Protest Al Gore, Smart Meters & Silver Spring Networks Tuesday in SF


This just in from No Smart Meters SF:


What:    NO SMART METERS SF invites you to join them in a protest in front of the Herbst Theater in San Francisco this Tuesday 2/12 to bring attention to Al Gore’s advisory board capacity in Silver Spring Networks, Inc., a global smart grid technology company responsible for the transmitters and mesh networks used by SmartMeters.

Why:     Our Ex VP Al Gore left office with a mere $2 million. Since investing in “green technology” and selling his Network TV station to Al Jazeera, he now has a net worth of $300 million. He defends his wealth as consistent with savvy investment, yet we know that he is making his million$ from technology that is making people sick. We all know that there is nothing green about the SmartMeter, but most people believe the hype. The event has already SOLD OUT. Please come and add your voice to tell the “true believer$” that Al has $old out as well.

When:     Tuesday, February 12
6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
before Al’s event starts at 7:30 p.m.

Where:     Herbst Theater
401 Van Ness Avenue @ McAllister
San Francisco

To do:       Bring banners, signs, flyers, and your voices.

Contact:    Sudi Scull   415 282-8185

More information about this event:<<>>

Posted in California, Citizen rebellion, Class Issues and Social Equality, Climate Change, Democracy, Environmental Concerns, Federal Government, neighborhood organizing, San Francisco, Smart Grid | 2 Comments

Sebastopol, CA Residents Drive Off Wellington

Report from Sandi Maurer of EMF Safety Network (based in Sebastopol):

Wellington, a company contracted by PG&E, is installing Smart Meters in Sebastopol despite the fact that Sebastopol has asked for a moratorium twice; that Sebastopol council supports a Smart Meter community wide opt out; and that the CPUC has a proceeding pending to investigate the possibility of community opt-out.

This morning residents at Burbank Heights and Orchards (senior housing community) and Sebastopol residents chased off an installer, who admitted he had only two weeks training and was not an electrical contractor, which is a requirement for FCC safety conditions. 83% of the residents there opposed the meters. As he was leaving he said  he was going to file a police report, and when I brought the camera out he got in his truck and left.

Two more Wellington trucks installing gas smart meters were on Murphy Street. When I approached the two men they did not respond or answer any of questions.  They eventually packed up their stuff and left, putting the analog gas meter back together.

Smart Meter installers drive small white Wellington Ford Ranger trucks.  They are installing throughout Sebastopol now.  There were at least three trucks in town today.  It appears the installers have been instructed to vacate a scene if they are approached. They also seem to leave town if followed, rather than going to the next house to install.

Wellington installs PG&E Smart Meters

If you see an installer you can ask these questions:  Are you a licensed electrical contractor? Did you know Sebastopol asked for a moratorium on Smart Meters twice? Did you know there’s a CPUC proceeding that’s investigating a community opt- out program? Did you know that the Sebastopol council supports community opt out?

Tomorrow night Tuesday Feb 5 at 6 pm is a council meeting at the Sebastopol teen center.  We can bring this issue up at public comments and see if they can take some action to ban the meters (and enforce that ban! -ed.) after all.

Posted in California, Citizen rebellion, Democracy, EMF Mitigation, neighborhood organizing, PG&E | Leave a comment

Submit RF Comments to FCC by Wednesday

If you’ve become aware of how serious the issue of wireless/microwave proliferation is, write the Federal Communications Commission!
Deadline to submit comment:
Wednesday, February 6, 2013

From Take Back Your Power:

Why Your Comments Matter:

These proceedings allow the public to inform the FCC why it must update its RF safety guidelines in order to comply with its proposal to amend its rules to ensure that the public is appropriately protected from any potential adverse effects from RF exposure. For example, FCC’s current RF safety guidelines do not take into account published research on the biological effects brought on by the ability of RF signals to communicate with living tissue.

The last time the FCC invited public comment was July 2009. At that time, comments were dominated by industry and corporate interests, discouraging the FCC from further tightening RF radiation guidelines. Americans concerned about health and safety need to be heard on this matter.

What to Do:
Please take a few minutes to document your concerns regarding any aspects of RF radiation you are concerned about (such as needless additional RF radiation and electrosmog from “smart meters” when better technological options are available, or inadequate safety standards for wireless cell phones).

Here’s the information on how to file your official Affidavit of public comment to the FCC.  (As provided by the EMR Policy Institute and Take Back Your Power.)

Please share this with others.

Posted in Citizen rebellion, Democracy, Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity, FCC, Federal Government, radio-frequency radiation, Safety | 1 Comment

Protests Against City of Naperville Actions Planned for Feb. 5

This just in from Naperville Smart Meter Awareness:

Stand in Solidarity with Naperville
Stand for Responsible Government
Stand for Personal Property Rights
Stand for Freedom of Choice


Stand on February 5 w/ Naperville, 7pm (6:45 arrival), Council Chambers, 400 S Eagle St

Last week, our elected officials approved the use of police force to enter residents’ property against their will, destroy private property, threaten their pets and arrest mothers who were exercising their right to refuse a product without a warrant and who were documenting the events along with CBS news reports.

This may be common place in other parts of the world. In Naperville, Illinois? Not until last week.

Whatever side of the political aisle you sit on, the events of the past week require an immediate response.  Why? Because this blatant misuse of our police force reveals a much deeper problem.  The misuse of power.

On Feb 5, we are asking all NSMA supporters, both in and out of Naperville, to come to the next council meeting to Stand Up for Our Rights as residents, as parents, as property owners, as neighbors, and as voters.

Wear Red to show strength!

Bring signs in support of charges being dropped for Kim and Jen and for a no-cost opt out analog meter option (or stating whatever you feel is appropriate).

Speakers are needed for the public forum.  Please contact Jerry at kcgs101[at]hotmail[dot]com if you would like to speak.

For Residents outside of Naperville:

Continued letters to state and local government officials, news media, and posts on your facebook pages are all contributing to increasing media coverage on this event.  We request that you keep them coming.

Call Governor Quinn: 312-814-2121
Call the ACLU 312-201-9750
Call the State’s Attorney: 630-407-6500 (DuPage Co) or 815-727-8453 (Will Co)

National News:

Local Illinois:
CBS News 312-899-2222 or Breaking news Hotline 1-800-CH2-NEWS
ABC News 312-750-7777 Or Breaking News Hotline (312) 750-7070
Trib Local: mjenco[at]tribune[dot]com
The Patch: maryl[at]patch[dot]com
Naperville Sun: hbeck1997[at]yahoo[dot]com
Daily Herald: jkmitch[at]dailyherald[at]com

Don’t give up your rights.
City of Naperville = CON

Don’t be CONned or bullied into giving up your freedom.

Donate to NSMA Now

NSMA is a grass roots, community-funded organization that relies on donations from supporters like you to continue our mission of educating and advocating for Naperville residents and all of America to have the right to choose to retain their analog meters.

Help us raise $25,000 to support the active federal lawsuit filed in December 2011 and the volunteer efforts to educate the community.

Please donate now.  Email NapervilleSmartMeters[at]yahoo[dot]com to volunteer.

Those unable to attend Naperville’s protest on Tuesday are urged to plan their own protests to defend the rights of Naperville residents- and all of us- to safety, privacy, and health in our own homes.  Contact your local media!  Stand up for our constitution that is under attack!  Send us your pics!

Posted in Citizen rebellion, Illinois, Installer Threats and Assaults | 1 Comment

City of Naperville (CON) Fiscal Abuse Parallels Resident Abuse


Posted in Citizen rebellion, Illinois, Smart Grid | 1 Comment