]stopsmartmeters[dot]org for more details on bulk orders of TBYP DVD’s for advocates and groups.

View the full, September 2013 Stop Smart Meters! Bulletin

Take Back Your Power-– or just don’t give it up in the first place

Posted in Arizona, Citizen rebellion, Democracy, neighborhood organizing, Smart Grid | Leave a comment

Michigan Stop Smart Meters! Launches National Smart Meter Health Campaign

Picture 6According to Michigan SSM!:

A new national campaign is being launched in the US, culminating on October 25th, to document health damage from utility smart meters.   If you are suffering symptoms you believe are linked with a smart meter, consult a doctor and document your case.  For more information on how to participate in this mass action, see Michigan Stop Smart Meters!

Posted in health effects, legal issues, Michigan, neighborhood organizing, Physicians | 2 Comments